
Nurse Marina Verano de la Torre has combined her care work in Geriatrics areas in first level hospitals in Spain with teaching in health and academic fields. A double aspect that makes her an authentic Specialist in the Attention and Care of the Elderly Patient with diverse pathologies.

She has an experience that she also complemented in her time in Traumatology, Urology and Thoracic Surgery Units in which she dealt with different pathologies in patients from different population groups.  

  • Continuity of Care Nurse at the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid
  • Nurse of the Traumatology, Urology and Thoracic Surgery Unit at the University Hospital of Getafe, Madrid
  • Nurse in the Digestive Unit at the University Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Madrid
  • Teaching collaborator in seminars on Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment within the subject of Nursing of the Elderly at the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid
  • Lecturer in the program Update in Nursing Care for the Elderly in the Hospital Doctor Rodríguez Lafora, Madrid
  • Lecturer in the program Psychogeriatrics at the Hospital Doctor Rodríguez Lafora: Role of Nursing in Active Aging
  • Degree in Nursing from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid
Programmes in collaboration with

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