
Get up to date on the methods of vision correction currently being applied, from eyeglasses and contact lenses to surgical options such as corneal or intra ocular refractive surgery”


The alternatives currently available for vision correction and eye health improvement are diverse and increasingly effective, thanks to their specificity and high level of personalized treatment based on the needs of each patient. Refractive corneal reshaping surgery with laser beams, the insertion of artificial lenses or the use of glasses or contact lenses are some of the most widely used techniques that are obtaining the best results. 

In order for specialists in this field to learn in detail the latest advances related to the most modern and effective Vision Correction Alternatives, TECH has designed this intensive and avant-garde program, adapted to the scientific evidence in the field of optics and optometry. The fact is that the completion of this program will help the graduate to broaden their knowledge in a comprehensive manner and to improve their skills in a significant way in their daily clinical practice. 

The postgraduate certificate is developed in 6 weeks and is distributed in 150 hours of the best theoretical and additional material, presented in various formats, so that the doctor can delve into each section of the content that considers most relevant or interesting for the development of a better professional practice In addition, the fact that it is 100% online will allow you to take this academic experience in a personalized way, not only in terms of schedule, but also in terms of access methodology, since it is fully compatible with any device with Internet connection, whether tablet, PC or cell phone. It is, therefore, a unique option to get up to date with the best experts and with the guarantee of the largest online medical school in the world. 

You will be able to delve into LASIK and PRK surgeries in a comprehensive manner, as well as their indications, procedures and the latest developments related to possible complications”

This postgraduate certificate in Vision Correction Alternatives contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important 
features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Ocular Optics
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH will provide you with all the tools you need so that you can update your knowledge from wherever you want and with a schedule totally adapted to your availability” 

The program’s teaching team includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

You will have an exclusive section dedicated to the principles of ocular correction through different methods: glasses, contact lenses, intra ocular lenses, etc"


A postgraduate certificate adapted to the cutting edge of Optometry with which you will be able to master your skills in handling optical technology and its multiple tools"


The objective of this program is no other than to provide the student with all the academic tools that will allow them to achieve their own goals in the professional sector in which they work, in this case Ocular Optics. TECH and its team of experts have invested dozens of hours in creating a complete, up-to-date, comprehensive and top-quality qualification, adapted to the most demanding market specifications. Therefore, by completing the program, the student will have managed to master all the necessary skills to ensure that they have the most up-to-date knowledge related to current Vision Correction Alternatives. 



Get up to date on the types of lenses that are currently achieving the best results, from phakic to pseudophakic"

General Objectives

  • Present the optical principles of vision correction in the different corrective alternatives 
  • Describe the optical properties of corrective lenses 

Specific Objectives

  • Present the optical principles of vision correction in the different corrective alternatives 
  • Describe the optical properties of corrective lenses 
  • Understand the most important aspects of contact lens correction 
  • Describe LASIK and PRK surgery, its indications, procedures and complications 
  • Describe intraocular surgery using phakic lenses, its indications, procedures and complications 
  • Describe pseudophakic intraocular lens surgery, its indications, procedures and complications 

You will have 6 weeks to complete the 150 hours of content, so you will be able to distribute the time comfortably and totally adapted to your availability”

Postgraduate Certificate in Vision Correction Alternatives


Visual health is one of the most important areas of our lives. In fact, many people experience vision problems throughout their lives and require the help of specialized professionals. At TECH Global University we have designed a Postgraduate Certificate in Vision Correction Alternatives, focused on providing comprehensive and updated training on the different therapeutic options in the area of vision correction. You will have the opportunity to update your knowledge about the different types of visual problems and the correction techniques available in the market. In addition, you will delve into the particularities to be taken into account in the adaptation of progressive lenses, the management of the prescription of contact lenses or the selection of the same according to the characteristics of the patient; and the application of the latest techniques in the field of vision therapy for the treatment of certain binocular disorders.

Update your knowledge in vision correction


Using an internationally successful educational paradigm where advanced teaching methodologies, cutting-edge multimedia and the experience of qualified teachers converge, we offer you a degree of excellence in which you can choose the time and place of study that best suits you. Our study plan makes use of state-of-the-art graphic, audiovisual and interactive material, which you will have within reach of any device connected to the internet. The syllabus will introduce you to the most important aspects of visual correction, from the most basic concepts to the most complex ones. Thanks to this, you will be at the forefront of the latest trends and advances in the field of vision correction, which will allow you to develop your professional skills and improve your job opportunities. What are you waiting for to enroll? Do it now and be part of the largest digital academic community in the world, we are waiting for you!