
A complete and total update in Swine Reproduction with the most complete and effective program on the online educational market”


The swine sector requires, now more than ever, professionals who can respond to the daily challenges of pig production and clinical practice in swine farming. However, continuing training after completing undergraduate studies is sometimes complicated because it is difficult to balance it with family and work life. So, this TECH online training is an opportunity for swine professionals to continue training and specializing in order to improve their daily work and to access other jobs of greater responsibility in integrators, cooperatives and consulting firms.

This postgraduate diploma in Swine Reproduction delves into the growing livestock sector. This intensive program deals with the most important aspects of Swine Reproduction so veterinary professionals can acquire specialized, global and complete knowledge of the swine sector. It is taught by a team of professors with experience in teaching, research and practical work in farming and Insemination Centers.

The program in Swine Reproduction provides veterinary professionals with specific and specialized training in stabilizing and monitoring patients, as well as diagnosing and treating the most important swine pathologies in this field.

The postgraduate diploma in Swine Reproduction contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the market. The contents are accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection, which guarantees that students will be able to organize their time in order to achieve their objectives and improve their qualification in the field. Furthermore, the program's methodological design integrates the latest advances in educational technology, facilitating students’ learning.

Join the elite with this highly effective postgraduate diploma, which will open new pathways for your professional development”

This postgraduate diploma in Swine Reproduction contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly virtual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practicing experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice 
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is available from any fixed or portable device with internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the course

A comprehensive program that will allow you to acquire the most advanced knowledge in all specialized areas of veterinarian intervention”

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals in different fields related to this specialty. That way, TECH ensures to offer students the up-to-date knowledge it intends to. A multidisciplinary team of professionals who are trained and experienced in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, will bring their practical knowledge from their own experience to the course: one of the differential qualities of this training.

The efficiency of the methodological design of this Professional Master's Degree, enhances the student's understanding of the subject. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your training.

The design of this program is based on Problem Based Learning: An approach that conceives learning as an eminently practical process. To achieve this remotely, TECH uses online learning: with the help of an innovative, interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

With a methodological design based on proven teaching techniques, this innovative course will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"


Our innovative telepractice concept will give you the opportunity to learn through an immersive experience, which will provide you with a faster integration and a much more realistic view of the contents: “Learning from an expert”


Our objective is to train highly qualified professionals for the work environment. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is materialized in helping professionals to reach a much higher level of competence and control. A goal that, in just a few months you will be able to achieve, with a highly intensive and effective training.


If your objective is to broaden your skill set to pave new ways toward success and development, this is the course for you: A program that aspires to excellence”

General Objectives

  • Examine the reproductive sow anatomy and physiology as a basis for the use of reproductive biotechnology on the farm
  • Provide a rationale for proper sow reproductive management guidelines 
  • Analyze appropriate methods of hormonal reproductive control for sows
  • Evaluate the characteristics of replacement sows in breeding
  • Identify best timing for first insemination
  • Propose productive farm parameters
  • Define the concept of hyper-prolific sows
  • Establish the guidelines to correctly detect estrus in sows 
  • Develop a general and specific vision of artificial insemination in sows 
  • Implement the design of new technologies for heat detection and artificial insemination 
  • Analyze the principles and characteristics of other reproductive technology components that could be incorporated to future farms
  • Establish an appropriate methodology to manage sows during gestation, farrowing and lactation
  • Identify and analyze the critical points in sow gestation, farrowing and lactation phases
  • Gain specialized knowledge of sow diets throughout the productive cycle and incorporate the requirements of the new hyper-prolific genetic lines
  • Specify the work on a pig farm from insemination to the end of Breastfeeding, and manage resources, analysis and methods to achieve objectives
  • Present boar anatomical and physiological information
  • Substantiate the needs and requirements of a boar to be used for breeding
  • Generate specialized knowledge of the current operation at swine insemination centers

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Breeding Females

  • Evaluate appropriate guidelines to select future breeding females
  • Present the sexual cycle of sows as a basis for reproductive hormonal management and control
  • Define puberty and its management
  • Propose different hormonal control protocols in breeding sows
  • Identify at what reproductive moment the use of each type of hormone is required
  • Establish nulliparous sow diets
  • Specify the most important reproductive indexes in swine production
  • Analyze the reproductive features hyper-prolific sows should present

Module 2. Estrus Detection and Artificial Insemination

  • Examine the main protocols for heat detection
  • Apply current artificial insemination techniques
  • Diagnose the factors that can affect estrus detection and artificial insemination 
  • Specify the most appropriate tools to implement good practices in artificial insemination
  • Present the principles and component features of other reproductive technologies associated with artificial insemination 
  • Propose application methods for these protocols in swine farms with excellent results
  • Analyze the reproductive results of the different reproductive biotechnologies in swine farms
  • Develop effective solutions for potential incidences in artificial insemination

Module 3. Sows: Gestation, Farrowing and Lactation

  • Manage facilities during gestation, farrowing and Breastfeeding
  • Present sow gestation, farrowing and lactation physiology
  • Diagnose the most common physiological problems in gestation and how to deal with them
  • Learn the fundamentals of gestation diagnosis in sows
  • Identify the problems in gestation and differentiate the management guidelines to be taken in each situation
  • Define the fundamentals of sow nutrition and requirements during gestation and lactation
  • Establish the key points associated with hyper-prolific lines and study how to address them
  • Analyze the organization and management of the sow cycle and the available resources

Module 4. Boars

  • Examine swine sperm cells to understand what may affect development and maturation
  • Analyze the type of diet that is necessary for a breeding boar's needs
  • Evaluate the different semen analysis methodologies
  • Identify the techniques that can help identify subfertile boars
  • Analyze the most commonly found reproductive pathologies
  • Compile the most common semen-transmissible diseases
  • Identify the critical points at insemination centers

A pathway to achieving professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Swine Reproduction


Specialize in Swine Reproduction with this training of high scientific rigor, taught by veterinary professionals with extensive experience in the sector. A unique program that has the most advanced didactic resources and the most innovative knowledge of the market in Swine Reproduction. With this specialization, the student will have the opportunity to stand out in a booming sector, with a high demand for professionals. Swine reproduction is an important branch of animal production that focuses on the care and management of pig breeding. In this academic program, students will learn a set of skills and knowledge that will enable them to apply techniques and best practices for efficient and profitable swine breeding. In this training program, students will learn the key aspects of swine breeding management, from artificial insemination to management of newborn offspring. Participants will work on identifying pig reproductive cycles, managing ideal environmental conditions and using techniques to help them improve pig reproductive performance.

Study online and grow professionally with TECH


At TECH Global University we have the most advanced and didactic tools for learning, multimedia pills where the best contents of the classes are compiled in videos, virtual library and specialized readings to make the online study experience enjoyable. This Postgraduate Diploma in Swine Reproduction is essential for anyone wishing to enter the swine industry as a producer, farm worker or swine reproduction expert. With the preparation acquired in this program, students will be ready to face the challenges and opportunities presented by swine production and will be able to collaborate in the implementation of sustainable and efficient practices in the swine industry, enroll in TECH and achieve your dreams!