
Dr. Oscar Alberto Vasquez Gamarra is a leading specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology. Throughout his professional career he has been part of various units in renowned hospitals.  

After completing his residency, he decided to focus on the Specialization of Upper Limb Surgery. Thanks to his wide experience and skills in this area, he has been invited to participate in relevant congresses within his field. In addition to his clinical practice, he has had the opportunity to teach at the medical school of recognized university institutions. 

  • Head of the Upper Limb Unit at the Lima Este Vitarte Hospital. 
  • Attending Physician of Traumatology at the Jesus del Norte Clinic.  
  • Attending Physician of Traumatology at the Santa María del Sur Clinic.  
  • Attending Physician of Traumatology at the C.M.I. Dr. Enrique Martin Altuna 
  • Attending Physician at Sistema de Transporte Asistido de Emergencia-STAE (Emergency Assisted Transport System)  
  • Attending Physician at C.M.I. Dr. Enrique Martin Altuna  
  • Attending Physician at the Policlínico María Graña O, Surco   
  • Professor at the Faculty of Human Medicine, University of Piura. 
  • PhD in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ricardo Palma University. 
  • Master in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Autonomous University of Barcelona. 
  • Surgeon by the University of Mendoza 
  • Diploma in Medical Emergencies, San Luis Gonzaga University. 
  • Diploma in Quality Management of Health Services, Daniel Alcides Carrión National University. 
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