
Take the step with TECH and become an exceptional Copywriter in just 12 months. Enroll now”


Advertising and persuasive Copywriting, despite seeming to be a recent discipline, has existed for more than a century. An example of this is the first copywriter in history, John Emory Powers, who developed in this field in the 1870s. Since then, the advertising medium and formats have evolved in almost unthinkable ways, having a potential audience of millions of people around the world.

This has generated a boom in the number of professionals dedicated entirely to the writing and creation of advertising copy, but also with skills in the creation of websites, email marketing and even direct customer service. Given the transversal capacity that the modern copywriter must have, TECH has launched this Professional master’s degree in Copywriting, focused on the most current content to advance decisively in this field.

The student will delve into persuasive Copywriting, going from the most prolific Copywriting techniques to specific areas such as the use of emotional language, storybrand, creation of product sheets, video scripts or metrics analysis. In addition, you will perfect the use of innovative tools such as ChatGPT, while analyzing success stories of leading companies such as Amazon, Apple, Zara or British Airways.

All of this is reinforced with a distinguished library of multimedia content, available 24 hours a day on the Virtual Campus. The entire degree is developed in a 100% online format, convenient and flexible, without requiring the student to travel or be present in person. In this way, students can distribute the course load according to their own interests, being able to combine it with the most demanding personal or professional responsibilities.

Boost your Copywriting productivity by incorporating advanced tools like ChatGPT into your workflow”

This Professional master’s degree in Copywriting contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in digital marketing and Copywriting Communications
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Do you know how to make your copy inclusive and diversity compliant? Specialize in UX Writer with this academic option"

The program includes in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who pour into this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

With no fixed class schedules or attendance, this Professional master’s degree is perfectly compatible with your daily activities"


You will be an expert in Copywriting for Content Marketing and Social Media thanks to this 100% online program"


The curriculum of this program has been designed to provide a very useful learning for the communication professional who wants to channel their career in the world of Copywriting Therefore, you will find in this academic itinerary the multiple possibilities offered by this profile, the different techniques of Copywriting, content in social networks and everything you need to be able to undertake as a freelancer. In addition, to make this program much more dynamic and attractive, the graduate will have a lot of additional material in the library of teaching resources that can be accessed at any time of the day.


A syllabus full of well-implemented CRM success stories for you to reference and take back to your campaigns"

Module 1. Copywriting: What It Is, How to Learn It and What Possibilities It Offers

1.1. Discovering Copywriting

1.1.1. What is and What is Not Copywriting
1.1.2. The Current Copywriter's Profession
1.1.3. Where Copywriting Can Be Applied
1.1.4. What Copywriting Does for a Brand

1.2. Learning to Write

1.2.1. Oral Language vs. Written Language
1.2.2. Grammar Recommendations
1.2.3. Expressive Resources
1.2.4. Orthographical Aspects

1.3. Training Yourself to Write

1.3.1. 10 Different Ways to Tell
1.3.2. The Construction of the Text
1.3.3. Exercises to Put the Brain in Word Mode
1.3.4. Triggers of Ideas
1.3.5. Forced Associations
1.3.6. Transitions

1.4. The Research Stage

1.4.1. Why Research Will Be Your Best Ally
1.4.2. Different Tools for Obtaining Information
1.4.3. The Art of Creating Questionnaires
1.4.4. Do Your Own Research
1.4.5. How to Organize the Information Collected

1.5. Defining the Ideal Customer

1.5.1. Is the Ideal Customer Everyone?
1.5.2. Main Characteristics
1.5.3. Types of Ideal Customers
1.5.4. Learn to Sell by Value Not by Price
1.5.5. Customer Awareness Levels

1.6. Universal Buying Motivators

1.6.1. What Are They and What Role Do They Play in Copywriting?
1.6.2. Love, Attraction, Beauty
1.6.3. Money, Status, Lifestyle
1.6.4. Moments, Personality, Health
1.6.5. Security, Trend, Time

1.7. Copywriting and Psychology

1.7.1. What Do Copywriting and Psychology Have to Do with Each Other?
1.7.2. Is the Copywriter a Psychologist?
1.7.3. Developing Empathy
1.7.4. Systematize Findings
1.7.5. Use Active Language

1.8. Neuromarketing and Neurocopywriting

1.8.1. What Is Neuromarketing?
1.8.2. What Neuromarketing Teaches
1.8.3. How Brands Use Neuromarketing
1.8.4. Neurocopywriting

1.9. Knowing Generational Marketing

1.9.1. What is Generational Marketing and How Does It Influence Copywriting?
1.9.2. The Silent Generation
1.9.3. Baby Boomers
1.9.4. Millennials
1.9.5. Generation Z
1.9.6. Digital Natives

1.10. The Tools

1.10.1. To Create Your Website
1.10.2. To Create Your Portfolio
1.10.3. To Create Project Proposals
1.10.4. To Communicate with Customers
1.10.5. For Image and Design
1.10.6. For Customer Management
1.10.7. For Proofreading
1.10.8. For Social Media
1.10.9. For Content

Module 2. Copywriting Techniques

2.1. Principles of Persuasion

2.1.1. Cialdini's 6 Principles of Persuasion
2.1.2. Reciprocity
2.1.3. Scarceness
2.1.4. Authority
2.1.5. Consistency
2.1.6. Sympathy
2.1.7. Consensus

2.2. The Most Popular Copywriting Formulas

2.1.1. AIDA Formula
2.2.2. The 4 P's Formula
2.2.3. PAS
2.2.4. The 4 U’s Formula
2.2.5. The FAB Method

2.3. Less Frequently Used Formulas in Copy

2.3.1. The Sugarman Formula
2.3.2. The ADP Method
2.3.3. The PASTOR Method
2.3.4. A FOREST
2.3.5. The BUCLE Method
2.3.6. The STONE Method

2.4. Other Formulas that Do Not Look Like Formulas

2.4.1. The 3 Why’s Formula
2.4.2. Copywriting 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Formula
2.4.3. So What? Formula
2.4.4. Nine-Point Formula
2.4.5. AICPBSAWN Formula

2.5. Headlines

2.5.1. The Importance of a Good Headline
2.5.2. Types of Headlines
2.5.3. Research to Identify Good Headlines
2.5.4. The Role of Subheadings

2.6. Creating Headlines

2.6.1. Tools for Creating Headlines
2.6.2. Formulas for Creating Headlines
2.6.3. Techniques and Tricks
2.6.4. Examples of Headlines

2.7. The Wonderful World of Storytelling

2.7.1. The Most Important Factors
2.7.2. The Type of Existing Stories
2.7.3. What Stories Are for
2.7.4. Where Storytelling Can Be Applied

2.8. How to Create Good Stories

2.8.1. Storytelling Formulas
2.8.2. Hero’s Journey
2.8.3. Elements for Creating Good Stories
2.8.4. Examples of Stories with Different Objectives

2.9. Don't Leave Without a Call to Action (CTA)

2.9.1. The Call to Action  is a Click
2.9.2. How to Create a CTA or Call to Action
2.9.3. Types of Calls to Action
2.9.4. Analysis of CTA Examples

2.10. Content  Curation

2.10.1. What is Content  Curation?
2.10.2. What Does a Content Curator Do?
2.10.3. The 10 Steps
2.10.4. The 4 S's
2.10.5. Various Techniques for Curation
2.10.6. Tools for Curation

Module 3. Sales, Customer Service and Copywriting

3.1. Persuasion in Copywriting to Increase Sales

3.1.1. Why It Is Important to Use Persuasion in Copywriting
3.1.2. Basic Principles of Persuasion and How It Is Applied in Copywriting
3.1.3. Difference between Persuading, Influencing and Manipulating
3.1.4. Analysis of a Reference Author

3.2. The Customer's Needs and Desires in Persuasion

3.2.1. Persuasion Techniques, the Emotional Language and the Language of Benefit
3.2.2. Their Applications
3.2.3. Why It Is Important to Use the Customer's Needs and Desires in Copywriting
3.2.4. Identify Customer Desires

3.3. The Role of Benefit Language in Copywriting in Persuasion 

3.3.1. Why It Is Important to Use Benefit Language in Copywriting
3.3.2. Identifying the Benefits of the Product or Service
3.3.3. Using Benefit Language in Copywriting and Increasing Sales
3.3.4. How to Use Customer Testimonials to Increase Confidence

3.4. The Role of Emotional Language in Copywriting

3.4.1. Why Is Emotional Language Important in Copywriting
3.4.2. Identifying Customer Emotions
3.4.3. How to Use Emotional Language to Persuade and Increase Sales
3.4.4. The Emotions Most Used in Sales Copywriting

3.5. Copywriting to Increase Sales: Authority and Confidence

3.5.1. How to Use Copywriting to Build Authority in Your Sales
3.5.2. Building Copywriting Authority with Demonstration and Expertise
3.5.3. Building Trust in Copywriting, through Transparency and Honesty
3.5.4. Reasons Why Trust is Important in Copywriting

3.6. How to Improve Your Customer Service with Copywriting

3.6.1. How and Why to Welcome the Customer Using Copywriting
3.6.2. Communicating Incidents that Affect the Customer
3.6.3. Handling Payment Claims and Other Administrative Matters
3.6.4. Structure of Communications with the Customer Using Copywriting

3.7. Basic Structures to Respond Quickly to Complicated Situations

3.7.1. When We Have to Say NO to a Customer
3.7.2. When We Have to Apologize
3.7.3. When We Have to Give Bad News
3.7.4. Real Cases

3.8. Copy in Internal Communication

3.8.1. The Importance of Internal Communication: Attention to Internal Audiences
3.8.2. Email Communications
3.8.3. Communications on a Visual Board
3.8.4. Formal Communications: Contract Signing or End of the Contract

3.9. B2B Company or Investor Presentations

3.9.1. What is the Elevator Pitch?
3.9.2. How to Prepare It
3.9.3. Preparing a Company Presentation
3.9.4. Creating a Corporate or Company Presentation Video

3.10. CRM and Well-implemented Success Stories

3.10.1. What is CRM?
3.10.2. The Apple Case
3.10.3. The Amazon Case
3.10.4. The Zara Case
3.10.5. The British Airways Case

Module 4. Brand Identity Manual and Brand Story

4.1. What is the Brand Identity

4.1.1. Why Have a Brand Identity Manual
4.1.2. Recognize the Brand Personality
4.1.3. The Name or Names
4.1.4. The Tagline or Slogan

4.2. Brand Archetypes

4.2.1. What They Are and How to Identify Them
4.2.2. The Innocent
4.2.3. The Common Man
4.2.4. The Explorer
4.2.5. The Wise Man
4.2.6. The Hero
4.2.7. The Outlaw
4.2.8. The Magician
4.2.9. The Lover
4.2.10 The Jester
4.2.11 The Caretaker
4.2.12 The Creator
4.2.13. The Ruler
4.2.14. The Villain

4.3. Mission, Vision, and Values

4.3.1. Discover the Mission
4.3.2. Think about the Vision
4.3.3. Define the Values
4.3.4. Have a Clear Brand Purpose

4.4. Empowering the Brand

4.4.1. What Voice It Has
4.4.2. The Tones
4.4.3. The Message Matrix
4.4.4. Option to Purchase

4.5. The Brand Manifesto

4.5.1. What is a Manifesto and What Is It For?
4.5.2. Information Sources
4.5.3. The Due  Diligence Process
4.5.4. The Report

4.6. The Empathy Map

4.6.1. What is an Empathy Map?
4.6.2. What Is It For?
4.6.3. How To Create It
4.6.4. Various Examples to See It in Practice

4.7. The Verbal Universe

4.7.1. Key Words
4.7.2. What the Brand Says and What It Doesn't Say
4.7.3. What It Doesn't Say
4.7.4. Ideology of Topics
4.7.5. SEO Tools

4.8. The Brand Story

4.8.1. What is a Brand Story and What Is It For?
4.8.2. How to Create a Brand Story 
4.8.3. Donald Miller's System
4.8.4. Examples of Successful Brand Story Creation

4.9. Brand Hashtags

4.9.1. What Are They and How to Use Them
4.9.2. Tips
4.9.3. How to Create a Hashtag for a Brand
4.9.4. How It Works in the Different Social Networks

4.10. Aspects to Take into Account in a Company's Brand Identity Manuals

4.10.1. Inclusive Language
4.10.2. Language and Ideas that Denote Involvement with the Environment
4.10.3. Language and Ideas that Denote Sensitivity. to Social Causes
4.10.4. Other Aspects of Language to Be Respected

Module 5. Copywriting for the Web

5.1. The Home Page

5.1.1. Functions of the Home Page
5.1.2. The Value Proposition
5.1.3. The Marketing Plan
5.1.4. The Common Thread
5.1.5. The Body of the Text
5.1.6. Call to Action
5.1.7. Resources
5.1.8. Website Measurement

5.2. The About Me Page

5.2.1. Functions of the About Me Page
5.2.2. Structure
5.2.3. Showing Who's Behind the Brand
5.2.4. Tips
5.2.5. Adding Emotion

5.3. The Services Page

5.3.1. Main Purpose of the Service Page
5.3.2. The Creation of the Offer
5.3.3. Types of Offers
5.3.4. Structure of the Service Page

5.4. The Creation of the Offer

5.4.1. Importance and Function of the Sales Page
5.4.2. Landing Page vs. Sales Page
5.4.3. Structure and Key Elements of Sales Letters
5.4.4. Sales Pages in Video Format
5.4.5. Other Landing Pages

5.5. Online Store Pages and Product Sheets

5.5.1. General Characteristics of Online Stores
5.5.2. Ecommerce Structure
5.5.3. The Importance of the Product Sheets
5.5.4. How to Create Them So That They Sell More

5.6. The UX Writing or How to Improve the User Experience Through Your Texts

5.6.1. Understanding UX Writing
5.6.2. What is UX Writing
5.6.3. Differences between UX Writing and Copywriting
5.6.4. Microcopy and UX Writing

5.7. UX Writing and Brand Engagement

5.7.1. Onboardings
5.7.2. Call to Action Buttons
5.7.3. Product Descriptions
5.7.4. Forms
5.7.5. Confirmation Messages
5.7.6. Password Recovery and E-mail Validation Messages
5.7.7. Success Messages
5.7.8. Empty States
5.7.9. Timeout Messages
5.7.10. Frequently Asked Questions Guide
5.7.11. Error Messages

5.8. Inclusivity and Diversity in UX Writing

5.8.1. Importance of Accessibility in Our Texts
5.8.2. Audience Diversity and User Experience
5.8.3. The Role of Language in the User Experience
5.8.4. Guidelines for Writing Inclusive Texts

5.9. Accessibility and UX Writing

5.9.1. Importance of Accessibility in Texts
5.9.2. How to Make Our Texts Accessible
5.9.3. Screen Readers
5.9.4. The ALT attribute

5.10. UX Writer as a Specialization

5.10.1. UX Writer Profile
5.10.2. Required Skills
5.10.3. Useful Resources
5.10.4. Final Reflections

Module 6. Copywriting for Content Marketing and Social Networks

6.1. Understanding the New Way of Selling

6.1.1. What is Content Marketing?
6.1.2. Types of Content We Can Create
6.1.3. Articles
6.1.4. Interviews
6.1.5. Lists
6.1.6. News
6.1.7. Videos
6.1.8. Stories (Storytelling)
6.1.9. Success Stories
6.1.10 Guest Articles
6.1.11. Infographics, Statistics or Graphics

6.2. Tools to Generate Content Ideas

6.2.1. Specific Online Tools
6.2.2. Chat GPT
6.2.3. Topic Recycling
6.2.4. Content Curation
6.2.5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

6.3. Social Networks: Great Allies of Copywriting

6.3.1. Copywriting for Social Networks
6.3.2. Identifying the Competition
6.3.3. Know your Followers
6.3.4. Seek Opinions

6.4. Particularities of Each Social Network

6.4.1. Copy for Facebook
6.4.2. Copy for Instagram
6.4.3. Copy for Pinterest
6.4.4. Copy for TikTok

6.5. Copywriting for LinkedIn

6.5.1. The Copy  in the Banner
6.5.2. The Copy in the Profile
6.5.3. The Copy  in the “About” Section
6.5.4. Types of Content to be Published
6.5.5. Other Aspects of the Professional Network

6.6. Copywriting for Audio and Video scripts

6.6.1. Audio or Video
6.6.2. Videopodcast: the Best of Both Worlds
6.6.3. How to Make Videos for Youtube
6.6.4. The Importance of Making a Podcast Script
6.6.5. How to Make a Podcast Script Step by Step
6.6.6. Measuring and Converting with Podcast Strategy

6.7. Copywriting for Blogs

6.7.1. Knowing Your Audience: What Would You Want to Read?
6.7.2. Which Words to Choose
6.7.3. How to Structure the Article
6.7.4. Which Images to Choose
6.7.5. How to Improve the SEO

6.8. Keywords for an SEO Strategy

6.8.1. Keyword  Sources
6.8.2. Keyword Research Tools
6.8.3. Organize Your Keyword Research
6.8.4. Search Intent
6.8.5. Buyer Journey
6.8.6. Analyze SERP

6.9. The Contingency Plan

6.9.1. Analysis of the Situation
6.9.2. Setting Objectives and KPI
6.9.3. Target Audience
6.9.4. Definition of Content Strategy
6.9.5. Channel Definition
6.9.6. Editorial Calendar
6.9.7. Measuring Results

6.10. Copy for Merchandising,  Packaging and Other Physical Formats

6.10.1. The Benefits of Copy in Physical Formats
6.10.2. Packaging and Labels
6.10.3. Advertising and Signage
6.10.4. Documentation and Invoices
6.10.5. Store, Office or Physical Location

Module 7. Email Marketing and Sales Funnels

7.1. Generalities Email Marketing

7.1.1. What Is Email Marketing?
7.1.2. Features
7.1.3. Structures
7.1.4. Types of Emails

7.2. How to Create a Subscriber List from Scratch

7.2.1. Strategies for Building a List
7.2.2. Channels for Support
7.2.3. Email Marketing Tools
7.2.4. Frequency of Emails

7.3. How to Write Emails According to the Objectives

7.3.1. Content Emails
7.3.2. User Experience Emails
7.3.3. Sales Emails
7.3.4. Sources of Content Inspiration

7.4. How Not to Go Unnoticed in the Inbox

7.4.1. Formulas for Creating Headlines
7.4.2. Example of First Emails Subscription Mailing Sequence
7.4.3. Example of Corporate Email
7.4.4. How to Avoid Ending Up in the Spam Folder

7.5. How to Sell through Email Marketing

7.5.1. How to Sell with Email Marketing
7.5.2. Examples of Email Sequences
7.5.3. Examples of Follow-Up Emails
7.5.4. Examples of Mailings for Closing Sales and Post-sale

7.6. Other Aspects to Take into Account

7.6.1. Length
7.6.2. Measurement
7.6.3. Customization
7.6.4. Delivery Schedule

7.7. Sales Funnel: Minimum Viable Funnel 

7.7.1. Elements You Need to Create a Sales Funnel
7.7.2. Lead Magnet in the Sales Funnel
7.7.3. Boosting Your Funnel Organically
7.7.4. Advertising for the Sales Funnel. Taking Your Funnel to a Higher Level

7.8. Permanent Funnels 

7.8.1. Why You Should Have an Automatic Sales Funnel
7.8.2. Elements that Allow You to Maintain and Optimize Your Funnel
7.8.3. Maintenance, Reviews and Analytics
7.8.4. Closing the Sales Funnel

7.9. Launch Funnels 

7.9.1. How to Prepare Your Launch
7.9.2. Funnels for Live Launch and Modalities
7.9.3. Specific Advertising for Launches
7.9.4. Converting Your Funnel into an Evergreen Launch

7.10. Email Marketing vs. Chatbot or WhatsApp

7.10.1. The Advantages of Chatbots
7.10.2. The Advantages of Email Marketing
7.10.3. Personalizing the Message through Segmentation
7.10.4. Can WhatsApp Complement the Email Marketing Strategy?

Module 8. Copywriting for Launches

8.1. Understanding What is a Launch and What It Is for

8.1.1. What is a Launch
8.1.2. The Elements of a Launch
8.1.3. Differentiation.
8.1.4. Offer
8.1.5. Levels of Consciousness
8.1.6. A Relationship of Enthusiasm

8.2. Types of Releases

8.2.1. Which One to Choose and Why
8.2.2. Seed Launch
8.2.3. R2X Launch
8.2.4. Meteoric Launch
8.2.5. Product Launch Formula (PLF)
8.2.6. Webinars, Workshops or Masterclasses
8.2.7. Challenges
8.2.8. Thematic Launches
8.2.9. High Ticket

8.3. The Phases of a Launch

8.3.1. The Pre-launch
8.3.2. The Pre-sale
8.3.3. Recruitment
8.3.4. Seduction or Indoctrination
8.3.5. Selling
8.3.6. Closing
8.3.7. Post-launch

8.4. How to Apply Copywriting in Each Stage of the Launch Process

8.4.1. How to Apply the Copy in the Acquisition Stage
8.4.2. Techniques in the Seduction Phase
8.4.3. Techniques in Pre-sales and Sales
8.4.4. Examples of Successful Cases

8.5. The Creative Idea as the Cornerstone of the Launch

8.5.1. What Is the Creative Concept
8.5.2. Formulas to Create the Creative Concept
8.5.3. The Method to Break into the Market with the Creative Idea
8.5.4. Examples of Creative Ideas that Have Worked

8.6. How to Orchestrate a Launch

8.6.1. The Key Elements of a Successful Launch Orchestration
8.6.2. Having a Scorecard
8.6.3. Internal Communication
8.6.4. Follow-up of the Launching and of the Scorecard

8.7. The Marketing Elements Involved in a Launch and Their Function

8.7.1. Copy Pieces in the Acquisition Stage
8.7.2. Copy Pieces in the Pre-launch Stage
8.7.3. Copy Pieces in the Launch Stage
8.7.4. Copy Pieces in the Sales Stage

8.8. Measuring a Launch in Real Time

8.8.1. Metrics and KPIs
8.8.2. Measurement Tools
8.8.3. Performance Monitoring
8.8.4. Post-launch Analysis

8.9. The Post-launch Stage

8.9.1. Analyzing and Acting after the Sale
8.9.2. Strategies to Keep the Customer Happy After the Sale
8.9.3. Strategies to Increase the Average Ticket
8.9.4. Customer Loyalty Strategies

8.10. Tools to Effectively Manage a Launch

8.10.1. Internal Communication
8.10.2. Project Management and Organization
8.10.3. Productivity Optimization
8.10.4. For Hosting Digital Products
8.10.5. To Optimize SEO
8.10.6. For Live Broadcasts
8.10.7. For Content Channels
8.10.8. Others

Module 9. Copywriting for Advertisements

9.1. Classic and New Advertising

9.1.1. A Brief History of Advertising
9.1.2. The New Advertising
9.1.3. The Technologies of the Moment and the Opportunity for Advertising
9.1.4. Current Trends in Online Advertising

9.2. The Copywriter in Advertising and the Social Media Plan

9.2.1. The Functions of a Copywriter in an Agency
9.2.2. Types of Copywriters
9.2.3. Social Media Strategies
9.2.4. Great Examples of Social Media Campaigns

9.3. The Research Phase before Writing

9.3.1. The Ideal Customer or Buyer Persona
9.3.2. Why They Buy
9.3.3. Research the Competition
9.3.4. How to Offer What the Customer is Looking for

9.4. Psychological Techniques for Writing

9.4.1. How to Launch the Message
9.4.2. How to Communicate the Price
9.4.3. Using R. Cialdini's Principles of Persuasion
9.4.4. Other Techniques that Work in Advertising
9.4.5. Various Tips for Writing Advertisements

9.5. Youtube Ads

9.5.1. Why Advertise on Youtube
9.5.2. Characteristics of Advertising on Youtube
9.5.3. Formats and Types of Ads
9.5.4. Script for Creating Ads on Youtube

9.6. Instagram Ads and Tik Tok Ads

9.6.1. Generating Conversion with the Copy in Instagram Ads
9.6.2. Real Examples of Instagram Campaigns
9.6.3. Generating Conversion with the Copy in Tik Tok Ads
9.6.4. Real Examples of Tik Tok Campaigns

9.7. LinkedIn Ads and Twitter Ads

9.7.1. Get More Effective Ads on LinkedIn Ads
9.7.2. Examples to Learn from
9.7.3. Get More Effective Ads on Twitter Ads
9.7.4. Examples to Learn from

9.8. Facebook Ads

9.8.1. How to Create a Facebook Ad
9.8.2. Tips for the Particularities of this Social Network
9.8.3. How the Copy Helps in Facebook. Ads
9.8.4. Real Examples of Campaigns

9.9. Google Ads and Advertising in Stories

9.9.1. Considerations for Creating Google Ads
9.9.2. Examples of Ads with Copy that Sells on Google
9.9.3. Considerations for Creating Ads in Stories
9.9.4. Examples of Stories with Copy that Sells

9.10. Amazon Ads

9.10.1. Why Advertise on Amazon
9.10.2. Types of Ads on Amazon
9.10.3. How to Optimize Amazon Ads with Copy
9.10.4. Real Examples of Amazon Ads

Module 10. The Freelance Copywriter

10.1. The Most Important Things to Be a Freelance Copywriter

10.1.1. Where to Start
10.1.2. Legal Issues: the Contract
10.1.3. Minimum Viable Business Considerations
10.1.4. Channels through which to Make Yourself Known
10.1.5. How to Find a Job
10.1.6. The Importance of Networking

10.2. How to Start a Relationship with a Client

10.2.1. The Inquiry Form: What Is It?
10.2.2. What Questions to Include in the Inquiry Forms
10.2.3. Contact Forms
10.2.4. Examples of Different Inquiry Forms

10.3. Service Catalog

10.3.1. What Services Are Most in Demand
10.3.2. Copywriting Audit
10.3.3. Copywriting Consulting
10.3.4. Web Services
10.3.5. Specific Services
10.3.6. General Pricing Ideas

10.4. How to Present Quotations to Achieve a High Percentage of Acceptance

10.4.1. How to Avoid Being Told No or Disappearance
10.4.2. Leave the Stone on Your Own Roof
10.4.3. No Need to Be Rushed
10.4.4. Listen and Get to Know the Customer Well
10.4.5. Personalize by Highlighting the Benefits
10.4.6. Detailing What's Included and What's Not Included
10.4.7. Give a Deadline

10.5. Invoices

10.5.1. Invoice Essentials
10.5.2. Sequence of Follow-up Emails and Claim of Collections
10.5.3. Rural land
10.5.4. Useful Invoicing and Collection Tools

10.6. Testimonials

10.6.1. The Benefits and Risks of Publishing a Testimonial
10.6.2. How to Collect Testimonials Quickly
10.6.3. How and Where to Use Social Proof
10.6.4. Testimonials as a Success Strategy for Some Campaigns

10.7. Transcreation: Halfway between Copy and Translation 

10.7.1. What is Transcreation?
10.7.2. The Origin of Transcreation
10.7.3. The Transcreation Process
10.7.4. Applications of Transcreation
10.7.5. Smiles and Tears (Successful and Unsuccessful Application Cases)

10.8. The Quality Control Guide

10.8.1. The Elements to Examine Before Delivering a Project
10.8.2. An Attention Check
10.8.3. Mathematical Filters of a Text
10.8.4. Grammar and Style

10.9. Project Delivery

10.9.1. How and Why Not to Deliver Some Texts in Word
10.9.2. The Structure of a Good Project Delivery Document
10.9.3. The Presentation Session
10.9.4. The Presentation of the Copy in Wireframes
10.9.5. What to Do if the Client Says No

10.10. Metrics for Copywriters

10.10.1. Why It Is Important to Measure
10.10.2. KPIs in Copywriting
10.10.3. The Tools
10.10.4. How to Sell it to the Client


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Professional Master's Degree in Copywriting

The ability to persuade through the written word has become a fundamental element today, where competition and advertising saturation are increasingly evident. For this reason, at TECH Global University we have developed our Professional Master's Degree program in Copywriting, with the objective of training professionals specialized in commercial writing and online persuasion. In this postgraduate course, students will learn to identify the target audience of a brand, as well as to know in depth the mechanisms of persuasion and writing techniques that will allow them to capture their attention and generate an emotional connection with them. In addition, the Professional Master's Degree in Copywriting includes complete training in digital marketing strategies and SEO, so that students can create content that is able to position itself in the first results of search engines.

The Professional Master's Degree in Copywriting at TECH is designed for those seeking comprehensive training in copywriting, with a solid theoretical foundation and practical training that allows them to apply the knowledge acquired in real cases. Throughout the postgraduate course, students will develop communication and creativity skills that will enable them to conceive innovative ideas and effective advertising campaigns for different types of products or services. In short, TECH's Professional Master's Degree in Copywriting is the best option for those who wish to train as specialists in persuasion and commercial copywriting, in a cutting-edge academic environment that will allow them to be at the forefront of the latest trends in digital marketing and advertising.