
Delve into all aspects of Epidemiological Surveillance thanks to the best theoretical and practical contents” 


One of the most important disciplines in veterinary medicine is epidemiology, which is responsible for the health and welfare of animal populations.
Hence, experts in areas such as Epidemiological Surveillance are increasingly in demand for their specific knowledge in one of the best preventive measures, which is based on the collection and interpretation of results and reports, for the subsequent management and search for solutions. 

This is the reason why TECHhas designed a Postgraduate diploma in Epidemiological Surveillance, to generate specialized skills and knowledge in students, so that they are able to face their work in this field with the maximum possible efficiency. To achieve this, this curriculum has a content that addresses issues such as the Determinants of Disease, Data Collection, Population Studies, Animal

Handling or Safety Reports, among other relevant issues. 
All this, through the most complete multimedia materials, information based on the most rigorous and updated sources, as well as the latest teaching technologies. In addition, under a comfortable 100% online modality that allows the student to carry out the process with total freedom, without time limits, without the need to travel and without affecting their other daily obligations. 

Become an expert in Epidemiological Surveillance in a few months” 

This Postgraduate diploma in Epidemiological Surveillance contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Epidemiological Surveillance
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Acquire specific knowledge on Population Studies and Animal Management”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

From the first day you will have complete availability of all the materials in the Virtual Campus"


Delve into Crisis Management and Risk-Benefit Analysis without leaving home.” 


The objective of this Postgraduate diploma in Epidemiological Surveillance is to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to face their professional future, carrying out the highest quality and efficient work.   All this, through the most updated and dynamic theoretical and practical materials. 

cursos vigilancia epidemiologica

Reach your most demanding objectives, thanks to the most practical and dynamic multimedia materials in the academic market”  

General Objectives

  • Generate specialized knowledge in the design and interpretation of a clinical trial 
  • Examine the key features of clinical trials 
  • Analyze key analytical concepts in clinical trials 
  • Justify decisions made to solve problems 
  • Evaluate behavioral aspects and standardized procedures of clinical trials 
  • Review legislation on analytical, toxico-pharmacological and clinical standards and Protocols for veterinary drug testing 
  • Assess the regulatory environment in relation to clinical trials  
  • Develop standards for veterinary clinical trials  
  • Generate specialized knowledge to carry out clinical research  
  • Establish the correct methodology for conducting veterinary clinical trials  
  • Develop advanced knowledge for the development of a protocol for the conduct of a clinical trial with veterinary drugs 
  • Analyze the structure of the different regulatory agencies and organizations and their attributions 
  • Correctly manage the documentation generated in the framework of the application, follow-up and completion of a veterinary clinical trial 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Applied Epidemiology in Veterinary Clinical Trials 

  • Develop autonomy to participate in research projects and scientific collaborations in the field of clinical trials and in interdisciplinary contexts 
  • Examine the different databases, their validation and the different tools for data management in clinical trials 
  • Apply problem solving techniques in the creation and development of clinical trials under the scientific method and new environments 
  • Properly elaborate structured projects focused on clinical and epidemiological trial activity 
  • Generate the integration of knowledge to face the formulation of judgments and conclusions generated in the studies 
  • Analyze the processes that allow the introduction of new veterinary medication in the market, as well as to incorporate the ethical principles involved 

Module 2. Genetic Diseases in Veterinary Clinical Trials (VCT) Veterinary Genetic Epidemiology

  • Determine groups of individuals and examine population parameters useful in genetic epidemiology studies 
  • Analyze the factors and elements in the epidemiological triad 
  • Demonstrate the contribution of triad factors to genetic disease to expose and justify their applicability to epidemiological studies 
  • Establish agent-disease causality relationships 
  • Analyze data and recognize and control sources of bias to differentiate between studies 
  • Compile data and generate incidence and prevalence measures from raw data 
  • Formalize disease-exposure association tests 
  • Present, propose and implement different appropriate designs in relation to observational data 

Module 3. Approach to Veterinary Clinical Trials in Different Veterinary Settings Laboratories and Farms 

  • Examine, step by step, quality assurance and best practices in the application and production of vaccines 
  • Develop good clinical practices to regulate personnel and aspects involved in studies 
  • Manage field trials, demonstrate safety and efficacy in terms of environmental conditions, care and possible adverse reactions 
  • Properly elaborate tests in different areas and give solidity to the sampling method 
  • Apply different recommendations to assess exposure to different pathogens and collect quantitative information in order to develop study and work patterns 
  • Analyze the processes that can lead to the emergence of resistance to antimicrobial agents and know how to collect therapeutic information to produce results

Module 4. Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoeconomics 

  • Determine the responsibilities of the monitor within the pharmacovigilance system (DDPS) and the responsibilities of the Qualified Person for Pharmaco Vigilance (QPPV)
  • Correctly analyze and present safety reviews of veterinary products 
  • Determine the importance of health economics through the economic medicine evaluation 
  • Design and perform cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, cost-utility and cost-minimization analyses Uncover potentially hidden costs: hospitalization days, concomitant medication, treatment of adverse effects, complementary tests, etc 
especializacion online vigilancia epidemiologica

A unique opportunity to gain a professional position in one of the most powerful areas of the veterinary field”  

Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiological Surveillance

Epidemiological Surveillance is a task that has gained relevance due to the events that have taken place in recent years. The collection of data with the purpose of identifying health problems that may represent a risk for the population is fundamental to guarantee a good quality of life for people. In this sense, it is necessary that veterinary professionals are trained and updated at a professional, scientific and technical level to perform adequately in the field of Veterinary Clinical Trials (VCT). At TECH Global University we offer a Postgraduate Diploma course specially designed to deepen the knowledge and skills that will allow you to develop in this specialized field.

Become an expert in animal health

The main objective of this Postgraduate Diploma program in Epidemiological Surveillance is to develop in veterinary professionals a specialized knowledge that allows them to handle new methods of detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect both animal and human species. It also aims to train students in the correct interpretation of epidemiological results and reports, with ethical responsibility as a principle. After completing this course, the graduate will be able to propose and implement actions and clinical trials with the purpose of promoting animal health promotion and prevention. In this way, they will not only contribute with valuable contributions to the field of epidemiological research and surveillance, but will also demonstrate their quality work and promote the growth of their professional profile.

Get your degree at the university with the largest School of Veterinary Medicine in the world

At TECH Global University we have the most complete and innovative curriculum in the sector. With this program, you will be trained through the study and resolution of real cases in simulated environments along with the best techniques and tools focused on online learning. In this way, you will have at your fingertips a complete and concrete program that is highly self-manageable and adjusts to the needs of our students and makes it compatible with the goals and life projects of people who are immersed in the working world.