
Dr. Maite Herráiz Bayod is one of the leading exponents in the field of Digestive Oncology. Her leadership capacity and her passion for research have allowed her to hold positions of maximum responsibility in prestigious clinical centers such as the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. 

In addition, she is a voice of authority in this medical area, holding the position of President of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SEED). Her excellent work in this field is due to her extensive academic career, which has allowed her to develop professionally in the Scientific Field where she has focused her studies on the prevention of tumors, mainly in the colon, and the management of forms of Hereditary Digestive Cancer through advanced endoscopy.  

Herráiz Bayod has developed new genomic tools for the diagnosis of hereditary cancer using massive sequencing techniques. Also, among his objectives is the implementation of the role of liquid biopsy in the early detection of cancer.  

  • Head of the Unit of Prevention and High Risk of Digestive Tumors at the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. 
  • President of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SEED).
  • Postdoctoral stay at the High Risk Digestive Tumor Consultation of the Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University.
  • Medical Specialist of the Digestive Department at the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. 
  • Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Navarra, Spain 
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