
You will adopt in your work methodology the new training planning techniques for high performance athletes, backed by a scientific basis”


High Performance Sports implies an exhaustive knowledge of the different training techniques and methodologies to be applied to each athlete and according to their sport discipline in order to extract their maximum competitive level. Likewise, nutrition acquires great relevance not only in the daily preparation, but also in the athlete's own recovery after each competition in which they participate or injury they suffer. Therefore, specialists in both fields play a crucial role in helping athletes achieve their set goals. However, in order to practice this profession, new knowledge and skills in this field are required.

Due to all of the above, this internship program is intended to help the expert in high performance training to update and professionally apply knowledge in physical activity, nutrition and assessment of the athlete's results. Throughout a 3-week internship in a sports center, the student will learn the best mechanisms to design strength training oriented to athletic performance, master performance assessment methods or elaborate short, medium and long term sports planning.

During the internship, the students will have a private tutor who will provide them with the most appropriate advice and will ensure that they acquire valuable skills in the world of sports. You will also get a great real-world experience, surrounded by the best professionals in the world of athlete performance. Therefore, this program is an excellent opportunity to obtain the most applicable and useful knowledge based on the needs of this professional market.


You will have access to a library of multimedia resources 7 days a week, 24 hours a day"

Why our program?

In the field of sports performance, theoretical learning is highly relevant, but it is essential to obtain the tools required to put into practice the latest knowledge acquired on the basis of scientific evidence. For this reason, TECH has opted to design a unique educational product that will allow students to spend 120 hours in a sports company to apply the latest training planning techniques in real cases. During 3 weeks, the student will work alongside the best experts in the field and gain valuable skills applicable in their day-to-day professional life. This opportunity, therefore, will provide learning with real applicability and based on market needs.

practicas high performance sports TECH Global University

TECH gives you the opportunity to spend 3 weeks in the heart of a sports company, surrounded by the best professionals, to put into practice the latest strategies in performance enhancement for athletes"

1. Updating from the latest technology available

In the last decade, the area of High Performance in Sports has evolved significantly thanks to the emergence of new methods to assess the work of athletes, the use of modern resistance training systems or the application of more effective nutritional strategies. Because of this, this TECH program will provide you with the most up-to-date skills in this field to be in tune with the needs of this sector.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

The extensive team of professionals who will guide the expert throughout this practical stage guarantees the high level of learning that the student will obtain. In this way, the students will have a tutor who will monitor them on a daily basis and ensure that they meet their learning objectives. 

3. Entering First-Class Sports Environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship Programs. In this way, the student will have access to a prestigious training center oriented to High Performance in Sports. As such, it will determine the day-to-day work performed in this field and apply the latest trends in its work methodology.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

The educational market has a wide variety of hermetic educational programs, focused only on the teaching of theoretical contents and closed to preset schedules. TECH offers an innovative and completely practical model that will allow the professional to acquire useful skills in the professional environment in just 3 weeks.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of carrying out this Internship Program in centers of international importance. In this way, the professional will be able to expand their boundaries and keep up to date with the best professionals, who practice in first class sports centers and in different continents. A unique opportunity that only TECH could offer.

programa practicas high performance sports TECH Global University


You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in High Performance Sports

The field of physical activities has become more relevant today due to the interest of many people who opt for a better lifestyle, this has caused the demand for professional experts in providing sports counseling to increase. This is how TECH developed the Internship Program in High Performance Sports, focused on addressing the main aspects of this discipline. The program has the highest quality standards, designed exclusively to fit your professional objectives. With this program you will be an expert in topics such as new training planning techniques or nutrition, followed by the preparation methodologies to be applied to each athlete (depending on the sport discipline), in order to achieve their maximum competitive level. In addition, you will have a completely practical mode of study, taught by specialists in the area in a sports center. From this, you will learn the innovative techniques of training planning for athletes, backed by a scientific basis.

Specialize in high performance sports

Through this program, you will acquire the necessary skills to enhance your growth in this field. At TECH we provide you with the support of professional coaches, who will teach you everything related to physical activity, nutrition and evaluation of athlete's results. In turn, you will approach statistics applied to performance to interpret and investigate the data obtained from the athlete. Finally, you will analyze the physiology of exercise, resistance training and performance optimization techniques through recovery methods. From this, you will be able to design strength training oriented to athletic performance, master the techniques of physical capacity evaluation and elaborate sports planning in different time periods.

Study at the largest digital university in the world

This program lasts three weeks, you will train from Monday to Friday in consecutive eight-hour days, where you will master the latest training methods, complemented with cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques linked to each sport discipline. This knowledge will be essential for you to be able to design quality training sessions that meet the needs of the athlete. For all these reasons, we are your best educational option. Upon completion of this Internship Program, you will revalue your professional profile and adapt your skills to the needs of today's market.