
A unique specialization program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"


Learn about the main techniques for body contouring improvement and offer your patients an intervention with which to achieve the desired results"

In today's society, the cult of the body is becoming increasingly important. Changes in lifestyle habits, with the incorporation of physical exercise as a part of people's daily lives and the commitment to healthy diets benefit the ability to have a slim body and be at ease with oneself. However, sometimes these routines fail to achieve the desired physique, so many people see the need to resort to cosmetic surgery. In this case, at TECH we have designed this course to specialize surgeons in body contouring interventions, for which different techniques can be used. 

Body contouring lipoplasty is the second most performed surgery worldwide after mammoplasty. Statistics place it as the fastest rising procedure in recent years. Its goal is not only to remove fat in order to create a flat abdomen or a figure free of unwanted fat, now it goes beyond that, it is about achieving a figure in which the body's natural curves and muscular relief are the protagonists of the outcome.

Abdominoplasty techniques consist of removing excess skin and fat, restoring muscle tone with sutures and creating a new navel. The knowledge of abdominal wall irrigation has favored this procedure to be complemented with the use of more invasive technology to improve the classically known results. 

This course has an intense program designed to learn about the technologies, materials and treatments of this discipline and includes a complete perspective of aesthetic plastic surgery that will allow you to specialize in an ethical and responsible way. In this way, this postgraduate course provides high level training that seeks excellence. In addition, its 100% online format will allow you to continue your studies from the place of your choice, without the need to travel or schedule obligations.

Expand your knowledge through this course that will allow you to specialize until you achieve excellence in this field"

This postgraduate certificate in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery includes the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical disabling pathologies on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest news on Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This course is the best investment you can make in selecting a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery, you will obtain a degree from an online university in Spanish: TECH”

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of aesthetic plastic surgery, who share their work experience in this training, as well as renowned specialists from prestigious societies and universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the Surgeon must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system made by renowned and experienced experts in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery. 

Do not hesitate to take this training with us. You will find the best teaching material with virtual lessons"


This 100% online course will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


The postgraduate certificate in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery is designed to facilitate the performance of the professional with the latest advances and newest treatments in the sector, achieving a superior training that allows him to act with total security in the cases that arise in his practice.  


At TECH we have set ourselves the goal of offering you the most complete training Body Contouring Aesthetic Surgery in the market so that you can acquire a superior level of training that will elevate you to the professional elite"

General Objectives

  • Conceptualize the Anatomy and Aesthetics of the Human Body as a Basis for Body Contouring Lipoplasty
  • Examine all the Important Aspects related to the Patient: Patient choice, Operating Room Safety, Technologies to be Used, and Anatomical Areas to be Treated
  • Develop the Most Important Practical Concepts in Fat Transfer
  • Determine the Complications of Procedures Related to Lipoplasty Techniques
  • Establish the Most Appropriate Management and Resources during the Postoperative Period
  • Conceptualize the anatomy of the abdominal wall and the aesthetics of the abdomen
  • Determine the Various Surgical Techniques that Treat the Abdominal Wall.
  • Present the Complications of Procedures Related to Lipoplasty Techniques
  • Establish the management and resources used during the postoperative period

Specific Objectives

  • Develop the most Relevant Anatomical Concepts for the Surgeon in Body Contouring Lipoplasty
  • Present the Aesthetics of the Human Body as a Guide to Obtain the Results
  • Determine the Criteria for Patient Selection in Body Contouring Lipoplasty
  • Examine Patient Safety Parameters
  • Establish the Tools and Technologies commonly used for Lipoplasties
  • Address High-definition Liposuction Techniques in the Various Anatomical Regions of Interest for the Technique
  • Delve into the Concepts of Fat Tissue Transfer and the Techniques for its Use
  • Examine the Techniques for Aesthetic Enhancement of the Gluteal Region with Implants and the Complications According to Each Procedure
  • Present the Postoperative Management of the Patient
  • Develop the Most Relevant Surgical-anatomical Concepts for the Development of the Techniques 
  • Present the Aesthetic Units that make up the Abdomen to Restore them During Surgery
  • Determine the Most Frequently Used Abdominoplasty Techniques Based on the Preoperative Diagnosis of the Abdomen
  • Examine the Most Advanced Techniques for the Confection of the Umbilicus in Abdominoplasty
  • Analyze the Techniques for Resection of Large Dermal Fat Flaps in Patients with Massive Weight Loss
  • Establish the Complications According to Each Procedure
  • Address Postoperative Management of the Patient

With this program we want to meet your objective of acquiring superior training in this highly demanded field"

Postgraduate Certificate in Aesthetic Body Contouring Surgery

Due to the high demand for aesthetic procedures that occurs in the current context, the field of aesthetic medicine has made rapid progress in the implementation of tools and techniques of the latest technology that guarantee increasingly specialized surgical interventions and treatments. One of the procedures for aesthetic purposes that has most reflected these advances and that occupies the second place in the field of cosmetic surgery worldwide, is lipoplasty. For this reason, it is essential that cosmetic surgeons can offer a quality service to their patients through updated knowledge and the implementation of safe and effective techniques and methods. For this reason, at TECH Global University we designed the Postgraduate Certificate in Aesthetic Surgery of Body Contouring.

Take a Postgraduate Certificate Course on Liposuction

Through theoretical and practical sessions and a specific syllabus, students of this program will be able to review and deepen the basic concepts of this discipline, including the anatomy of fat in lipoplasty. Likewise, they will study in greater detail relevant aspects for the good performance in the practice of aesthetic surgery. In this way, they will take into account the multiple aesthetic considerations, the different types of intervention and postoperative care. The graduate will have the opportunity to graduate and practice as a specialist surgeon in body contouring interventions.

Get your degree at the largest medical school in the world.

At TECH we are committed to quality education, which is why we strive to provide our students with comprehensive training. Thus, through this comprehensive scientific program and the hand of experts in the area, students will receive, in addition to a theoretical and practical academic training, an ethical component that ensures honest and good quality work, ensuring the proper performance of their professional practice and compliance with safety parameters for the welfare of the patient.