University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
During this Practical Training you will specialize in audiovisual production using the stop motion technique"

The great communicative power of the image has been enhanced in recent years by the use of graphic design software, which has made it possible to create 2D or 3D animations with a great visual and commercial impact. This is why mastering the main tools and computer programs has become essential for the multimedia designer. Their multidisciplinary work is widely recognized by companies in the sector, but it requires excellent creative skills and information on current trends.
In this scenario, this academic institution has created this Practical Training, which seeks to give students the knowledge they need to be able to perform successfully in the field of Multimedia Design. Throughout an Internship program in a creative company of global prestige, the student will develop various skills. Among them, they will delve into the most current strategies for the choice of colors and typographies according to the characteristics of the audiovisual project to be produced. Additionally, they will analyze current trends in language, culture and digital photography. They will also learn how to integrate designs in Adobe After Effects and handle other computer programs of varying complexity.
To this end, students will have a 3-week stay in a relevant company in the sector, where they will be tutored by specialists who have a perfect command of the concepts, keys, working methods and essential techniques for developing successful multimedia projects. These institutions are distinguished for having the most powerful software and creative tools with the best results in the field of Multimedia Design. In conclusion, it is an exceptional environment to be able to grow in an expanding sector.

This academic itinerary is exclusive to TECH and you will be able to develop it at your own pace thanks to its 100% online Relearning methodology"
El Multimedia Design dispone de amplias potencialidades y, cada día, son más solicitadas por empresas diversas, relacionadas con la creación de contenidos audiovisuales y para la web. Asimismo, las nuevas tecnologías de la información han traído consigo valiosas herramientas creativas que actualizan de forma constante a esa disciplina. Por eso, TECH ha ideado una Internship program que recoge los principales softwares, técnicas de trabajo y tendencias creativas que marcan a este escenario profesional. Esos conocimientos serán adquiridos por el alumno de la mano de grandes expertos, radicados en empresas de prestigio internacional.

A través de esta modalidad educativa, desarrollarás habilidades prácticas que te distinguirán de otros profesionales del ámbito del diseño por tus capacidades resolutivas y de innovación”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
Por medio de este programa, el alumno manejará con diferentes aplicaciones informáticas dedicadas a la animación de personajes. Entre ellas se distingue Adobe After Effect, así como Blender, para la creación de personajes 3D para cortos y largometrajes audiovisuales. Igualmente, dominará la integración de varias de esas herramientas del diseño hasta desarrollar proyectos mucho más acabados.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
Durante esta oportunidad de aprendizaje práctico, los alumnos adquirirán competencias profesionales junto a los mejores expertos del Diseño Multimedia. Esos especialistas son poseedores de una distinguida trayectoria en la creación de cortos animados y otros proyectos audiovisuales. De esa forma, los estudiantes adquirirán un profundo entendimiento del alcance de esta disciplina laboral.
3. Adentrarse en entornos dedicados al Diseño Multimedia de primera
Para sus Capacitaciones Prácticas, TECH elige meticulosamente las instituciones a dónde enviará a sus alumnos durante 3 semanas de intensivo aprendizaje. En esas empresas, los estudiantes ahondarán en las dinámicas que definen el ejercicio laboral cotidiano de un área profesional tan exigente, rigurosa y exhaustiva como el Diseño Multimedia.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
En aras de facilitar la asimilación de habilidades profesionales para sus alumnos, TECH ha configurado un modelo de aprendizaje 100% práctico. Este programa se aleja por completo de otros temarios académicos donde priman largas horas de carga teórica. Así, las destrezas adquiridas le serán de gran utilidad al estudiante en su ejercicio laboral futuro de manera inmediata.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
Esta Capacitación Práctica de TECH puede ser realizada desde centros de envergadura internacional. De esta forma, el alumno extenderá sus horizontes desde el entendimiento holístico de las rutinas productivas de este sector en otros continentes. Esta oportunidad, única de su tipo, solo es posible gracias a la amplia red de contacto y convenios a disposición de la universidad digital más grande del mundo.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Multimedia Design
Multimedia design is one of the most fundamental branches of the creative industry, since it covers the handling and editing of photographs, texts, programming, videos, audios and animation, in a dynamic and interactive way. It also encompasses communication, design, advertising and new technologies. However, the constant technical advances and trends have caused professionals to update their knowledge. This is why TECH has developed an extensive Internship Program in Multimedia Design, specialized in addressing the main concepts of this discipline. In this innovative program, you will delve into the audiovisual culture, the principles of color, motion graphics and designs through software such as Blender or Adobe After Effects. At the same time, you will analyze 2D animation, 3D modeling, digital photography and the latest techniques in the modeling of three-dimensional objects. You will learn all this in a prestigious educational center, through lessons guided by a team of experts, who will implement unique methodologies in the market. By mastering these thematic axes, you will be able to handle the audiovisual language and the graphic elements of a project.
Be an expert in multimedia design
The great communicative power of the image has been enhanced in recent years by the use of graphic design software that allows you to create 2D or 3D animations with a great visual and commercial impact. Therefore, in this course offered by TECH you will find the most innovative and updated syllabus of the educational sector, complemented by a theoretical-practical approach and a unique methodology, which facilitates the development of the curriculum in a more progressive and efficient way. By studying with us for three weeks, in consecutive eight-hour days from Monday to Friday, you will specialize in handling all branches of this area of design, addressing the development of digital photography and the main technological resources used for the implementation of any multimedia project. In addition, you will study other concepts ranging from cartooning, audiovisual storytelling and stop motion management, to basic lighting and measuring equipment in photography and the aesthetic fundamentals of typography. After completing the program, you will not only be an expert in handling audiovisual language in animation projects, but you will also enhance your creative and technical skills to perform multidisciplinary work.