
Ms. Alessia Simionato is an internationally experienced lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property and New Technologies. This lawyer has a great professional background in the firm Fourlaw Abogados, where she works in the Intellectual Property Department. She provides legal advice on IP/IT matters to individuals and Spanish and international companies.

This advice includes the protection of copyrights, assistance to film and television production companies in Audiovisual Law matters or the review of advertising campaigns and creations. Other of her functions include drafting contracts related to the entertainment industry, legal audits of web pages or advising on the Right to be Forgotten.

Previously, she worked at the Italian law firm FVF Associati, where she was in charge of drafting commercial and civil law acts, contracts and other legal documents, as well as analyzing and solving particular cases.

  • IP/IT Media Lawyer at Fourlaw Abogados
  • Lawyer at FVF Associati 
  • Degree in Law from the State University of Milan
  • Expert in Intellectual Property and Audiovisual Law at Centro de Estudios Financieros (Centro de Estudios Financieros)
  • Expert in Digital Law and New Technologies at Centro de Estudios Financieros
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