Why study at TECH?

Integrate the latest developments in geographic information systems into your practice and create accurate maps with vector and raster models”


The application of new digital technologies has revolutionized the geomatics sector. Therefore, the emergence of disruptive software in the area of geographic information systems has enabled professionals in this field to incorporate tools that can facilitate and make their work more precise. This Postgraduate diploma responds to this situation, providing the engineer with the most innovative techniques.

In this way, this qualification provides an in-depth study of issues such as cartographic projections, geodesy, the UTM coordinate system, cadastral valuation, urban planning legislation, positioning systems, types of data viewers, and an analysis of the differences between heavy and light clients and the vector model, among many others.

This is achieved through a flexible online learning system that allows the student to choose the time and place to study, while enjoying numerous multimedia contents such as lectures, practical exercises, multimedia summaries or explanatory videos.

Learn about all the possibilities offered by geographic information systems thanks to this Postgraduate diploma”

This Postgraduate diploma in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Topography, Civil Engineering and Geomatics
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Geographical Information Systems are a basic part of the field of geomatics. Gain in-depth knowledge of them with this specialized program”

The teaching staff of this program includes professionals from the industry, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

TECH 100% online methodology will allow you to study without affecting your career. Don't think twice and enroll now” 


Gain in-depth knowledge in the vector model in order to create the best topographic maps” 


This Postgraduate diploma in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) is comprised of 4 modules, each one divided into 10 topics, which delve into questions such as orthometrics, topographic methods, visualization of elements in QGIS, the vector model, the superimposition of layers of different coverages with QGIS, the raster model or positioning in mobile devices, among many others.

formacion online sig sistemas informacion geografica

This syllabus contains the best knowledge in Geographic Information Systems. Don't wait any longer. This is the opportunity you were looking for”

Module 1. Expert Topography

1.1. Classic Topography

1.1.1. Total Station Stationing Automatic Monitoring Total Station Measurement without a Prism

1.1.2. Coordinate Transformation
1.1.3. Topographic Methods Free Stationing Measuring Distance Stakeout Area Calculation Remote Height

1. 2. Cartography

1.2.1. Cartographic Projections
1.2.2. UTM Projection
1.2.3. System of UTM Coordinates

1.3. Geodesy

1.3.1. Geoid and Ellipsoid
1.3.2. The Datum
1.3.3. System of Coordinates
1.3.4. Types of Elevations Height of the Geoid Ellipsoid Orthometric

1.3.5. Geodetic Reference Systems
1.3.6. Leveling Networks

1.4. Geopositioning

1.4.1. Satellite Positioning
1.4.2. Errors
1.4.3. GPS
1.4.4. GLONAS
1.4.5. Galileo
1.4.6. Positioning Methods Static Static-Rapid RTK Real Time

1.5. Photogrammetry and LIDAR Techniques

1.5.1. Photogrammetry
1.5.2. Digital Elevation Model
1.5.3. LIDAR

1.6. Property-Oriented Topography

1.6.1. Measuring Systems
1.6.2. Boundaries Types Regulation Administrative Boundaries

1.6.3. Easements
1.6.4. Segregation, Division, Grouping and Aggregation

1.7. Property Registration

1.7.1. Cadaster
1.7.2. Property Registration Organization Registration Discrepancies

1.7.3. Notary

1.8. Expert Test

1.8.1. Expert Evidence
1.8.2. Requirements for Being an Expert
1.8.3. Types
1.8.4. Expert Role
1.8.5. Property Delimitation Tests

1.9. Expert Report

1.9.1. Steps Before the Report
1.9.2. People Involved in the Expert Procedure Judge-Magistrate Judicial Secretary Procurators Lawyers Plaintiff and Defendant

1.9.3. Parts of the Expert Report

Module 2. Geopositioning

2.1. Geopositioning

2.1.1. Geopositioning
2.1.2. Objectives of the Positioning
2.1.3. Earth Movements Translation and Rotation Precession and Nutation Pole Movements

2.2. Georeferencing Systems

2.2.1. Reference Systems International Terrestrial Reference Systems. ITRS Local Reference Systems. ETRS 89 (European Datum)

2.2.2. Reference Framework International Territorial Reference Framework. ITRF International GNSS Reference Framework. Materialization of ITRS

2.2.3. International Ellipsoids of Revolution GRS-80 and WGS-84

2.3. Positioning Mechanisms or Systems

2.3.1. GNSS Positioning
2.3.2. Mobile Positioning
2.3.3. WLAN Positioning
2.3.4. Wi-Fi Positioning
2.3.5. Celestial Positioning
2.3.6. Submarine Positioning

2.4. GNSS Technologies

2.4.1. Types of Satellite According to Orbit Geostations Medium Orbit Low Orbit

2.4.2. Multiconstellation GNSS Technologies NAVSTAR Constellation GALILEO Constellation Phases and Carrying Out the Project

2.4.3. GNSS Clock or Oscillator

2.5. Augmentation Systems

2.5.1. Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS)
2.5.2. Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS)
2.5.3. Assisted GNSS (A-GNSS)

2.6. Propagation of the GNSS Signal

2.6.1. GNSS Signal
2.6.2. Atmosphere and Ionosphere Elements of Wave Propagation Behavior of the GNSS Signal Ionospheric Effect Ionospheric Models

2.6.3. Troposphere Tropospheric Refraction Tropospheric Models Tropospheric Delays

2.7. GNSS Error Sources

2.7.1. Satellite and Orbit Errors
2.7.2. Atmospheric Errors
2.7.3. Errors in Signal Reception
2.7.4. Errors due to External Devices

2.8. Observation and GNSS Positioning Techniques

2.8.1. Observation Methods By Type of Observable Code Observable/Pseudo Distances Phase Observable According to Receptor Action Static Kinematic According to Moment in Which the Calculation is Done Post-Process Real Time According to the Type of Solution Absolute Relative/ Difference According to Time of Observation Static Static-Rapid Kinematic RTK Kinematic

2.8.2. Precise Point Positioning PPP Principles Advantages and Disadvantages Errors and Corrections

2.8.3. Differential GNSS Kinematics in RTK Real Time NTRIP Protocol NMEA Standard

2.8.4. Types of Receptors

2.9. Analysis of Results

2.9.1. Statistical Analysis of Results
2.9.2. Test After Adjustment
2.9.3. Error Detection Internal Reliability Baarda Test

2.9.4. Error Figures

2.10. Positioning of Mobile Devices

2.10.1. A-GNSS Positioning Systems
2.10.2. Location-Based System
2.10.3. Satellite-Based Systems
2.10.4. CELL ID Mobile Phone
2.10.5. Wi-Fi Networks

Module 3. Geographical Information Systems

3.1. Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

3.1.1. Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
3.1.2. Differences Between CAD and a GIC
3.1.3. Types of Data Visualizers (Heavy or Light Clients)
3.1.4. Types of Geographical Data Geographic Information

3.1.5. Geographical Representations

3.2. Visualization of Elements in QGIS

3.2.1. QGIC Installation
3.2.2. Visualization of Data with QGIS
3.2.3. Labelled Data with QGIS
3.2.4. Overlaying Layers of Different Coverages with QGIS
3.2.5. Maps Parts of a Map

3.2.6. Printing a Plan with QGIS

3.3. Vector Model

3.3.1. Types of Vector Geometries
3.3.2. Attribute Tables
3.3.3.  Topology Topological Rules Application of Topologies in QGIS Application of Database Topologies

3.4. Vector Model. Operators

3.4.1. Functional Criteria
3.4.2. Spatial Analysis Operators
3.4.3. Examples of Geospatial Operations

3.5. Generation of a Data Model with a Database

3.5.1. Installation of PostgreSQL and POSTGIS
3.5.2. Creation of a Geospatial Database with PGAdmin
3.5.3. Elements Creation
3.5.4. Geospatial Consultations with POSTGIS
3.5.5. Visualization of Elements of a Database with QGIS
3.5.6. Maps Server Types and Creation of Maps Server with Geoserver Types of WMS/WFS Data Services Visualization of Services in QGIS

3.6. Raster Model

3.6.1. Raster Model
3.6.2. Color Bands
3.6.3. Storage in Databases
3.6.4. Raster Calculator
3.6.5. Image Pyramids

3.7. Raster Model. Operations

3.7.1. Image Georeferencing Control Points

4.7.2. Raster Functionalities Surface Functions Distance Function Reclassification Functions Superposition Analysis Functions Statistical Analysis Functions Selection Functions

3.7.3. Loading Raster Data into a Database

3.8. Practical Applications of Raster Data

3.8.1. Application in the Agrarian Sector
3.8.2. MDE Treatment
3.8.3. Automation of Element Classification on a Raster
3.8.4. Treatment of LIDAR Data

3.9. Open Data

3.9.1. Open Street Maps (OSM) Cartographic Editing and Community

3.9.2. Obtaining Free Vector Mapping
3.9.3. Obtaining Free Raster Mapping

experto universitario sig sistemas informacion geografica

A unique, key and decisive training experience to boost your professional development” 


Postgraduate Diploma in GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a key tool in the field of geolocation and spatial data analysis. These systems are used in multiple sectors such as urban planning, land management, environment, agriculture, among others. If you want to specialize in this area so demanded in the modern labor market, TECH Global University has the ideal option for you. The Postgraduate Diploma in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is an online postgraduate program, through which you will learn the most relevant and up-to-date aspects of this field. In this program, you will be taught by professionals specialized in the field, who will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand the most advanced technologies in this field. We will teach you how to use the different GIS software, as well as the application of spatial analysis techniques and statistics for decision making.

Learn about Geographic Information Systems

Today's labor market is constantly changing and evolving, so the use of advanced technologies such as GIS is becoming increasingly relevant in a wide variety of sectors. Our Postgraduate Diploma will provide you with the necessary training to excel in this field and become a highly qualified candidate in the labor market. You will obtain a university certificate that will endorse your skills and knowledge, which will allow you to access a greater number of job opportunities. The rigor of the content, coupled with a 100% online methodology, make this educational offer an infallible opportunity to add competencies to your career, amplifying your knowledge in the field of Geographic Information Systems. Upon graduation, you will be a Postgraduate Diploma in integrating geographic information with other data sources to generate innovative and efficient solutions.