
Would you like to revolutionize Primary School Mathematics teaching? If the answer is yes, this program is the perfect opportunity to learn how to achieve it. Are you going to let it go?" 


The American writer Joseph Wood Krutch described logic as "the art of being wrong with confidence". It is an abstract concept and different philosophical movements have determined that it refers to the coherent development of things whose conclusion may vary according to the attention given to the procedure. As mathematicians know, knowledge of a formula does not determine that the operation is correct, since the slightest error can completely change the result. Thus, new educational trends place more value on knowledge, mastery of techniques and reasoning why an operation is performed in a certain way, since, according to experts, this will contribute to cognitive development that, after intensive practice, will allow students to achieve their objectives.  

TECH has designed an innovative, comprehensive and multidisciplinary program through which teachers will be able to catch up on the latest academic trends around the world, so that they can apply a range of strategies in Primary Education.  For this purpose, they will have 450 hours of the best theoretical, practical and supplementary content with which they can explore topics such as logical-mathematical thinking, the gamification of algebra, arithmetic, geometry and measurement for dynamic learning or the different methodologies for the practice of cognitive skills through the involvement and active participation of the student in problem solving.  

All this over 6 months of 100% online study in which, in addition to having access to the most comprehensive syllabus, they will be able to make use of hours of varied supplementary material: detailed videos, research articles, complementary readings, news, self-knowledge exercises, dynamic summaries, etc. In addition, the entire content can be downloaded to any device with an Internet connection, guaranteeing access to the program even when there is no Internet coverage. This way students can plan the experience based on their availability, without having to worry about face-to-face classes or restricted schedules and contributing to the advancement of teaching through the most innovative didactic methodologies.  

Explore the most innovative teaching methodologies through 450 hours of diverse and 100% online content" 

This postgraduate diploma in Teaching Logical Thinking in Primary School Mathematics contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The examination of practical cases presented by experts in Mathematics teaching 
  • Graphic, schematic and practical contents which provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be carried out to improve learning 
  • A special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

In addition to updating your teaching skills, you can also get up to speed on the most effective and straightforward assessment strategies in today's academic environment"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who pour their professional experience into this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning designed for real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to resolve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

The best program on the academic market to learn the most effective teaching techniques to enhance the arithmetic skills of students from 6 to 13 years of age” 


You will be able to put your skills into practice in different educational situations, using a range of games and methodological strategies” 


TECH and its team of experts in Primary Education have designed this multidisciplinary program with the aim of bringing students up to date on the methodological trends that are leading the way in Mathematics teaching. Thus, in just 6 months of 100% online instruction, you will be able to update your skills through the knowledge and mastery of the most effective strategies for the promotion of logical thinking in children between 6 and 13 years of age. 


By expanding your knowledge on fundamental psycho-pedagogical concepts on the construction of mathematical criteria, you will be able to enhance your teaching"  

General Objectives

  • Learn mathematical concepts and vocabulary appropriate for a teaching unit 
  • Work with and teach cardinal number sequences, through the manipulation of the appropriate material, with students knowing how to compose them and break them down into lower numbers 
  • Develop materials and resources to work on problems in the classroom 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Mathematical Logical Thinking in Pre-school Education 

  • Understand the development of logical-mathematical thinking within the Pre-school and Primary School Education curriculum 
  • Ensure that the children learn to deduce logically, to argue and to draw conclusions from the situations they are presented with 
  • Learn to work with different learning techniques 

Module 2. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement Games with Numbers

  • Be able to plan different games and activities 
  • Encourage enthusiastic participation in different types of games, regulate behavior and harness excitement to achieve learning objectives 
  • Help students learn to count, to become familiar with numbers, to distinguish cardinal and ordinal numbers 

Module 3. Methodology and Classroom Based Learning in the Primary School Classroom Students with Adaptations

  • Be able to use evaluation criteria 
  • Build knowledge of different types of methodologies such as Core Standards, EntusiasMat, Jump Math y ABN 


The program includes a section focused on seriation games, which will help you to enable the resolution of logical operations through the construction of linear schemes" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Logical Thinking in Primary School Mathematics

At TECH Global University's School of Education, we offer educators the necessary knowledge and skills to develop their students' ability to use numbers effectively, recognize abstract patterns and reason appropriately. Therefore, we created a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Logical Thinking in Primary School Mathematics, created in order to analyze oral, graphic or written messages and encourage curiosity for exploration, reflection, initiative and relationship with mathematical topics based on real problems.

The most updated postgraduate course in logical-mathematical intelligence

With this specialized education the student will be able to approach the development of multiple intelligences through mathematics, using different methodologies such as problem-based learning, flipped classroom, gamification and cooperative learning; as well as Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf pedagogy. Additionally, this Specialization offers a broad vision of the typical errors, difficulties and blockages in the teaching of this formal science. In this way, professionals who access the TECH program will increase their capacity for success within the classroom.