
With the impulse that this postgraduate certificate will give you, you will be able to specialize in the application of Locoregional Anesthesia and become an excellent professional" 


Today, many painful conditions that previously lacked effective treatment have medical solutions thanks to Locoregional Anesthesia. This technique makes it possible to address and treat these conditions more quickly than in the past, especially with regard to the lower extremities. Within this framework, TECH has created the postgraduate certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia in Lower Extremities, giving professionals the opportunity to update and deepen their knowledge in this important field of medicine. 

The lower extremities, which anatomically include the hips, legs, ankles and feet, play a crucial role in the mobility of the human body. Therefore, they require specific care and a specialized medical approach. This degree explores in depth various fundamental aspects of this area of study, such as the anatomy, indications, contraindications, techniques and complications associated with the various nerve blocks. The syllabus includes a detailed review of the anatomy of the lumbar and sacral plexus, exploring the territory of the nerves, the cutaneous and motor distribution, and the techniques of nerve blocks. and motor distribution, and the techniques of posterior and femoral lumbar blockade. 

In addition, students will be updated on the latest advances in obturator and femorocutaneous nerve blocks, as well as interfascial blocks for hip surgery and saphenous and intra-articular nerve block for knee surgery. This will provide health care professionals with a solid and up-to-date foundation to address the various medical interventions related to the lower extremities, thus improving the quality of patient care and treatment. 

This program has exceptional teachers who provide high quality education, through a 100% online modality, without the need to attend face-to-face classes. In this way, students can take classes comfortably from their personal devices and without previously established schedules. 

Make your career in medicine a pathway to excellence by getting up to date on the latest postulates with this postgraduate certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia in the Lower Extremities"

This postgraduate certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia in Lower Extremities contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Locoregional Anesthesia in Lower Extremities
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Immerse yourself in a comprehensive program that covers everything from the anatomy of the lumbar and sacral plexus to nerve block techniques" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts. 

Enhance your medical career by updating your knowledge in an area with a high demand for professionals"


Prepare yourself to successfully meet the challenges of lower extremity treatment by mastering both the theory and practice of the most innovative medical interventions”


This program in Locoregional Anesthesia is focused on updating health professionals in the most avant-garde techniques for the application of this method in the lower extremities. The aim of the degree is for the graduate to develop in depth his or her skills as a health professional in this field of medicine. It is also expected that the postgraduate certificate will allow them to integrate their basic knowledge with the practice in simulated exercises that will be used during the course of the program, thus understanding the important task of the professional when putting into practice the professional practice, polishing their profile and techniques and increasing their professional skills. 


Looking to lead in a broadly specialized medical environment, this postgraduate certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia is for you"

General Objectives

  • Learn in depth the fundamentals that allow us to perform procedures with regional anesthesia
  • Familiarize with the anatomy, physiology and pharmacology applied to regional anesthesia
  • Specifically study the types of central blocks, as well as their indications, contraindications, technical aspects and complications
  • Specifically study the types of peripheral blocks, as well as their indications, contraindications, technical aspects and complications
  • Review limb, head, neck, thoracic and abdominal blocks, as well as those useful for difficult airway management
  • Review the basic fundamentals of electrostimulation and ultrasound and apply them to the performance of blocks
  • Being familiar with the equipment necessary to perform the blocks
  • Know in depth the current clinical practice guidelines for the preoperative management of patients requiring regional anesthesia
  • List the particularities of outpatient surgery requiring regional anesthesia.Specifically study the types of Peripheral blocks, as well as their indications, contraindications, technical aspects and complications

Specific Objectives

  • Identify the different blocks that can be performed on the lower extremity and their main indications and contraindications
  • Learn the different responses to neurostimulation obtained in the different lower extremity blocks
  • Becoming familiar with the ultrasound image obtained in the different blocks of the lower extremity of the lower extremity

The path to professional success lies in the professional growth offered by this postgraduate certificate in which you will be able to update your skills as an anesthesiologist"

Postgraduate Certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia in Lower Extremities

The need to effectively address surgical procedures in the lower extremities has led to the development of locoregional anesthesia techniques that allow obtaining a safe and effective anesthesia in these areas of the body. At TECH Global University, we have developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia in Lower Extremities, whose main objective is to provide medical professionals with the necessary training to perform these procedures safely and efficiently. This program will allow you to learn about the different techniques of locoregional anesthesia, its clinical application and the complications that may occur, as well as the preventive and therapeutic measures that should be applied in these cases.

The application of locoregional anesthesia in the lower extremities has become an increasingly common practice in the surgical field. Its application allows to reduce postoperative pain and accelerate the patient's recovery process, which translates into an improvement in the patient's quality of life. Our Postgraduate Certificate in Locoregional Anesthesia in Lower Extremities will allow you to develop the necessary skills for the correct application of these techniques, taking into account the anatomical, pharmacological and clinical aspects that are necessary to perform a safe and effective anesthesia. Additionally, in this course you will delve into the different alternatives that can be used for the application of locoregional anesthesia, allowing you to choose the most appropriate technique for each specific clinical case.
