
Information technologies and History are two of the areas of special interest of Dr. Armando López Rodríguez. His professional career has been linked for 30 years to the Spanish public company, Puertos del Estado, where he has held positions of maximum responsibility in technical areas, resources and information and communication technologies and development, among others.  

His enthusiasm for research led him to obtain a PhD in History and to promote the scientific facet, deepening his studies in the field of thought and culture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and in the dynamics between technological innovation and social change. In this area he has several academic publications for high impact journals and has participated in congresses that delve into the History of Science and Technology.  

Likewise, Armando López has carried out teaching activities in academic institutions, where he demonstrates his special mastery of information security and cybersecurity.

  • Head of Technical Advisory Area in the Office of the President of Puertos del Estado
  • Head of Strategic Planning Area at Puertos del Estado
  • Project Manager at Puertos del Estado 
  • Head of Resources and Information and Communication Technologies at Puertos del Estado
  • Head of the Development Area in Puertos del Estado  
  • Head of Corporate Relations Area in Puertos del Estado  
  • Head of the Strategic Planning Area at Puertos del Estado 
  • Associate Professor at the School of Industrial Organization 
  • Associate Professor at AENOR 
  • Associate Professor at UBT Lab 
  • Telecommunications Engineer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Degree in History from the National University of Distance Education (UNED) 
  • PhD in History from the National University of Distance Education (UNED) 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Methods and Techniques of Historical, Artistic and Geographical Research from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • Management Development Program (PDD) from the IESE of the University of Navarra
Programmes in collaboration with

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