
This 100% online postgraduate certificate will allow you to be up to date with Artificial Intelligence applied to GIS of Ecosystem Services”


Before planning and creating new urban spaces, it is necessary to guarantee sustainability and the improvement of people's quality of life. Therefore, it is essential that before any project, ecosystem services are assessed using the most advanced devices and software.

In this way, obtaining results on air pollution, water contributions to aquifers or energy efficiency in the installation of certain lighting elements are key to the optimization of engineering actions. For this reason, TECH has designed this university qualification of 150 teaching hoursof intensive learning and by the hand of an excellent specialized teaching team.

A high level syllabus that will allow students to integrate in a short period of time the key concepts related to the measurement, quantification, valuation and mapping of ecosystem services. For this purpose, this academic institution provides pedagogical tools based on multimedia pills, case studies, specialized readings that can be accessed comfortably from any digital device with Internet connection and at any time of the day that students wish.

In addition, thanks to the Relearning learning methodology, the graduate will be able to assimilate the concepts addressed in a much simpler way and therefore reduce the long hours of study that are so frequent in other educational systems.

A unique opportunity to take firm steps towards professional progression through a convenient postgraduate certificate, which adjusts to the schedule of each student and also allows them to self-manage their time to access the syllabus and reconcile their daily personal activities. An unparalleled academic option in the current academic system.

With TECH you will have the facility to self-manage your study time and reconcile your personal life with a quality education”

This postgraduate certificate in Urban Ecosystem Services contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Resilience Infrastructures
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

An academic option that adapts to your schedule and your motivations for professional growth in the field of Sustainable Green Infrastructure design”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Thanks to this program, you will master the i-Tree tools and their utility for the assessment of urban forestry"


You will gain specialized knowledge on the most useful tools for calculating pollutant uptake"


Thanks to this university qualification, students will be up to date with technological tools , including Artificial Intelligence for measuring green spaces, detecting polluted air or purifying water. To achieve this goal, TECH provides pedagogical tools that bring dynamism and a theoretical-practical perspective of great utility for the daily professional performance of the engineer. A unique opportunity for progression that only TECH offers.


The simulations of case studies of this program will allow students to obtain an approach to methodologies used for the valuation of Ecosystem Services”

General Objectives

  • Provide a foundation for the current context of Sustainable Urban Development
  • Analyze the main global reference strategies for Sustainable Urban Development
  • Protect and promote Urban Biodiversity
  • Communicate good environmental management through visualization
  • Analyze different nature-based solutions as city transformers

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the reasons for measuring Ecosystem Services
  • Identify ecosystem services assessment tools
  • Examine models for measuring and valuing Ecosystem Services
  • Establish the products and needs for each tool
  • Determine the set of ecosystem services that can be assessed by each tool
  • Conduct a comparison of the ESS assessment tools with standard criteria
  • Delve deeper into the management of i-Tree
  • Project sizing according to the particularity of ecosystem services and the type of infrastructure to be quantified
  • Assess gaps and opportunities for quality improvement of ESS based on the data obtained
  • Propose governance for ecosystem-based adaptation

Examine, during 150 teaching hours, the models of measurement and valuation of Ecosystem Services”

Postgraduate Certificate in Urban Ecosystem Services

Nowadays, the sustainable management of urban spaces has become an issue of vital importance to ensure the quality of life of communities. In this context, urban ecosystem services play a fundamental role, as they contribute to the conservation and restoration of urban ecosystems, as well as to the well-being and health of their inhabitants. At TECH Global University, we have developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Urban Ecosystem Services, a program of online classes designed to provide professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to address the current challenges in the sustainable management of cities. One of the most outstanding advantages of our program is its online classroom modality, which allows participants to access the content and develop their skills from anywhere and at any time, adapting to their schedules and needs. In addition, we have a highly qualified teaching team with extensive experience in the field of sustainable urban management, which guarantees the educational quality of the program.

Study at the largest Faculty of Engineering

The Postgraduate Certificate in Urban Ecosystem Services at TECH Global University offers comprehensive education, addressing topics such as sustainable urban planning, management of green spaces and urban natural areas, water and energy management in urban environments, sustainable mobility, waste management and citizen participation in decision-making. In addition, the use of technological tools and innovative methodologies in the management of urban ecosystem services will be promoted. With the successful completion of this program, participants will be able to comprehensively address the sustainable management of urban spaces, applying up-to-date concepts and tools in the planning, design and management of urban ecosystem services. In addition, they will have a holistic view of the challenges and opportunities facing sustainable urban management in the 21st century, which will enable them to contribute effectively to building more sustainable and resilient cities.