
You will update all your knowledge regarding pulmonary circulation pathophysiology, non-invasive mechanical ventilation and transplant recipient selection”


Specialists who work assiduously with patients with respiratory failure pathologies or chronic pulmonary diseases should update their knowledge on a regular basis, since advances in these fields are constant. Particularly notable have been the developments in high-flow oxygen therapy and non-invasive mechanical ventilation following the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this program, specialists will find new ventilation modalities such as AVAPS, IVAPS or autotrack, as well as the most relevant surgical techniques and respiratory assistance in lung transplantation. Likewise, there will be an extensive review of the most recent studies on acute pulmonary thromboembolism, pulmonary hypertension, hemoptysis and pulmonary vasculitis, among other pulmonary circulation complications.

All this in a 100% online format, accessible at any time from any device with an Internet connection. This facilitates balancing the course with other professional or personal activities, without forcing specialists to attend classes or adhere to predetermined schedules. Therefore, this program is the best option to catch up on the most urgent developments in Respiratory Failure and Lung Transplantation without having to invest excessive amounts of time or effort.

A syllabus where students will be informed about respiratory rehabilitation and the most innovative therapeutic criteria to evaluate pathologies such as Pulmonary Hypertension. All this through a series of masterclasses given by a prestigious and renowned international teacher in the global level of Pneumology.

Incorporate the most important advances in lung transplantation into your daily practice, including postoperative management of complications such as infectious prophylaxis”

This postgraduate diploma in Respiratory Insufficiency and Lung Transplantation contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Pulmonology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis is placed on innovative methodologies in the approach to respiratory respiratory failure and tumors
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH employs the latest didactic methodology and the latest educational technology available to guarantee you the highest possible academic experience”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersion education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

You will be able to effectively update with the most recent studies on Respiratory Insufficiencies thanks to the great professionalism and experience of the entire teaching staff”


Take advantage of the benefits offered in this program, adapted to your demanding pace of life, as you can take it at your convenience”


This program aims to provide specialists with an exhaustive update on the most recent developments in Lung Transplantation and Respiratory Failures, also reviewing the latest research in pulmonary circulation. For this purpose, it benefits from the support a group of professors with extensive experience in the field of Pulmonology, including leadership and management expertise.


Continue to improve your professional practice thanks to the advanced studies you will have access to on the program”

General Objectives

  • Provide an update on the latest scientific evidence available in published guidelines, scientific articles and systematic reviews
  • Address the fundamental aspects for the care practice of pneumologic pathologies
  • Update knowledge of the most frequent pathologies in Pulmonology

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Respiratory Failure. Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation. High-flow Oxygen Therapy

  • Understand the pathophysiology and classification of Respiratory Failure and learn the keys to diagnosis for clinical practice
  • Provide knowledge based on the best available evidence on the various treatment options for respiratory failure, including the application and contraindications of both NIV and HFO in acute and chronic respiratory failure
  • Delve deeper into the main ventilatory modalities and asynchronies during NIMV
  • Delve into the main features and clinical benefits of high-flow oxygen therapy

Module 2. Pulmonary Circulation

  • Deepen understanding of the medical management of the most frequent pathologies affecting the pulmonary vascular tree such as venous thromboembolic disease or pulmonary hypertension
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge of other less frequent pathologies such as pulmonary vasculitis or alveolar hemorrhage

Module 3. Lung Transplant

  • Know the indications and contraindications for potential Lung Transplantation, as well as the referral criteria to a Lung Transplantation Unit
  • Possess the necessary criteria to include patients on the lung transplantation waiting list
  • Understand how donor selection and lung transplant surgical techniques are performed
  • Know how to detect possible complications derived from lung transplants that may be encountered during the review of these patients in their office or during admission to a hospital that does not have a Lung Transplant Unit
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the use of immuno-suppressive treatments and prophylaxis in Lung Transplant patients, as well as in the complications derived from them
  • Delve into the possible long-term complications of lung transplant patients
  • Know how to determine when an urgent/preferential referral to the Lung Transplant Unit is necessary

TECH assures you the best possible update, designed to meet the needs of the most demanding specialists in Respiratory Failure and Lung Transplantation”

Postgraduate Diploma in Respiratory Failure and Lung Transplantation

Respiratory failure is a serious condition in which the lungs cannot function properly, affecting breathing and oxygenation of the body. Lung transplantation is a treatment option for patients with advanced respiratory failure, giving them a new lease on life and improving their quality of life. If you want to specialize in this field, at TECH Global University you will find the ideal program that will help you fulfill this purpose. The Postgraduate Diploma in Respiratory Failure and Lung Transplantation is an online postgraduate program, characterized by its avant-garde methodology focused on improving health care practice in this field. The syllabus, designed by a team of highly qualified teachers, includes the most updated concepts in the market and the most innovative study methods. Thus, you will delve into the causes and risk factors of respiratory failure, addressing chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung diseases.

Get trained in respiratory failure and lung transplantation.

Replacing damaged or diseased lungs with healthy lungs from a deceased donor is a procedure that requires extensive skills and knowledge to be performed successfully. In this postgraduate course at TECH we focus on providing you with the latest tools so that you can specialize in this area in an agile and efficient way. Through our system of online and asynchronous classes, you will study the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic respiratory failure, including the use of mechanical ventilation and other respiratory support therapies. You will also delve into the evaluation of candidates for lung transplantation, the different types of lung transplantation, the process of organ donation or transplantation, and immunosuppression after transplantation. Finally, you will address the challenges and complications associated with lung transplantation, as well as postoperative care and rehabilitation strategies.