
A 100% online postgraduate diploma that will allow you in 6 months to be aware of School Violence in the different educational stages”


The intensification of physical and verbal aggression in the classroom has spread in recent years to digital spaces thanks to new information and communication technologies. Thus, traditional bullying has moved on to cyberbullying, which wreaks even more havoc on the victim. A difficult situation to address by teachers who require the necessary tools and knowledge to be able to prevent such acts and intervene in case they happen.

A problem that requires a thorough analysis of each situation, the ability to detect it and resources to adequately plan a process of action to find effective solutions. Thus, this postgraduate diploma in School Violence, which leads the teaching professional to an advanced learning in this field.

It is an intensive 6-month program, where students will get a quality education on the basis of the conflict from a scientific basis, the detection of bullying, the different manifestations or concepts such as stalking or grooming and the risks they pose to children. All this, in addition, with innovative pedagogical tools based on video summaries of each topic, multimedia pills or simulations of study scenarios, accessible 24 hours a day, from any digital device with Internet connection.

In addition, thanks to the Relearning system, the graduates will progressively advance through the syllabus, consolidating the new contents covered and thus reducing the long hours of study and memorization.

An excellent opportunity to obtain a high-level education through a flexible university program. And the fact is that, without the need to go to any center in person, or have classes with fixed schedules, students have greater freedom to self-manage their study time and reconcile this university proposal with their daily professional and personal activities.

A unique academic option, which adapts to your agenda and motivation for career progression in the education sector”

This postgraduate diploma in School Violence contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychopathology
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A program that will lead you to improve your classroom climate and manage the relationship with the family in a context of school conflict”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Thanks to this university program you will be able to apply the most effective tools to prevent bullying"


A postgraduate diploma that will help you unravel the complexity of the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying"


This postgraduate diploma will lead students to obtain intensive learning about the various manifestations of violence in schools, its approach and existing legal regulations. To achieve this goal, TECH provides multimedia teaching materials and case studies that provide effective strategies and methodologies for addressing such conflicts in educational spaces. A unique opportunity to obtain a quality teaching and of great practical utility.


In this program you will deepen in the different conflict detection plans, their analysis and existing support resources for teachers”

General Objectives

  • Deepen in the prevention and intervention in school bullying
  • Delve into the different areas in which bullying has an impact
  • Offer a system of in-depth study for a comprehensive approach to school bullying
  • Inquire into the educational, psychological, social and legal aspects of school bullying
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the relationship between bullying and its psychological consequences
  • Describe school conflict management, assertive communication and problem solving tools
  • Explain the tools to know how to prevent school bullying
  • Explain the tools to know how to intervene in school bullying
  • Enable to work collaboratively with all the actors involved in bullying

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Conflict as the basis of bullying

  • Deepen in what is a school conflict
  • Describe the main types of school conflicts
  • Learn about the role of students in school conflict
  • Delve into the role of teachers in school conflict
  • Understand the importance of the school in dealing with school conflicts
  • Get to know the situation of the family in a context of school conflict
  • Learn how to approach a school conflict

Module 2. School violence: Bullying and Cyberbullying

  • Delve deeper into what bullying is
  • Identify the types of Bullying
  • Learn about the profiles involved in school bullying
  • Deepen the role of the bullying action protocol
  • Describe the role of parents in school bullying
  • Develop the role of the center in school bullying
  • Understand the role of teachers in school bullying

Module 3. Law as applied to bullying

  • Delve into the existing laws on child protection
  • Deepen in the preventive and punitive legal measures
  • Get to know responses to bullying from civil law at the international level
  • Explain responses to bullying from international criminal law
  • Describe the legal responsibility of the child
  • Point out the legal responsibility of the parents
  • Inquire into the legal responsibility of the school
  • Understand the legal liability of teachers

Get all the theoretical and practical tools you need to successfully deal with a school conflict”

Postgraduate Diploma in School Violence

School violence is a problem that is occurring more and more frequently in the educational environment. Students, teachers and parents face the challenge of creating safe and healthy environments in educational institutions. At TECH Global University we are aware of the need to address this problem from a comprehensive and updated perspective, therefore, we have designed the most complete and updated Postgraduate Diploma in School Violence in the educational panorama. In this virtual program, different topics related to school violence will be addressed, among them, the identification and prevention of violent behavior, the management of bullying situations and the promotion of peaceful coexistence in the classroom. In addition, tools will be provided for early detection and addressing situations of school violence, in order to ensure an effective and timely response to such situations.

Train yourself in preventing and addressing school violence

Preventing and addressing school violence is fundamental to create safe and healthy educational environments, and to ensure the well-being and development of students. At TECH we are committed to providing you with the best tools so that you can specialize in preventing and addressing school violence. Our teachers are experts in the field and have extensive experience in the implementation of school violence prevention programs in different educational contexts. All the pedagogical content will be available on a virtual teaching platform, 24 hours a day, which will allow you to take the Postgraduate Certificate in the schedule that best suits you. This program is based on a dynamic and participatory methodology, which will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to intervene in situations of school violence. What are you waiting for to enroll? Make the decision and do it now, we are waiting for you!