
Personal trainers must have sound knowledge of physical exercises to improve sports performance and injury rehabilitation, but also in-depth knowledge of coaching and business methodologies, which will set them apart from their competitors" 


The profession of personal trainers is growing and developing, being a solid career option with a future. Both sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity make the role of this professional vitally important in present and future society.  

Preventive work is essential in sports practice due to the risk of injury associated with the volume of work, high intensity and unnatural technical sports gestures. Therefore, in this postgraduate diploma, an approach is made from multiple perspectives regarding the possibilities of working with different materials and techniques. This allows the personal trainer to make a more accurate choice to achieve the best results with different options, allowing for complementing and alternating different forms and systems of physical work. 

It must be taken into account that personal trainers are exercise prescribers, which is why the integral management of the process is key, since the success in achieving the expected result depends on it. Therefore, the program covers a wide range of topics related to coaching , as well as to the profession and the business aspects that are also involved in the personal training profession.  

At TECH we have set out to create contents of the highest teaching and educational quality that will turn our students into successful professionals, following the highest quality standards in teaching at an international level. Therefore, we offer you this postgraduate diploma with extensive content that will help you reach the elite of personal training. In addition, as it is an online postgraduate diploma, the student is not conditioned by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, but can access the contents at any time of the day, balancing their work or personal life with their academic life.

Immerse yourself in the study of this high-level postgraduate diploma and improve your skills as a personal trainer"

This postgraduate diploma in Personal Training, Coaching and Business: Preventive Work for Sports Practice contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of numerous case studies presented by specialists in personal training
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the course are designed to provide all the essential information required for professional practice
  • Exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning.
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decisionmaking
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in personal training
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in selecting a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge as a personal trainer, you will obtain a qualification from a leading online university: TECH”

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of sports science, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system made by renowned and experienced experts in Personal Training.

This postgraduate diploma offers training in simulated environments, which provides an immersive learning experience designed to train for real-life situations”


This 100% online Postgraduate postgraduate diploma will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while expanding your knowledge in this field”


The main objective of this program is the development of theoretical and practical learning, so that the sports science professional can master Personal Training in a practical and rigorous way.


Our goal is to achieve academic excellence and help you achieve professional success. Don't hesitate any longer and join us” 

General Objectives

  • Acquire specialized knowledge in sports rehabilitation, injury prevention and functional recovery
  • Assess the athlete from the point of view of physical, functional and biomechanical condition to detect aspects that hinder recovery or favor relapses in the injury
  • Design both specific readaptation and recovery work as well as individualized integral work 
  • Acquire a specialization in the pathologies of the locomotor system with the highest incidence in the population as a whole
  • Be able to plan prevention, rehabilitation and functional rehabilitation programs
  • Deepen in the characteristics of the different types of injuries most frequently suffered by athletes nowadays
  • Assess the subject's nutritional needs and make nutritional recommendations and nutritional supplements to support the recovery process
  • Evaluate and monitor the evolutionary process of recovery and/or rehabilitation of an athlete's or user's injury
  • Acquire skills and abilities in readaptation, prevention and recovery, increasing professional possibilities as a personal trainer
  • Differentiate from an anatomical point of view the different parts and structures of the human body
  • Improve the injured athlete's physical condition as part of the integral work with the objective of achieving a better and more efficient recovery after the injury
  • Use coaching techniques to address general psychological aspects of the athlete or injured subject that favor an effective approach from the personal training work
  • Understanding marketing as a key tool for success in personal training in the field of rehabilitation, prevention and functional recovery

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Personal Training 

  • Acquire a better understanding of the different characteristics of the personal trainer profession
  • Integrate the concepts of balance training, cardiovascular, strength, plyometrics, speed, agility, etc., as a key tool for the staff for the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries
  • Design training programs individualized to the characteristics of the subject in order to achieve better results

Module 2. Preventive Work for Sports Practice

  • Identify the risk factors involved in the practice of physical-sports activities
  • Use different types of materials for the planning of different types of exercises in a customized training program
  • Learning Pilates exercises with different types of machines designed to be fundamental in preventive work
  • See Stretching and Postural Re-Education as essential methods for the prevention of injuries and alterations of the locomotor system
  • Module 3. Coaching and Personal Trainer Business
  • In-depth knowledge of specific elements of the personal trainer profession 
  • Acquire and understand the different healthy habits and lifestyles, as well as their implementation possibilities
  • Apply motivational strategies to achieve better results in the process of sports rehabilitation and functional recovery
  • Plan and design spaces that favor a better development of the specific personal training work to be performed
  • Understand the personal training process where the relationship with the client and the feedback provided by the client are fundamental to the process

The sports field requires trained professionals and we give you the keys to position yourself among the professional elite" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Prevention of Sports Injuries

In the dynamic world of sports, injury prevention has become a fundamental aspect to ensure the optimal performance and safety of athletes. At TECH Global University, we are committed to offering you the best education in this field through our Postgraduate Diploma program in Prevention of Sports Injuries. Best of all, you will be able to access our online classes from anywhere, taking advantage of the flexibility offered by our online programs. This program will provide you with the knowledge necessary to identify the risk factors for injuries in different sports disciplines, as well as implement effective prevention strategies. Our team of sports science experts will guide you through a wide variety of topics, from proper warm-up techniques and stretching to muscle strengthening and balance programs. You'll learn how to evaluate and design personalized injury prevention plans, using the latest tools and methodologies backed by the most up-to-date scientific evidence.

Study an online postgraduate course on sports injuries

By choosing our Prevention of Sports Injuries program, you'll benefit from the convenience of online classes, allowing you to advance your skills without compromising your daily responsibilities. You will be able to access our interactive didactic content, participate in discussions with other students and receive personalized feedback from our highly qualified instructors. At TECH Global University, we pride ourselves in offering high quality academic programs tailored to the needs and demands of today's world. Our Postgraduate Diploma in Prevention of Sports Injuries is a unique opportunity to develop your skills and become a highly trained professional in the field of sports injury prevention. Join TECH and take a step forward in your career in sports science!