
You will work at the Louvre in Paris, the Metropolitan in New York or the National Gallery in London thanks to this professional master’s degree” 


Societies around the world strive to preserve their artistic heritage, as it is a fundamental part of their identities and history. Although art has often been seen as something trivial and superficial, it is an essential cultural element involved in many social activities that influences millions of people. It is therefore not surprising that extremely ancient art is still considerably significant today.

Different pieces of art, spaces and architectural works from different periods are often the most distinctive features of a given region. The Duomo is one of the places that define Milan, the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris and France, and pieces of work such as La Gioconda or the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel define Italy artistically. These works have become part of physical space, and of our collective imagination of these places. Such is the importance of art.

However, for any of this to be possible, works or art must be properly preserved, a task that requires specialists who know how to care for and classify these pieces of artistic heritage.  In this sense, museology is a fundamental discipline, since it is responsible for ensuring works of art find an adequate space for their preservation and dissemination.  This professional master’s degree in Museology and Artistic Heritage offers students the possibility of accessing numerous professional opportunities in the world of art, thanks to the great amount of knowledge and competencies they will acquire during the program.  

Moreover, it is imparted following an innovative 100% online teaching methodology based on a practical approach and uses, among other elements, case studies so students enjoy a dynamic learning experience. It is also a flexible in that it adapts to the circumstances of each student, so they can balance their professional careers with their studies.

You will be a great artistic heritage curator. Enroll now”  

This Professional professional master’s degree in Museology and Artistic Heritage contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Art History, Museology and Heritage Conservation
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

The best museums in the world are looking for specialists like you. Don't miss the opportunity and enroll in this professional master’s degree” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

This is the qualification you were looking for. Enroll and devote yourself to your passion"


You will be able to work with the artistic works you admire. Specialize now and go far in the field of museology and heritage conservation "


The main objective of this professional master’s degree in Museology and Artistic Heritage is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to devote themselves to their passion: history, art and conservation. Thus, all the elements of this program are focused on this goal; so, students enrolled in the program will have all the necessary tools to be able to work in art and museology areas once they complete it.


Your goal is to work in a great museum and with this professional master’s degree you will achieve precisely that”

General Objectives

  • Possess a level of knowledge necessary to master all aspects of Art History and its influence on the present
  • Develop critical thinking with respect to the different artistic movements and stages
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the influence of Classical and Christian Iconographies and their projection in contemporary times
  • Know how to identify reliable historical and artistic sources
  • Integrate the conceptual foundations of Art History in the areas of Museology and Heritage Conservation
  • Identify the most relevant Figures and Iconographies in universal and Christian history

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Introduction to Art History I

  • Ascertain the characteristics, functions and basic lines of Art History in its different manifestations
  • Analyze, appreciate and situate artistic works in their context
  • Know the great themes in the arts and the interaction between them and across borders, thus adopting a perspective for intercultural dialogue

Module 2. Introduction to Art History II

  • Become familiar with the contributions made in Ancient History
  • Know the contributions of Ancient History in shaping the cultural, political and socioeconomic foundations of the present day
  • Organize historical information in a coherent manner and transmit it according to the critical canons of the discipline
  • Prioritize the lines of thought, concepts, beliefs and cultural traits of each people

Module 3. Christian Archeology

  • Facilitate an approach to Christian life in the first centuries of the Church, from the vestiges of the artistic expression of their beliefs, rites and customs that we have inherited
  • Establish a dialog with the culture of the time, according to the rites and funerary monuments, cult buildings and iconic expressions of the faith of the Church

Module 4. Artistic Techniques

  • Acquire knowledge about the different materials and artistic techniques used
  • Understand conservation difficulties due to the nature of the materials and their use
  • Learn the evolution of artistic techniques throughout Art History
  • Gain knowledge about the different materials and artistic techniques

Module 5. Classical Iconography

  • Identify the scenes represented in sculpture or painting thanks to iconographic elements
  • Identify artistic periods based on iconographic elements
  • Recognize classical mythology characters in plastic art work using iconography
  • Become familiar with the iconographic elements used in identifying works of art

Module 6. Christian Iconography

  • Acquire Critical Awareness of the religious fact
  • Know how to distinguish Saints on the Saint Calendar thanks to iconographic elements
  • Discover the essence of Christianity
  • Analyze historical contexts
  • Learn the most significant sources in Christian iconography

Module 7. Sources in Art History

  • Develop a critical sense from a historiographic standpoint
  • Handle information gathering instruments
  • Know how to work with the different types of historical sources
  • Use accepted terminology and techniques in the science and practice of historiography

Module 8. Museology and Heritage

  • Distinguish between museography and museology
  • Recognize some of the most relevant museums in Art History
  • Understand the problems museums have to face and the inconveniences that can arise during the assembly of an exhibition
  • Become acquainted with the different types of exhibitions and how they differ

Module 9. Urbanism

  • Attain the necessary level of knowledge to master geography, at the physical and human level, from a regional and global perspective, with special emphasis on the European and Spanish context, and a vision of the urban organization of the territory
  • Know the conceptual foundations of Geography
  • Manage the main techniques and tools to obtain and process geographic information
  • Understand the interrelation between geographic phenomena at different levels of analysis
  • Understand the formation and evolution of geographic thought within the framework of scientific knowledge
  • Become familiar with the basic aspects of humanized space

Module 10. Contemporary Architecture

  • Analyze the different types of construction materials in contemporary times
  • Approach and understand the ideology of great contemporary thinkers
  • Analyze the different architectural theories that coexist in the contemporary historical context

This program is what you need if you want to advance professionally in the art and heritage world”

Professional Master's Degree in Museology and Artistic Heritage


Museology and artistic heritage are areas of great relevance in the conservation, preservation and promotion of the culture and history of a society. The interest and demand by the public in these areas have grown significantly in recent years, generating the need for highly trained professionals in the management and conservation of artistic heritage. At TECH Global University we are committed to providing quality training and excellence that meets current academic needs. That is why we present our Professional Master's Degree in Museology and Artistic Heritage, a virtual program designed to train professionals in the management and conservation of artistic heritage, as well as in the creation of exhibitions and educational programs.

Strengthen your career by learning about museology and artistic heritage


This Professional Master's Degree from TECH Global University will allow professionals to strengthen their knowledge and skills in both the management and conservation of artistic heritage, as well as in the creation of exhibitions and educational programs. This virtual program will provide the opportunity to acquire practical tools for the management and conservation of artistic heritage, such as the creation of preventive conservation plans, the management of restoration techniques and the implementation of security measures. In addition, the program includes the creation of exhibitions and educational programs that allow the promotion and dissemination of artistic heritage, strengthening the link between society and culture. Thanks to this, our students will expand their job opportunities in museums, galleries and cultural centers, among others.