
The program you are looking for to master all aspects of the management cycle of an International Development Cooperation project” 


The evaluation and monitoring of an International Development Cooperation project is essential to ensure its impact and sustainability over time.  In this line, clear and measurable indicators must be established to evaluate the achievement of the objectives and the impact of the initiative on the target communities. In addition, it is important to consider the long-term viability of the project, ensuring that local cultures have the capacity to maintain the activities and results of the Humanitarian Action once it ends. 

If these aspects are not taken into account when developing such actions, the initiative may fail, to the detriment of the communities involved, That is why handling the latest management tools in this demanding area has become crucial, which is why this study was born. Through it, Humanities professionals have the opportunity to delve into the techniques, trends and projects of International Cooperation for Development. In the same way, they will obtain a global vision on the nature, perspective and objectives of development cooperation actions 

All this and more will be available to students in only 300 hours of specialization, in which they will not have to attend a teaching center in person, at any time. In fact, TECH give them the baton of the management of their educational cycle, so they will be the ones to decide their own study schedules. In this way, you will be able to combine the postgraduate certificate with your professional obligations without major problems.

Do you want to Develop a global vision on the nature, perspective and objectives of Development Cooperation actions? Do it with all the guarantees thanks to TECH!” 

This postgraduate certificate in Design, Monitoring and Assessment of International Development Cooperation Projects contains the Educational most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in International Development Design, Monitoring and Assessment of Cooperation 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection  

You will be able to examine the main challenges of the actors present in the Humanitarian Action in a completely online way”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

TECH's advanced educational methodology will allow you to delve into the design, monitoring and evaluation of International Development Cooperation actions with dynamic resources in only 300 hours"


A high value specialization absolutely in line with the precepts of the United Nations"


The effective management of International Development Cooperation projects is vital in the future of many communities, so TECH has designed this program with special care and based on a comprehensive approach. Thanks to this global perspective, after completing the program, the Humanities professional will be in a position to face any scenario related to the design, monitoring and evaluation of Humanitarian Actions. 


By achieving the objectives of the postgraduate certificate, you will identify with expert precision the strategic axes that guide the policies and actions of Cooperation”

General Objectives

  • Provide students with advanced knowledge in International Cooperation, of a specialized nature and based on theoretical and instrumental knowledge that will allow them to acquire and develop the skills and abilities necessary to obtain a qualification as a solidarity professional
  • Provide students with basic knowledge of the Cooperation and Development process based on the latest advances in policies on sustainability processes
    involved in both economic and social aspects 
  • Improve professional performance and develop strategies for adapting and solving the problems of today's world by means of scientific research in cooperation and development processes 
  • Disseminate the basics of the current system and develop the critical and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to adapt to political changes, within the framework of international law 

Specific Objectives

  • Know the management cycle of a development project 
  • Know the techniques, trends and projects of international development cooperation 
  • Understand the main problems of the different regional and international environments 
  • Know the different systems, modalities and basic actors of International  Development Cooperation 
  • Know the regional particularities of development and cooperation 
  • Identify the processes of design, monitoring and assessment of development cooperation actions, so that they have a complete understanding of what a
  • cooperation project is 
  • Develop a global vision on the nature, perspective and objectives of development cooperation actions 
  • Analyze and assess the sense of sectoral and geographic priorities of international development cooperation, identify the strategic axes that guide cooperation policies and actions, the sectors of action and the instruments for their implementation 
  • Promote debate and analysis on aspects related to the development of cooperation policies and actions and strategies aimed at improving their quality and effectiveness 
  • Knowledge of project development methodologies and mastery of technical skills for the identification, formulation, planning, programming, management and monitoring of development cooperation projects 
  • Ability to understand in depth the context and nature of humanitarian aid actions 
  • Assess the process and final result of the different development cooperation projects

The comprehensive approach of this program will allow you to examine in depth the context and nature of humanitarian aid actions”

Postgraduate Certificate in Design, Monitoring and Assessment of International Development Cooperation Projects

Have you ever wondered how you can contribute to international development effectively? The Faculty of Humanities at TECH Global University has the answer you are looking for. Our Postgraduate Certificate in Design, Monitoring and Assessment of International Development Cooperation Projects is a unique opportunity to delve into the world of international cooperation from the comfort of your home, thanks to the online modality. The program is designed to equip you with crucial skills that will enable you to successfully plan, implement and evaluate international development projects. The teaching team is made up of experts in international cooperation, who will guide you in your learning and provide you with a quality education. Throughout the degree, you will explore relevant topics such as project management, needs identification, impact measurement, and sustainability of development initiatives.

All of these topics are covered in the program.

Acquire knowledge in international development cooperation

At the end, you will receive a recognized certificate, which will open doors in the field of international cooperation. You will be able to work in non-governmental organizations, development agencies, government institutions and other entities committed to sustainable development. Here, we believe in the importance of comprehensive specialization and academic excellence. This course is a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and contribute to positive change in the world. Join the community of committed students and be part of the solution to global challenges. Don't wait any longer to take the next step in your professional career. Enroll in the Postgraduate Certificate in Design, Monitoring and Assessment of International Development Cooperation Projects and get ready to make a difference in the international arena. Your future in international cooperation begins at TECH Global University.