University certificate
The world's largest faculty of education”
Why study at TECH?
Learn how to apply Voice Therapy techniques to alleviate or correct voice disorders throughout a high-quality program, specifically designed to complete your preparation"

The medical professionals intervene in the care of their patients' voice in many contexts and situations. Professionals such as broadcasters, journalists, commercials, actors, singers, etc., require knowledge and management of their speaking apparatus, since its use is essential for their work. In this sense, it is also important to be aware of the multifactorial nature of the voice and its alterations.
The changes that occur in the human voice over time are related, among other factors, to the maturation and development of the phonorespiratory system, as well as to its deterioration. There are also modifications in the voice due to professional use and to structural and functional alterations associated or not with other pathologies.
For all these reasons, knowledge about the use of one's own voice, programs for the prevention of disorders and Voice Therapy applied to the use in different contexts, are crucial elements for the health, well-being and development of any speaker.
This type of training increases professionals’ ability to succeed, which results in better practice and performance that will have a direct impact on their professional work, both in the teaching field and in the field of professional communication.
This program offers a very broad view of vocal pathology and voice physiology, with examples of successful cases. It includes all the necessary and basic techniques for the preparation and re-education of the voice, taking into account the professions that use it as their main working tool, providing tools, experiences and advances in this field, which have also been guaranteed by the teaching staff on the Postgraduate diploma, since all of them work in the field. Professionals will learn based on professional experience, as well as evidence-based pedagogy, which makes student’s training more effective and accurate.
With this Postgraduate diploma you will be able to balance high-intensity training with your professional and personal life, achieving your goals in a simple and real way"
This Postgraduate diploma in Voice Therapy and Voice Disorders offers the characteristics of a high-level educational, teaching and technological program. These are some of its most notable features:
- The latest technology in online teaching software
- A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
- Practical cases presented by practising experts
- State-of-the-art interactive video systems.
- Teaching supported by telepractice
- Continuous updating and recycling systems
- Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
- Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
- Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
- Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
- Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program
Incorporate new habits of care and protection of the voice to your work and ensure the good condition of it to avoid injuries and disorders that interfere with your profession"
The collaborators of this Postgraduate diploma are professionals in the sector who will provide with the greatest compendium of knowledge in both scientific and purely technical disciplines.
In this way TECH ensures to offer you the updating objective it intends. A multidisciplinary team of trained and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will put at the service of the program the practical knowledge derived from their own experience: one of the differential qualities of this specialization program.
This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Postgraduate diploma in Voice Therapy and Voice Disorders. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, the students will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give them the operability they need in their learning process.
The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice: with the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, the student will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were facing the scenario they are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.
A program created and directed by active professionals who are experts in this field of work, which makes this Postgraduate diploma a unique opportunity for professional growth"

Our innovative telepractice concept will give you the opportunity to learn through an immersive experience, with a high educational impact"
The contents of this Postgraduate diploma have been developed by the different specialists on this program, with a clear purpose: to ensure that our students acquire each and every one of the necessary skills to become true experts in this field.
A comprehensive and well-structured program that will lead to the highest standards of quality and success. A complete and well-structured program that will take you to the highest standards of quality and success.

This Postgraduate diploma in Voice Therapy and Voice Disorders contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market”
Module 1. Normal Voice vs. Pathological Voice
1.1. Normal Voices and Pathological Voices
1.1.1. Euphonia vs. Dysphonia
1.1.2. Types of Voices
1.2. Vocal Fatigue
1.2.1. Introduction Advice to Prevent Vocal Fatigue
1.2.2. Synthesis
1.3. Acoustic Signs of Dysphonia
1.3.1. First Manifestations
1.3.2. Acoustic Features
1.3.3. Severity Grades
1.4. Functional Dysphonias
1.4.1. Type I: Isometric Laryngeal Disorder
1.4.2. Type II: Glottic and Supraglottic Lateral Contraction
1.4.3. Type III: Anteroposterior Supraglottic Contraction
1.4.4. Type IV: Conversion Aphonia/Dysphonia
1.4.5. Transitional Adolescent Dysphonia
1.5. Psychogenic Dysphonia
1.5.1. Definition
1.5.2. Patient Characteristics
1.5.3. Signs of Psychogenic Dysphonia and Voice Characteristics
1.5.4. Clinical Forms
1.5.5. Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychogenic Dysphonia
1.5.6. Synthesis
1.6. Transitional Adolescent Dysphonia
1.6.1. Vocal Changes
1.6.2. Concept of Adolescent Transitional Dysphonia
1.6.3. Treatment
1.6.4. Synthesis
1.7. Dysphonia due to Congenital Organic Lesions
1.7.1. Introduction
1.7.2. Intrachordal Epidermal Cyst
1.7.3. Sulcus Vocalis
1.7.4. Mucosal Bridge
1.7.5. Vergeture
1.7.6. Microsinequias
1.7.7. Laryngomalacia
1.7.8. Synthesis
1.8. Acquired Organic Dysphonias
1.8.1. Introduction
1.8.2. Dysphonias of Neurological Origin Peripheral Laryngeal Paralysis Upper Motor Neuron Disorders Extrapyramidal Alterations Cerebellar Alterations Lower Motor Neuron Disorders Other Alterations
1.8.3. Organic Dysphonias of Acquired Origin Of Traumatic Origin Inflammatory Dysphonias of Neoplastic Origin
1.8.4. Synthesis
1.9. Mixed Dysphonias
1.9.1. Introduction
1.9.2. Vocal Nodes
1.9.3. Laryngeal Polyps
1.9.4. Reinke's Edema
1.9.5. Vocal Cord Hemorrhage
1.9.6. Contact Ulcer or Granuloma
1.9.7. Mucous Retention Cyst
1.9.8. Synthesis
Module 2. Medical-Surgical Treatments of Vocal Pathologies
2.1. Phonosurgery
2.1.1. Flush Section
2.1.2. Cordotomies
2.1.3. Injection Techniques
2.2. Laryngeal Surgery
2.2.1. Thyroplasties
2.2.2. Laryngeal Neurosurgery
2.2.3. Surgery in Malignant Laryngeal Pathologies
2.3. Medication in Dysphonia
2.3.1. Medication to Regularize Respiratory Aspects
2.3.2. Medication to Regularize Digestive Aspects
2.3.3. Medication to Regulate the Non-Autonomous Nervous System
2.3.4. Types of Medication
Module 3. Speech Therapy for Voice Disorders
3.1. The Importance of the Multidisciplinary Team in the Approach to Treatment
3.1.1. Introduction
3.1.2. Teamwork Characteristics of Multidisciplinary Work
3.1.3. Multidisciplinary Work in the Treatment of Vocal Pathology
3.2. Indications and Restrictions of Speech Therapy Treatment
3.2.1. Prevalence of Vocal Disorders
3.2.2. Treatment Indications
3.2.3. Treatment Limitations and Restrictions
3.2.4. Adherence to Treatment
3.3. General Intervention Objectives
3.3.1. The General Objectives of All Vocal Work
3.3.2. How to Meet the General Objectives
3.4. Muscle Conditioning
3.4.1. Voice as a Muscle Activity
3.4.2. General Aspects of Training
3.4.3. Principles of Training
3.5. Respiratory Conditioning
3.5.1. Justifying Respiratory Work in Vocal Therapy
3.5.2. Methodology
3.5.3. Static Exercises with Facilitating Postures
3.5.4. Semisupine
3.5.5. Neutral or Monkey Position
3.5.6. Dynamic Exercises with Facilitating Postures
3.6. Hygiene Therapy
3.6.1. Introduction
3.6.2. Harmful Habits and Their Effects on the Voice
3.6.3. Preventive Measures
3.7. Confidential Voice Therapy
3.7.1. History of the Method
3.7.2. Foundation and Principles
3.7.3. Therapy Uses
3.8. Resonance Voice Therapy
3.8.1. Description of the Method
3.8.2. Laryngeal Behavior
3.8.3. Uses and Benefits
3.9. Accent Method
3.9.1. Introduction
3.9.2. Justification of the Method
3.9.3. Methodology
3.10. Vocal Function Exercises
3.10.1. Introduction
3.10.2. Justification
3.10.3. Methodology
3.11. Fluid Phonation
3.11.1. Introduction
3.11.2. Justification
3.11.3. Methodology
3.12. Lee Silverman LSVT
3.12.1. Introduction
3.12.2. Justification
3.12.3. Methodology
3.13. Physiological Therapy
3.13.1. Justification
3.13.2. Physiological Objectives
3.13.3. Training
3.14. Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises
3.14.1. Introduction
3.14.2. Justification
3.14.3. SOVT
3.15. Manual Laryngeal Massage
3.15.1. Introduction
3.15.2. Manual Circumlaryngeal Therapy
3.15.3. Laryngeal Massage Technique
3.15.4. Introduction to Functional and Structural Techniques Jones Technique for the Suprahyoid Muscles Functional Hyoid Bone Technique Functional Technique for Tongue and Hyoid Bone Functional Technique for the Tongue Technique for Maxillopharyngeal Fasciae
3.16. Facilitating Techniques
3.16.1. Introduction
3.16.2. Description of Facilitating Techniques
3.17. Estill Voice Training
3.17.1. Jo Estill and the Creation of the Model
3.17.2. Principles of Estill Voice Training
3.17.3. Description
3.18. PROEL Method
3.18.1. Introduction
3.18.2. Principles
3.18.3. Curiosities
3.19. NEIRA Method
3.19.1. Introduction
3.19.2. Concept of Euphony
3.19.3. Objectives of the Method
3.19.4. Body-Vocal Scaffolding Body Work Respiratory Attitude Resonance Work Vocal Work Emotional Work
3.20. Body, Voice and Movement
3.20.1. Introduction and Justification
3.20.2. Techniques That Incorporate Movement into Their Programs
3.20.3. Examples
3.21. Elastic Bandages
3.21.1. History
3.21.2. Bandage Characteristics
3.21.3. Effects
3.21.4. Contraindications
3.21.5. Techniques Uses in the Voice
3.22. Electrostimulation
3.22.1. Introduction
3.22.2. Justification
3.22.3. Methodology
3.23. Low-Power Laser
3.23.1. History
3.23.2. Physical Concepts
3.23.3. Classification of the Types of Laser
3.23.4. Effects of Lasers and Their Interaction with Tissues
3.23.5. Safety Measures and Contraindications
3.23.6. Use of Lasers in the Prevention and Treatment of Voice Disorders
Module 4. Speech Therapy for Pathologies
4.1. Speech Therapy in Functional Dysphonias
4.1.1. Type I: Isometric Laryngeal Disorder
4.1.2. Type II: Glottic and Supraglottic Lateral Contraction
4.1.3. Type III: Anteroposterior Supraglottic Contraction
4.1.4. Type IV: Conversion Aphonia/Dysphonia
4.1.5. Psychogenic Dysphonia with Arched Vocal Cords
4.1.6. Transitional Adolescent Dysphonia
4.2. Speech Therapy in Organic Origin Dysphonias
4.2.1. Speech Therapy in Congenital Origin Dysphonias
4.2.2. Speech Therapy in Acquired Origin Dysphonias
4.3. Speech Therapy in Organic-Functional Origin Dysphonias
4.3.1. Nodes
4.3.2. Polyps
4.3.3. Mucous Cysts
4.3.4. Others
4.4. Post-Laryngectomy Rehabilitation
4.4.1. Types of Prosthesis
4.4.2. The Esophageal Voice: Murmurs, Esophageal Sound, Learning Sequence, Characteristics of the Esophageal Voice
4.4.3. Tracheoesophageal Voice
4.4.4. The Voice in Patients Prostheses
4.5. Treating the Voice in Gender Change
4.5.1. Initial Considerations
4.5.2. Voice Masculinization Objectives
4.5.3. Voice Feminization Objectives
4.5.4. Accommodation of Acoustic Aspects of the Voice: Body and Vocal Cord Coverage, Fundamental Frequency, Resonance and Timbre
4.5.5. Suprasegmental Aspects of Speech

Make the most of the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Voice Therapy and Voice Disorders"
Postgraduate Diploma in Voice Therapy and Voice Disorders
The Postgraduate Diploma in Vocal Therapy and Voice Disorders is a specialized academic program that provides health professionals with the opportunity to acquire advanced training in the management and treatment of voice disorders and phoniatrics. This program is an extension of university training and is aimed at speech therapists, speech therapists, physicians or any health professional interested in the subject. During this Postgraduate Diploma in Vocal Therapy and Voice Disorders of TECH Global University, you will deepen your knowledge of the phonoarticulatory system and its relationship with the voice, in order to evaluate and treat disorders that affect oral communication.
Voice disorders
Students will learn techniques and methods for the diagnosis and treatment of functional and organic disorders of the voice, such as dysphonia, nodules or polyps, as well as neurological disorders that affect vocal production. In addition, at TECH Global University we include important aspects of voice recovery and vocal rehabilitation, through exercises and strategies to improve vocal quality and minimize the effects of pathologies. The Postgraduate Diploma is taught through a 100% online methodology, which allows students to learn firsthand the most innovative techniques and methods in the treatment of voice. Students will also have the opportunity to carry out practical exercises and work with real examples, in sessions supervised by professional Postgraduate Diplomas. The Postgraduate Diploma in Vocal Therapy and Voice Disorders is a complete and specialized academic program that provides students with the necessary training to evaluate, diagnose and treat the most common voice disorders, with the objective of improving oral and vocal communication.