
Jane Francis is a renowned designer and visionary with an impressive career in the fashion industry. In the late 1980s, she founded her own brand, dedicated to crafting exquisite garments from sustainable Australian merino wool, hand-woven with local materials. In addition to textiles, she has ventured into jewelry and revolutionary genderless collections. Today, her pieces are an international sensation gracing the pages of magazines such as Vogue and sold in stores such as Liberty, Hyper-Hyper, Harrods in London, Saks and Patricia Field in New York.

Also, for more than a decade, she collaborated with the legendary Vivienne Westwood, a pioneer in advocating climate justice through fashion. During that period, she orchestrated iconic runway presentations and created unique items for the activist's Gold and Red collections. According to several industry critics, her focus on textile prints, accessories and footwear has left an indelible mark on Westwood's own legacy.

Drawing on her extensive experience, Jane Francis has developed numerous short undergraduate and postgraduate programs related to the creation of accessories and footwear. In 2012, she co-wrote and developed the groundbreaking BA (Hons) Jewellery Fashion course, further cementing her reputation as an influential figure in education and the fashion industry. She has also lectured extensively around the world, including in places such as Moscow, Mexico City and Istanbul. In addition, she is the leader of the Fashion Products Pathway at Parsons School of Design in New York.

Along with these activities, this expert combines her duties with freelance consulting, styling and photography, collaborating with several international Fashion brands and designers. In 2018, she founded Thecovertroom, a dynamic gallery and exhibition space that serves as a platform for emerging, marginalized and underrepresented practitioners globally, as well as LGBTQ+ communities, with a presence in New York, London and Australia.

  • Director of BFA Fashion Design at Parsons School of Design, New York, U.S.A.
  • International Fashion Designer for several brands
  • Thecovertroom project leader
  • Fashion consultant in independent consulting, styling and photography
  • Contributor to the Gold and Red collections of designer Vivienne Westwood
  • Founder of an Australian sustainable merino wool garment artisan workshop
  • Master's Degree in Art Design and Communication in Higher Education from the University of the Arts London
  • Member of:
    • The Higher Education Academy of the UK
Programmes in collaboration with

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