
Improve your knowledge in Peritoneal Dialysis for Nursing through this program, where you will find the best didactic material with real clinical cases. Learn here about the latest advances in the specialty to be able to perform a quality medical practice"


Nursing plays a decisive role in the care of the patient with chronic kidney disease, both from its onset and in later stages. In addition to skills in renal replacement techniques such as the acquisition of specific professional competencies, specific and quality care is required at the different stages of renal disease. 

The care of the nephrological patient, including renal function replacement techniques, has made significant advances in recent years, both in terms of renal transplantation and the health care of the nephrological patient, requiring specialized and continuous training for nurses. Such specialized training is rarely found in standard curricular training, so many nurses are unaware of important aspects of caring for these patients. Training in this area is necessary to guarantee a minimum quality of care.

Increase your skills in the Peritoneal Dialysis for Nursing approach with this Postgraduate diploma"

This Postgraduate diploma in Peritoneal Dialysis for Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of clinical cases presented by experts in the different areas of multidisciplinary knowledge. The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents of which they are composed provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • New developments in Peritoneal Dialysis for Nurses
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
  • With a special emphasis on evidence-based nursing and Peritoneal Dialysis research methodologies for Nursing
  • All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Postgraduate diploma may be the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Peritoneal Dialysis, you will obtain a certificate from TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes health professionals from the fields of nursing and nephrological medicine, who bring to this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program to train in real situations.

The design of this program is based on Problem Based Learning, by means of which the nursing professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the course. This will be done with the help of an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned experts in the field of nephrology with extensive teaching experience.

The Postgraduate diploma allows training in simulated environments, which provide immersive learning programmed to train for real situations"


It includes clinical cases to bring the program's degree as close as possible to the reality of care in Nursing"


The structure of the contents has been designed by a team of professionals knowledgeable about the implications of training in daily nursing practice, aware of the relevance of the current importance of training to be able to act before the patient with nephrological pathology and committed to quality teaching through new educational technologies.


This Postgraduate diploma in Peritoneal Dialysis for Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market”

Module 1. Advanced in Kidney Disease

1.1. Latest Information on Kidney Disease

1.1.1. Kidney Structure and Function
1.1.2. Uremic Toxins
1.1.3. Hydroelectrolyte Balance and Acid-Base Balance
1.1.4. Hydration Disorders
1.1.5. Acid-base Balance Disorders: Acidosis, Alkalosis
1.1.6. Potassium Disorders: Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia
1.1.7. Conceptual Basis of Renal Pathology
1.1.8. General Apects in Nursing Care of Patients with Renal Pathology

1.2. Prevention of Kidney Failure Advancing

1.2.1. Definition and Risk Factors of CKD
1.2.2. Evaluation, Diagnosis and Stratification
1.2.3. Diagnosis and Management of Proteinuria
1.2.4. Hygiene and Medication Management of Hypertensive Patients
1.2.5. Strategies to Promote Self-Care
1.2.6. Comorbility Management
1.2.7. Prevention and Progression of CKD in a Diabetic Patient

1.3. Renal Pathologies

1.3.1. Urinary Function Disorders: Proteinuria, Hematuria, Azoemia, Oliguria
1.3.2.   Nephritis
1.3.3.  Nephrotic Syndrome
1.3.4.   Urinary Infection
1.3.5.  Nephrolithiasis
1.3.6.  Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Thrombocytic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
1.3.7.  Primary Glomerulonephritis
1.3.8.  Nephropathies of Systemic Diseases
1.3.9.  Interstitial and Toxic Nephropathies
1.3.10. Renal Vasculopathies
1.3.11. Congenital and Hereditary Diseases
1.3.12. Arterial Hypertension and Organ Repercussions
1.3.13. Diabetes and the Kidneys
1.3.14. Pregnancy and the Kidneys
1.3.15. Polycystic Kidney Disease
1.3.16. Types of Kidney Failure and the Associated Complications
1.3.17. General Apects in Nursing Care of Patients with Renal Pathology

1.4. Methods of Examination in Nephrology

1.4.1. Semiology and Physical Examination
1.4.2. Inspection
1.4.3. Palpation
1.4.4. Auscultation
1.4.5. Imaging Techniques
1.4.6. Intravenous Urography
1.4.7. Renal Arteriography
1.4.8. Ultrasound
1.4.9. Gammagraphy
1.4.10. Urine Study
1.4.11. Urinary Sediment Analysis
1.4.12. Evaluation of Renal Function: Urea, Creatinine and Clearance
1.4.13. Osmolality and Functional Tests
1.4.14. Renal Biopsy
1.4.15. Protocol and Technique Procedure
1.4.16. Renal Patient Management in Emergencies

1.5. Pharmacokinetics in Kidney Failure

1.5.1. Absorption
1.5.2. Distribution
1.5.3. Metabolism
1.5.4. Elimination
1.5.5. Dosage Adjustment

Module 2. Peritoneal Dialysis

2.1. Latest Information on Peritoneal Dialysis
2.2. Indications and Contraindications of Peritoneal Dialysis

2.2.1.  Indications
2.2.2.  Contraindications

2.3. Dialyzing Membrane

2.3.1. Types
2.3.2. Functions
2.3.3. Features

2.4. Peritoneal Access

2.4.1. Peritoneal Catheters
2.4.2. Types
2.4.3. Peritoneal Catheter Implantation

2.5. Nursing Care

2.5.1. Perioperative
2.5.2. The Operating Room
2.5.3. Post Surgery

2.6. Postoperative Complications

2.6.1. Postoperative Complication Management and Action

2.7. Complications in Peritoneal Dialysis:

2.7.1. Peritonitis
2.7.2. Exit Wound Infections
2.7.3. Leakage
2.7.4. Hernias Diagnosis and Treatment

2.8. Advantage of Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)

2.8.1. Types of Peritoneal Dialysis

2.9. Solutions for Dialysis

2.9.1. Features
2.9.2. Types

2.10. Catheter and Exit Wound Care

2.10.1. Latest Information on Catheter Care

2.11. Equipment Management

2.11.1. Cycler
2.11.2. Manual Peritoneal Dialysis

2.12. Protocol for Teaching the Patient about PD

2.12.1. Training and Teaching the Patient and their Carer

2.13. Protocol for Monitoring the Patient on PD

2.13.1. Nurse House Visit

2.14. Administration of Drugs in PD

2.14.1. Use, Dosage and Administration Routes

Module 3. Palliative Care of Chronic Renal Patients 

3.1. Current Status of Palliative Care of Renal Patients
3.2. Renal Support Care

3.2.1. Pain Management for Renal Patients
3.2.2.  Symptom Control in Kidney Disease

3.3. Advance Directives
3.4. Pain Management

3.4.1.  Communication Skills Counseling

3.5. Referrals to Specialist Units in Palliative Care and Bereavement Support
3.6. Dialysis Withdrawal

3.6.1. Clinical Aspects
3.6.2.  Ethics
3.6.3.  Legal Aspects


A unique specialization program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"

Postgraduate Diploma in Peritoneal Dialysis for Nursing

Taking into account the advances regarding the treatment of kidney disease and the importance of having theoretical and practical skills for the execution of interventions, at TECH Global University We have created this specialized program in the comprehensive approach to the medical tables that present this type of patient. Throughout the 6 months required by the study plan, students will delve into the most recent findings on pathologies and their respective care to subsequently broaden their knowledge in everything related to examination methods in nephrology, to the pharmacokinetics and dosage of this procedure. In a second moment, the fundamental aspects of diagnosis, etiology, pathophysiology and prevention in renal failure will be revisited. Thanks to the thematic tour proposed by our teaching team, professionals in this area will be able to acquire the necessary skills to carry out the daily activities required by their work, in order to improve the quality of life of those affected.

Postgraduate Diploma in Peritoneal Dialysis for Nursing

Taking this TECH postgraduate Postgraduate Diploma is an important opportunity to enrich medical/clinical practice, while empowering students in the proper medical management of the most difficult stages of renal pathologies, through the use of the case analysis methodology, which allows solving real situations by mobilizing the given resources. From the early identification of clinical signs and risk factors, it will be possible to establish in advance the action frameworks available in order to design the guidelines that will determine the application of techniques. These ways of proceeding will favor, in turn, the elaboration of follow-up protocol controls and essential considerations for renal support care. All this, in addition, enables the future graduate in the proper management of physical and emotional pain, since content referring to the management of communication techniques such as the so-called "Counselling" is offered. In this way, at the end of the program, it will be characterized For being a seasoned professional, Postgraduate Diploma in providing quality care tailored to the needs of patients.