
Delve into the trends and opportunities for digital transformation as a necessity that influences your organization's customers” 

##IMAGE## The CDO is the professional figure who will exponentially project the digital development of the organization for which he works. They will also be responsible for the company's adaptation to the new digital environments in terms of communication and advertising. In this sense, the expert manager must master knowledge in e-commerce, digital analytics, Marketing, or the brand-new universe of Social Media without forgetting business management.

To achieve this, TECH offers a hybrid professional master’s degree MBA in Digital Transformation (CDO, Chief Digital Officer) for business professionals seeking to lead the company's digitization process. The agenda of this program ranges from the implementation of process automation and integration with customers and suppliers to the knowledge of behavioral trends in users, as well as the new communication that all companies will have to face. In addition, with it, the manager will be able to master the systems to establish the Digital Strategy through a 360º vision applied to the customer experience and the internal experience in the company.

In addition, TECH 100% online teaching methodology allows total flexibility to students, so they can combine the program with all kinds of professional and personal responsibilities. In this theoretical and practical degree, a study without fixed schedules is proposed through online content, which can be enjoyed anytime. Likewise, all the content provided in the first instance will also be developed in practice with the clinical stay of 3 weeks that the CDO will be able to enjoy.  

The practical training and the theoretical period will be guided at all times by a specific tutor with high skills in digital transformation and attached to the company where the commercial specialist develops their internship. This allows students to apply updated knowledge and techniques in a real environment. A space in which to contextualize all the theoretical information acquired and have the support of professionals with years of experience in the sector. 

"Take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in MBA in Digital Transformation (CDO, Chief Digital Officer)" 

This hybrid professional master’s degree in MBA in Digital Transformation (CDO, Chief Digital Officer) contains the most complete and updated program on the market. Its most outstanding features are:

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by professionals with extensive experience in Management Consulting, committed to generating a true partnership with their clients
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Model and design business processes using BPM methodology, creating process maps and process documentation 
  • Develop of a strategic vision to lead the processes of change in innovation management and Digital Transformation 
  • Domain the Digital Strategy, understanding with a 360º vision, applied to the customer and as well as to the internal experience in the company 
  • Acquire a strategic vision and the ability to define a marketing plan, through an exhaustive analysis of the tools to be used in: social networks, influencers,
  • marketing, email marketing, SEO positioning, mobile marketing and ASO, paid-media campaigns, affiliate marketing, programmatic advertising, loyalty programs and cobranding actions
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best centers on the international scene

Be part of the digital revolution in internal and external communication and update your management skills with 10 high-quality academic modules”

In this hybrid professional master’s degree program, of professionalizing character and hybrid learning modality, the program is aimed at updating CDO professionals who aspire to include all the updated knowledge in their organization. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into professional practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of the tools that will allow the specialist to approach business marketing towards the new trends of social networks and immediacy.

Thanks to the multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology,they will allow the digital sector professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Incorporate strategic management models into your daily practice and manage your company's processes successfully"


Apply the knowledge in Design Thinking so that you can participate in the innovation of your Startup's processes"

Why our program?

Unlike other educational programs on the market, TECH offers you the possibility of combining the study of the contents of thishybrid professional master’s degree in two fundamental stages. The first one focuses on the 100% online and theoretical study of the responsibilities, tasks, and competencies of aChief Digital Officer. Afterwards, the student will participate in an intensive internship in a first class company where they will apply what they have learned in a practical way and, at the same time, perfect their skills. In that way, you will become an expert whose skills will be of interest to the Startups most interested in their growth and digital transformation.master mba transformacion digital cdo chief digital officer  TECH Global University

This study model combines 100% online learning on TECH platform with an excellent practical, immersive, and intensive 3-week exercise that will greatly benefit your professional career”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

This study program will provide students with access to the most innovative technologies for the application of Business Process Management. In particular, they will analyze the tools that facilitate internal communication and the integration of digital resources in the business exercise in a practical and theoretical way.  

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists  

All professionals involved in this program have extensive experience in digital transformation. These experts will be in charge of supervising the student's academic progress through the theoretical contents received in TECH 100% online learning platform and in the internship organized to enhance the updating of new practical skills. 

3. Entering first-class Startups environments

The companies chosen by TECH for the practical training of this hybrid professional master’s degree have extensive experience and prestige in the field of Digital Transformation. These companies will offer the student, from the first moment, the best technologies and the practical experience of leading experts.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

In order for the student to become a competitive Chief Digital Officer, this program has an up-to-date theoretical syllabus. In turn, the student will be able to apply everything learned in this educational segment through a practical stay that, due to its intensive and immersive nature, will provide them with the most advanced skills of this labor market quickly and flexibly.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH does not want its students to limit their learning options to the local scene. For this reason, it has chosen companies from different latitudes that will be responsible for offering a first-class practical stay to all its students. This is only possible thanks to the wide network of contacts and agreements available to this academic institution, the largest in the digital field at this time.

master degree mba transformacion digital cdo chief digital officer TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Hybrid Master's Degree in MBA in Digital Transformation (CDO, Chief Digital Officer)

Today's business world is constantly evolving and digital transformation is one of the biggest challenges facing companies. That's why, if you want to stand out in this field, the Hybrid Master's Degree in MBA in Digital Transformation (CDO, Chief Digital Officer) that we have designed at TECH is the perfect option for you. This program is created to provide you with a complete understanding of the latest advances in the field of digital transformation and how to apply them in the business world. We have a high-level teaching team that will train you in the latest technologies in the corporate environment, from the fundamentals of digital transformation to the most advanced business management techniques. Thus, this postgraduate course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead and manage digital projects successfully. One of the greatest advantages of this online and blended learning Master is that it will give you the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in a real business environment. The program offers internships in leading companies in the field of digital transformation, where you will be able to work alongside experienced professionals and gain valuable hands-on experience.

Update your knowledge in digital management

In addition, the blended format of the program will allow you to combine your day job with study, allowing you to keep your job and advance your career at the same time. With the flexibility of online learning and hands-on experience at the leading company in the field of digital transformation, the Hybrid Master's Degree in MBA in Digital Transformation (CDO, Chief Digital Officer) is the best choice for those looking to specialize in this discipline. In short, this postgraduate degree is the perfect choice for those looking to excel in the field of digital transformation. With a comprehensive curriculum and real business practices, this program will provide you with the skills and experience necessary to successfully lead digital projects and contribute to the advancement of digital transformation in the business world. If you want to enhance your skills and knowledge in this field, this MBA is for you.