
The new scenarios in home hospitalization push us to propose new training programs that meet the real needs of experienced professionals, so that they can incorporate advances in the specialty into their daily practice"



Demographic change calls for an extreme rethinking of healthcare to focus more on patient care. The fact is that the increase in aging also brings with it an increase in chronic diseases. In fact, it is estimated that around 70% of elderly Spaniards suffer from at least one chronic disease. Although palliative care is mainly provided for diseases that can no longer be cured, such as advanced cancers, in the case of the elderly, this type of care is also important without the need to be an oncology patient, since certain types of chronic diseases can lead to the need for this type of care. 

In these cases, home hospitalization is of utmost importance, since patients will have less difficulty being treated at home than if they have to travel to hospitals, making home hospitalization the engine of change in modern health care, a care focused on people and their health and social needs.  

This program is focused on deepening the understanding of all aspects which make home hospitalization unique and different from other medical specialties. It also demonstrates the weaknesses and future opportunities we have ahead of us, making the most of new educative technology available. 

With this postgraduate diploma, students will learn about the management of infections at home, palliative care in oncology patients, pain treatment and the most innovative therapeutic and diagnostic techniques on the market, offering physicians the most updated offer to provide the best service to their patients. 

Take advantage of the opportunity to study with us and don't stop training throughout your working life"

This postgraduate diploma in Complex Chronic and Palliative Patient in Home Hospitalization contains the most complete and up to date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • The development of more than 100 case studies presented by experts in home hospitalization, complex chronic patient management and palliative care
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional
  • News on the role of physicians and nurses in home hospitalization
  • The content of practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Its special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and home hospitalization research methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is Accessible from any Fixed or Portable device with an Internet Connection

With this postgraduate diploma you have the opportunity to update your knowledge in a comfortable way and without renouncing the maximum scientific rigor, to incorporate the latest advances in the approach to the medical hospitalization of complex chronic and palliative patients in your daily medical practice"

Its faculty is made up of prestigious and renowned Spanish professionals, with a long career in health care, teaching and research, who have worked in different hospitals throughout the country, developing a professional and teaching experience that they deliver in an extraordinary way in this postgraduate diploma. 

The methodological design of this Postgraduate Diploma, developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, integrates the latest advances in educational technology for the creation of numerous multimedia educational tools that allow the professional, based fundamentally on the scientific method, to face the solution of real problems in their daily clinical practice, which will allow them to advance in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills that will impact their future professional work. 

It should be noted in this Postgraduate Diploma that each of the contents generated, as well as the videos, self-tests, clinical cases and modular exams, have been thoroughly reviewed, updated and integrated by the professors and the team of experts that make up the working group, to facilitate the learning process in a step-by-step and didactic manner, in order to achieve the objectives of the teaching program. 

This postgraduate diploma integrates the latest advances in educational technology"



Do not miss the opportunity to train yourself with this postgraduate diploma that includes more than a hundred case studies in its program"


The main objective of the postgraduate diploma is the improvement of health professionals, based on the acquisition of the most updated and innovative scientific knowledge in the field of home hospitalization, the management of complex chronic patients and diseases with palliative needs and their treatment that will allow them to develop the skills that will turn their daily clinical practice into a bastion of the standards of the best available scientific evidence, with a critical, innovative, multidisciplinary and integrative sense. 


Get a specialized training adapted to your profession to improve every day in the treatment of your patients"

General Objective

  • Bring the doctor’s knowledge up to date using the best scientific evidence for the management of illnesses and patients in the field of home hospitalization, as an efficient and effective alternative to conventional hospitalization

Specific Objectives

  • Provide students with advanced, in-depth, updated, and multidisciplinary information that allows them to comprehensively approach the process of health and illness in the home
  • Provide training and practical theoretical improvement that will enable a reliable clinical diagnosis supported by the efficient use of diagnostic methods to indicate an effective integral treatment
  • Assess and interpret the characteristics and special conditions of patients with hospital needs, but in their home
  • Explain the care of complex chronic patients from the home, in order to avoid and/ or reduce the severity of flare-ups
  • Highlight the importance of morbidity and mortality due to multi-resistant infections in complex patients with special needs
  • Explain the most common pathogenic mechanisms and neoplasms associated with the advanced palliative needs
  • Study the current pathophysiological elements between non-transmissible chronic diseases and infections
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the most innovative clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic elements of diseases in the home
  • Identify the main clinical syndromes which are possible to treat and monitor from home hospitalization
  • Justify the importance of chronic disease management in times of stability for the reduction of morbidity and mortality, emergency room visits and conventional admissions
  • Highlight palliative needs as one of the fields which has progressed the most in home hospitalization
  • To highlight the need to consider vaccination in patients with special needs in order to reduce the burden of disease

Take the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest Complex Chronic and Palliative Patient in Home Hospitalization"

Postgraduate Diploma in Complex Chronic and Palliative Care in Home Hospitalization

At TECH Global University, we present our Postgraduate Diploma program in Complex Chronic and Palliative Care in Home Hospitalization, designed for health professionals who wish to specialize in the care of complex chronic patients in the home environment. Our online classes will give you the flexibility to study from anywhere, anytime. You will be able to access high-quality educational content through our online platform, allowing you to progress at your own pace and tailor your studies to your schedule and needs. This program will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide comprehensive care to complex chronic and palliative patients in the home setting. You will learn to assess and manage common symptoms and complications in these patients, as well as implement care strategies focused on alleviating suffering and improving quality of life.

At TECH we have the best professionals

Our team of Postgraduate Diplomas in the healthcare field will guide you throughout the program, providing academic support and sharing their practical experience. In addition, you will have the opportunity to interact with other healthcare professionals online, which will foster the exchange of ideas and collaborative learning. Upon completion of the program, you will receive a certification recognized by TECH Global University, which will support your skills and knowledge in the care of complex chronic and palliative patients in home hospitalization. This certification will allow you to excel in the field of home care and open up new opportunities for professional development. Don't miss the opportunity to specialize in the care of complex chronic and palliative patients in the home setting. Enroll in our Postgraduate Diploma program in Complex Chronic and Palliative Chronic Patient in Home Hospitalization at TECH Global University and acquire the competencies necessary to provide quality and compassionate care to these patients.