
With almost a decade of active professional career, Virginia Parra Nebreda has worked in various clinics and rehabilitation centers as a physiotherapist. Likewise, her career has been marked by intensive training in pelvic floor recovery and readaptation techniques, specializing in pelviperineology.  

Her main patients have been women with different types of discomfort or alterations after childbirth. She has also taught Pillars and Hypopressives to small groups.  

  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist at the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Madrid. 
  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist in Clínica Letfisio 
  • Physiotherapist at Orpea Elderly Care Home 
  • Master's Degree in Pelviperineology Physiotherapy at the University of Castilla-la Mancha 
  • Training in Functional Ultrasound in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Men and Women in FISIOMEDIT Formación 
  • Training in Hypopressive in LOW PRESSURE FITNES 
  • Degree in Physiotherapy by the Complutense University of Madrid 
Programmes in collaboration with

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