
Dr. Ana Tabares Gonzalez has a high level of specialization in the area of pediatric emergencies. To complement her knowledge in this area of care, she has completed several academic studies in immunonutrition for children and adolescents.  

In addition, she develops her care work in different hospitals and clinics. In this way, she has provided first level care to children's patients with various pathologies related mainly to the field of Gastroenterology.  

  • Pediatrician specialized in Emergency and Gastroenterological Disorders
  • Adjunct Physician in the Emergency Department, Hospitalization and Consultations at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital
  • Pediatric Gastroenterology Consultant at the University Hospital Clínica San Rafael
  • Assistant Physician in the Pediatric Emergency Department and Hospitalization at the University Hospital Severo Ochoa. Leganés, Spain
  • Master's Degree in Immunonutrition from the Catholic University of Valencia
Programmes in collaboration with

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