
Achieve a complete refresher in Intensive Care in Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders in only 6 weeks”


There are currently numerous scientific studies on the various cardiac pathologies and their management in critically ill patients. In this way, from acute coronary syndrome, acute heart failure, acute cardiac arrhythmias, aortic dissection, pulmonary thromboembolism to cardiac trauma are addressed due to their incidence and severity. 

In this scenario it is necessary that Nursing professionals are aware of all the advances in care and assistance in Intensive Care Units, as well as the most accurate and appropriate procedures, depending on the various pathologies. In this way, this postgraduate certificate in Intensive Care in Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders of only 6 weeks long is born. 

It is an advanced program that allows students to obtain in a short time a complete update of their knowledge on procedures for the detection of Fibrinolysis, Pericarditis, the care of people with Valvulopathies, among other conditions. In addition, you will delve into electrical Therapies, ECG and monitoring or hypertensive emergencies. 

All this, in addition, through multimedia pills, specialized readings and simulations of clinical case studies, accessible 24 hours a day, from any digital device with internet connection. Likewise, thanks to the Relearning method, based on the continuous reiteration of the content throughout the academic itinerary, the graduate will be able to easily consolidate the concepts covered. 

This is an ideal academic option for those who wish to complete a complete update through a quality university proposal that is perfectly compatible with their daily responsibilities. And with no in-person attendance, no classes with fixed schedules, the graduate has greater freedom to self-manage their time to access this cutting-edge program.

Get up to date with a university that adapts its programs to the real needs of healthcare professionals”

This postgraduate certificate in Intensive Care in Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Nursing in Intensive Care Units
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

The multimedia pills in this program give you a much more dynamic view of anatomy and the cardiocirculatory system”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts. 

Learn more about hypertensive emergencies with the best didactic material”


The flexibility of this university program will allow you to study it without neglecting your daily professional responsibilities”


Upon completion of this postgraduate certificate, students will have obtained an effective refresher on Intensive Care in Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders. In this way, the graduate will achieve in a short time to enhance their skills to carry out integrated procedures in the care of patients with critical pathologies. For this purpose, TECH has innovative pedagogical tools in which the latest technology applied to the university academic environment has been used.


In only 6 weeks you will be up to date in the most notorious advances in ICU care in patients with acute pulmonary edema”

General Objectives

  • Update the necessary knowledge in the nursing care of critical patients, in order to increase the quality and safety of nursing practice in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Acquire the necessary skills to provide comprehensive care to the critical patient with criteria of speed, efficiency and quality
  • Review the fundamental principles of critical care nursing

Specific Objectives

  • In-depth knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiocirculatory system 
  • Identify the most frequent cardiocirculatory pathologies in the ICU
  • Recognize different conditions and learn how to manage them in depth

Delve into the care of patients with ischemic heart disease from the comfort of your Tablet”

Postgraduate Certificate in Intensive Care of Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders

The care of patients with cardiocirculatory disorders is one of the major challenges for healthcare professionals today. Medical advances in this field are rapidly evolving, so it is critical that nurses are trained and up to date on the latest techniques and procedures. At TECH Global University, we are committed to continuous training in the healthcare field and have designed the Postgraduate Certificate in Intensive Care in Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders. This program is delivered in an online format, which allows students to access classes from anywhere and at any time. In addition, the online modality allows students to advance at their own pace and have the flexibility to organize their study time according to their personal and professional needs.

Learn cardiocirculatory care at the best nursing school

The program focuses on providing students with the skills necessary to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients with cardiocirculatory disorders in an acute care setting. Students will learn about the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases, assessment of cardiac and respiratory functions, administration of pharmacological therapies, and identification of complications. In addition, the program has a teaching team of Postgraduate Certificates in the field of intensive care and cardiocirculatory disorders, who will guide students in their learning and provide them with practical knowledge based on their extensive experience in the field. In short, TECH Global University's Postgraduate Certificate in Intensive Care in Patients with Cardiocirculatory Disorders is the ideal choice for those nursing professionals looking to improve their skills and knowledge in the treatment and care of patients with cardiocirculatory disorders in an intensive care setting. With online classes and a highly trained teaching team, this program guarantees quality education and unparalleled professional enrichment.