
Daniela Neves Leal stands out within the professional field for her wide knowledge and more than outstanding praxis development, being an expert in areas such as Sleep Apnea, Facial Paralysis and Orthognathic Surgery. From her point of view she brings additional information to the diagnostic and treatment processes, intervening in a timely manner in the patient with Sleep Disorders.  

In addition, he has complemented his career with the field of Orthodontics, performing surgical procedures in patients with mouth breathing problems, a pathology that prevents the reconciliation of sleep. Thus, her management is more than excellent, which is why she is on her way to becoming one of the best professionals in her field.  

  • Speech Therapy Specialist at the Gonzalez and Campos Clinic
  • Degree in Speech Therapy from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Master's Degree in Advances in Speech Therapy Intervention from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Master's Degree in Orofacial Motricity from the University of Manresa
  • Postgraduate in Rehabilitation with the RPM method
  • Spanish Ambassador of the TBI technique
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