Why study at TECH?

You will learn the most effective techniques to implement a responsible and sustainable management strategy"


Why study at TECH?

TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school, with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class centre for intensive managerial skills training.   

TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, and puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve entrepreneurial success"     

At TECH Global University

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The university offers an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every entrepreneur’s focus. 

"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system.  
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The Highest Standards

Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't need to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The institution's academic standards are exceptionally high... 

95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
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Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH, allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that may prove useful to them in the future.

100,000+ executives trained each year, 200+ different nationalities.
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Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players in 7 continents.    

500+ collaborative agreements with leading companies.
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This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow them to voice their concerns and share their business vision. 

After completing this program, TECH helps students show the world their talent. 


Show the world your talent after completing this program. 
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Multicultural Context

While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience. Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, through which students can learn about the operating methods in different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that best adapts to their business idea. 

TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities. 
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Learn with the best

In the classroom, TECH’s teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their career and stand out in the business world. 

Teachers representing 20 different nationalities. 

TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series of characteristics that make this university unique: 

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TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.    

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Academic Excellence

TECH offers students the best online learning methodology. The university combines the Re-learning methodology (the most internationally recognized postgraduate learning methodology) with Harvard Business School case studies. A complex balance of traditional and state-of-the-art methods, within the most demanding academic framework.      

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Economy of Scale

TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as expensive for students as it would be at another university.   

At TECH you will have access to Harvard Business School case studies" 


The Professional master’s degree in Management of Large International Projects (EPC) comprises a program structured in ten modules with quality content for professionals to learn about all the requirements involved in its management. In this way, you will master from the conception of an international project, the management and control of the different stages, resources and costs, among others. A complete program with quality content developed by rigorous industry experts to propel your career towards excellence. 

The most complete syllabus with quality content prepared by real experts in the sector is only provided by TECH”  


The Professional master’s degree in Management of Large International Projects (EPC) of TECH Global University is an intensive program that prepares you to direct and manage the possibility of executing works and facilities under the Engineering, Procurement and Construction modality. 

The content of Professional master’s degree is designed to promote the development of managerial skills that allow for more rigorous decision making in uncertain environments, facing the business challenges that may arise. 

Throughout 2,700 hours of preparation, the student analyzes a multitude of practical cases through individual and team work. It is, therefore, an authentic immersion in real business situations.  

In this way, this Professional master’s degree deals in depth with the world of construction, from its projection, resources and production costs to the contractual management required. As such, it is designed to specialize professionals in the business environment in order to orient them towards this sector from a strategic, international and innovative perspective. 

A plan designed for the student, focused on their professional improvement that prepares them to achieve excellence in the field of management and business administration in this sector. A program that understands your needs and those of your company through innovative content based on the latest trends, and supported by the best educational methodology and an exceptional faculty, which will provide you with the competencies to efficiently manage an EPC project.

This Professional master’s degree takes place over 12 months and is divided into 15 modules:  

Module 1. International Projects
Module 2. Turnkey Projects (EPC)
Module 3. Management and Control of Stages in Turnkey Projects (EPC)
Module 4. Contract Management in Projects
Module 5. Risk Management in Contract Management
Module 6. Project Management in Contract Management
Module 7. Project Management: Scope and Schedule Management in Projects
Module 8. Project Management: Communications and Quality Management
Module 9. Project Management: Procurement and Resource Management
Module 10. Project Management: Cost Management
Module 11. Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Companies 
Module 12. People and Talent Management 
Module 13. Economic and Financial Management 
Module 14. Commercial Management and Strategic Marketing 
Module 15. Executive Management


Where, When and How is it Taught?

TECH offers you the possibility of taking this program completely online. During the 7 months of training, you will be able to access the contents of this program at any time, allowing you to self-manage your study time. 

Module 1. International Projects

1.1. Projects and Organizational Context

1.1.1. Project in the Organization
1.1.2. Project Elements
1.1.3. Importance of the Project in the Organization

1.2. Types of Projects by Service

1.2.1. Types of Projects
1.2.2. Project Analysis
1.2.3. Project Orientation

1.3. Main Processes in the Development of a Project 

1.3.1. Start-up and Planning Process
1.3.2. Execution and Monitoring
1.3.3. Closing Process

1.4. Cost, Scope and Quality Constraints Analysis

1.4.1. Cost Constraint Analysis
1.4.2. Restriction Scope
1.4.3. Quality Restriction

1.5. Time, Resource and Risk Constraints

1.5.1. Time Constraint Analysis
1.5.2. Restriction Resources
1.5.3. Restriction Risks

1.6. Analysis of Contract Types 

1.6.1. Contract at Unitary Price
1.6.2. “Lump Sum” Contract or Global Sum
1.6.3. Cost Plus Margin Contract

1.7. Project Management According to Typology 

1.7.1. Project Management at Unit Price
1.7.2. Lump Sum/Global Project Management
1.7.3. Cost Plus Margin Project Management

1.8. Project, Program and Portfolio

1.8.1. Analysis of the Project in the Organization
1.8.2. Analysis of the Program in the Organization
1.8.3. Analysis of the Portfolio in the Organization

1.9. Interested in the Project

1.9.1. Project Stakeholder Pyramid
1.9.2. Stakeholder Analysis
1.9.3. Stakeholder Interaction

1.10. Analysis of the Organization's Process Assets

1.10.1. Asset Analysis in Startup and Planning
1.10.2. Analysis of Assets in Execution and Control
1.10.3. Analysis of Assets at Closing

Module 2. Turnkey Projects (EPC) 

2.1. EPC Project

2.1.1. EPC Project Context
2.1.2. Project Components
2.1.3. Needs Analysis

2.2. EPC Project Stages

2.2.1. Identification of Stages in EPC Projects 
2.2.2. Identification of Initial Needs in Stages
2.2.3. Timing of Each Stage

2.3. Management of the e-Engineering Stage  

2.3.1. Stage E Analysis
2.3.2. Stage E Schedule
2.3.3. Resources Required for Stage E

2.4. Analysis of the e-Engineering Stage 

2.4.1. Structure Required for Stage E Development
2.4.2. Restrictions
2.4.3. Difficulties and Risks

2.5. Management of the p-Procurement Stage 

2.5.1. Stage P Analysis
2.5.2. Schedule
2.5.3. Resources Required

2.6. Analysis of the p-Procurement Stage 

2.6.1. Structure Required for the Development Stage P
2.6.2. Restrictions
2.6.3. Difficulties and Risks

2.7. Management of the c-Construction Stage 

2.7.1. Stage C Analysis
2.7.2. Schedule
2.7.3. Resources Required

2.8. Analysis of the c-Construction Stage 

2.8.1. Structure Required for Stage C Development
2.8.2. Restrictions
2.8.3. Difficulties and Risks

2.9. EPC Projects: HR Department 

2.9.1. Main Functions
2.9.2. Resources Required for this Department
2.9.3. Coordination and Communications with the Rest of the Project

2.10. EPC Projects: Contracts Department

2.10.1. Main Functions
2.10.2. Resources Required for this Department
2.10.3. Coordination and Communications with the Rest of the Project

Module 3. Management and Control of Stages in Turnkey Projects (EPC) 

3.1. Coordination of Stages in EPC Project

3.1.1. Stage Planning
3.1.2. Inter-team Communications
3.1.3. Incident Resolution Process Steps 

3.2. Stage C: Main Structural Components - Quality 

3.2.1. Component Q. Quality
3.2.2. Analysis of the Quality Part of the Project
3.2.3. Structure and Importance

3.3. Stage C: Major Structural Components: Safety and Health

3.3.1. HSE Component. Health and Safety
3.3.2. Analysis of the Health and Safety Part of the Project
3.3.3. Structure and Importance

3.4. Stage C: Main Structural Components - Cost

3.4.1. Component C. Costs
3.4.2. Analysis of the Cost Control Part of the Project
3.4.3. Structure and Importance

3.5. Stage C: Major Structural Components: Time frame

3.5.1. Component P. Term 
3.5.2. Analysis of the Deadline Control Part of the Project
3.5.3. Structure and Importance

3.6. International EPC Project Management 

3.6.1. Project Manager Management
3.6.2. Director Characteristics
3.6.3. Coordination and Communication

3.7. Analysis of International EPC Projects 

3.7.1. Global Analysis of the Project from the Management
3.7.2. Management Reporting Processes
3.7.3. Control of the Main KPIs of the Project

3.8. Deviations EPC Projects

3.8.1. Main Deviations in EPC Projects
3.8.2. Variance Analysis
3.8.3. Deviation Notification Procedure for Customer

3.9. Analysis and Monitoring of Economic Deviations of the Project with Respect to Contract

3.9.1. Production Control
3.9.2. Cost Control
3.9.3. Production Monitoring vs. Costs

3.10. Non-conformity Management in EPC Projects

3.10.1. Main Non-Conformities in EPC Projects
3.10.2. Management Procedures
3.10.3. Analysis and Mitigation

Module 4. Contract Management in Projects

4.1. Contract Management in Projects

4.1.1. Analysis of Contract Management in Projects
4.1.2. Necessity of Contract Management
4.1.3. Contract Management Objectives

4.2. Contract Management in Projects

4.2.1. Analysis of Contract Management in Projects
4.2.2. Necessity of Contract Management
4.2.3. Contract Management Objectives

4.3. Process in the Management of a Contract

4.3.1. Design of a Contract Management Plan 
4.3.2. Stages of the Management Plan
4.3.3. Adversities in Contract Management

4.4. Success Factors in Contract Management

4.4.1. Analysis of Main Success Factors
4.4.2. Planning and Evolution of Contract Management
4.4.3. Performance Management and Relationship Between Parties

4.5. Main Stages of Contract Management

4.5.1. Planning and Execution
4.5.2. Control and Monitoring during Execution
4.5.3. Post-implementation Control and Monitoring

4.6. Factors to Take into Account in the Management of Construction Contracts

4.6.1. Establishment of Objectives and Strategies
4.6.2. Design-Build Phase in Lump Sum Contracts
4.6.3. Relations with Contractors

4.7. Challenges for the Contract Manager 

4.7.1. Successful Contract Management and Administration
4.7.2. Customer Communications Management
4.7.3. Contract Analysis and Fulfillment

4.8. Aspects to be Solved

4.8.1. Contract Negotiation and Approval
4.8.2. Control During Ejection
4.8.3. Control of Compliance with Contractual Obligations

4.9. Aspects to be Supervised

4.9.1. Contract Negotiation and Approval
4.9.2. Control During Ejection
4.9.3. Control of Compliance with Contractual Obligations

4.10. Management of Project Factors by the Contract Manager

4.10.1. Scope Management
4.10.2. Cost Management 
4.10.3. Risk and Change Management

Module 5. Risk Management in Contract Management

5.1. International Contract Management 

5.1.1. Contract Management According to PMBOK 
5.1.2. Procurement Control and Management According to PMBOK
5.1.3. Importance and Involvement of the Contract Manager

5.2. Contract Management and Project Management

5.2.1. Relationship between Contract Management and Project Management
5.2.2. Collaboration between CM and PM
5.2.3. Control of Main Construction Site Factors

5.3. Risk Management by Contract Manager 

5.3.1. Identification of Contract Risks
5.3.2. Risk Classification
5.3.3. Matrix Development and Implementation

5.4. Risk Analysis by Contract Manager 

5.4.1. Identification of Risk Managers
5.4.2. Follow-up of Progress
5.4.3. Risk Mitigation

5.5. Types of Guarantees

5.5.1. Classification
5.5.2. Types of Endorsements
5.5.3. Costs and Expiration

5.6. Penalty Analysis

5.6.1. Type of Penalties according to Contract
5.6.2. Control of Penalties by the Contract Manager
5.6.3. Effective Contract Management in the Event of Penalties

5.7. Construction Insurance Management

5.7.1. Type of Insurance in Construction
5.7.2. Insurance Terms
5.7.3. Importance of Insurance

5.8. Construction Insurance Analysis

5.8.1. Contract Management in Insurance Management
5.8.2. Calculations and Costs for Construction Insurance
5.8.3. Validity of Insurance

5.9. Contract Management and the Legal Department

5.9.1. Connection between the Contract Manager and the Legal Department
5.9.2. Importance of Legal Knowledge for the Contract Manager
5.9.3. Communication from the Legal Point of View of the Contract Manager

5.10. Contract Manager and Contractors 

5.10.1. Contract Manager’s Communications with the Contractor
5.10.2. Follow-up of the Contract with the Contractor
5.10.3. Importance of Communications Traceability Control

Module 6. Project Management in Contract Management

6.1. Contract Management and Budget

6.1.1. Objectives of Budget Management by the Contract Manager
6.1.2. Main Types of Budgets
6.1.3. Budget According to Cost Structure

6.2. Contract Management and Construction Control

6.2.1. Objectives of Site Control Management 
6.2.2. Hiring of an Inspection Body
6.2.3. Verification and Monitoring of the Work

6.3. Contract Management and Health and Safety control on Site

6.3.1. Objectives of Health and Safety Control Management at the Construction Site
6.3.2. Aspects to be Considered for Health and Safety Control
6.3.3. On-site Verification and Follow-up

6.4. Contract Management and Subcontracting

6.4.1. Importance of the Contract Manager's Intervention in the Management of Subcontracting Contracts
6.4.2. Types of Subcontracting Contracts
6.4.3. Analysis of Contracts with Subcontractors

6.5. Subcontracting Process to Be Followed by the Contract Manager

6.5.1. Bidding and Comparison
6.5.2. Pre-selection and Pre-recruitment
6.5.3. Subcontract Award

6.6. Monitoring of Changes in Subcontractor Contracts

6.6.1. Importance of Change Tracking
6.6.2. Control of Changes in Time and Cost
6.6.3. Need for Timely Notifications and Form

6.7. Contract Management and Outsourcing Services Contract

6.7.1. Basics of the Outsourcing Services Contract
6.7.2. Contract Management in these Types of Contracts
6.7.3. Points to Consider

6.8. Contract Management and Contractual Disputes

6.8.1. Contract Manager Intervention in Disputes
6.8.2. Technical and Legal Difficulty in International Arbitration Cases
6.8.3. Importance of Contract Management for Future Disputes

6.9. Classification of Disputes and Arbitration

6.9.1. Types of Disputes and Arbitration
6.9.2. Preparation of Dispute Documentation
6.9.3. Importance of Traceability for Future Disputes

6.10. Contract Manager and Customer

6.10.1. Contract Manager Communications with the Customer
6.10.2. Follow-up of the Contract with the Customer
6.10.3. Importance of Communication Traceability Control

Module 7. Project Management: Scope and Schedule Management

7.1. Scope Control

7.1.1. Scope of the Project
7.1.2. Project Scope Baseline
7.1.3. The Importance of the Control Account

7.2. Requirements Management

7.2.1. Requirements Management
7.2.2. Categories
7.2.3. Management Process

7.3. Scope Management 

7.3.1. Scope Management Planning
7.3.2. Gathering Requirements
7.3.3. Particularities of the Scope

7.4. Scope Study 

7.4.1. Preparation of the WBS
7.4.2. Scope Validation
7.4.3. Scope Control

7.5. Schedule Control

7.5.1. Project Timeline
7.5.2. Baseline Schedule
7.5.3. Critical Path Analysis

7.6. Elaboration of the Schedule

7.6.1. Gantt Chart
7.6.2. Predecessor and Successor Activities
7.6.3. Restrictions between Activities

7.7. Schedule Management 

7.7.1. Schedule Management Planning
7.7.2. Description of Activities
7.7.3. Sequencing of Activities

7.8. Study and Analysis of the Schedule 

7.8.1. Estimated Duration of Activities
7.8.2. Schedule Development
7.8.3. Schedule Control

7.9. Construction Project Acceleration Plan

7.9.1. Acceleration Plan Analysis
7.9.2. Schedule
7.9.3. Resources

7.10. Construction Project Recuperation Plan

7.10.1   Recovery Plan Analysis
7.10.2. Schedule
7.10.3. Resources

Module 8. Project Management: Communications and Quality Management

8.1. Communications Control

8.1.1. Communications in Project
8.1.2. Dimensions of Project Communication
8.1.3. Communication Skills

8.2. Communications in Project

8.2.1. Communications at Meetings
8.2.2. Project Communication Channels
8.2.3. Formal Forms of Communication

8.3. Communications Management

8.3.1. Communications Management Planning
8.3.2. Project Communications Management
8.3.3. Control

8.4. Project Quality Control

8.4.1. Project Quality
8.4.2. Cost of Project Quality
8.4.3. Importance of Quality

8.5. Project Quality Management

8.5.1. Quality Management Planning
8.5.2. Quality Management
8.5.3. Control

8.6. Quality: Project Non-conformities

8.6.1. The Importance of NCs
8.6.2. Customer Nonconformities
8.6.3. Contractor Nonconformities

8.7. Project Stakeholder Management 

8.7.1. Stakeholder Expectation Management
8.7.2. Interpersonal and Team Skills
8.7.3. Conflict Management

8.8. Project Stakeholder Analysis 

8.8.1. Identification of Interested Parties
8.8.2. Engagement Planning
8.8.3. Engagement Management and Monitoring

8.9. Project Integration Management 

8.9.1. Development of the Project Charter
8.9.2. Development of the Project Management Plan
8.9.3. Direction and Management of Project Work

8.10. Project Integration Control 

8.10.1. Project Knowledge Management
8.10.2. Work Control
8.10.3. Integrated Change Control and Project Closure

Module 9. Project Management: Purchasing and Resources Management

9.1. Purchasing Control

9.1.1. Purchases in Project
9.1.2. The Buyer
9.1.3. The Supplier

9.2. Project Buying Cycle

9.2.1. Analysis of the Buying Cycle
9.2.2. Description of Stages
9.2.3. Study of Stages

9.3. Purchase Contract

9.3.1. Elements of the Contract
9.3.2. Contract Terminology in Contract
9.3.3. Control of Claims and Litigation

9.4. Project Purchasing Management 

9.4.1. Types of Suppliers 
9.4.2. Procurement Category 
9.4.3. Types of Contracts

9.5. Project Purchasing Analysis 

9.5.1. Purchasing Management Planning
9.5.2. Execution of Purchases
9.5.3. Purchasing Control

9.6. Control of Resources

9.6.1. Project Resources
9.6.2. Conflict Management Ability
9.6.3. Conflict Levels and Resolution

9.7. Management of Resources by Objectives

9.7.1. Management by Objectives (MBO)
9.7.2. Different Roles in Projects
9.7.3. Types of Leadership

9.8. Project Resource Management 

9.8.1. Resource Management Planning
9.8.2. Estimation of Activity Resources
9.8.3. Obtaining the Necessary Resources

9.9. Analysis of Project Resources 

9.9.1. Resource Team Development
9.9.2. Team Management
9.9.3. Equipment Control

9.10. Analysis of the Resource Interview Process from the PM

9.10.1. Interview Process
9.10.2. Analysis by the Project Manager
9.10.3. Factors to Consider for a Successful Result

Module 10. Project Management: Cost Management

10.1. Cost Control: Project Margin

10.1.1. Project Costs
10.1.2. Initial Margin Calculation
10.1.3. Financial Control

10.2. Cost Control: Cash Flow

10.2.1. Project Cash Flow Analysis
10.2.2. Production
10.2.3. Factors

10.3. Estimation of Activity Costs

10.3.1. Cost Estimation Techniques
10.3.2. Factors in Favor and Against the Estimation of Activities
10.3.3. Aspects to be Taken into Account in Cost Estimates

10.4. Control and Management of Earned Project Value

10.4.1. Basics of Earned Value
10.4.2. Processes
10.4.3. Control and its Importance in the Project

10.5. Control and Management of Earned Project Term

10.5.1. Basics of Earned Term
10.5.2. Processes
10.5.3. Control and its Importance in the Project

10.6. Project Cost Management

10.6.1. Planning
10.6.2. Cost Estimates
10.6.3. Determination of the Budget

10.7. Project Cost Analysis 

10.7.1. Cost Control
10.7.2. Production Control
10.7.3. Cost Analysis vs. Production

10.8. S-curve Management in the Project

10.8.1. Fundamentals of the S-curve
10.8.2. Processes for Management
10.8.3. Importance of the S-curve

10.9. Control and Elaboration of the S-curve in the Project

10.9.1. Production
10.9.2. Monitoring
10.9.3. Control and Deviations

10.10. Project Financial Study

10.10.1. NPV- Net Present Value
10.10.2. IRR-Internal Rate of Return on Project
10.10.3. Payback-Recovery Period

Module 11. Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Companies

11.1. Globalization and Governance

11.1.1. Governance and Corporate Governance
11.1.2. The Fundamentals of Corporate Governance in Companies
11.1.3. The Role of the Board of Directors in the Corporate Governance Framework

11.2. Leadership

11.2.1. Leadership. A Conceptual Approach
11.2.2. Leadership in Companies
11.2.3. The Importance of Leaders in Business Management

11.3. Cross-Cultural Management

11.3.1. Concept of Cross-Cultural Management
11.3.2. Contributions to the Knowledge of National Cultures
11.3.3. Diversity Management

11.4. Management and Leadership Development

11.4.1. Concept of Management Development
11.4.2. Concept of Leadership
11.4.3. Leadership Theories
11.4.4. Leadership Styles
11.4.5. Intelligence in Leadership
11.4.6. The Challenges of Today's Leader

11.5. Business Ethics

11.5.1. Ethics and Morality
11.5.2. Business Ethics
11.5.3. Leadership and Ethics in Companies

11.6. Sustainability

11.6.1. Sustainability and Sustainable Development
11.6.2. The 2030 Agenda
11.6.3. Sustainable Companies

11.7. Corporate Social Responsibility

11.7.1. International Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility
11.7.2. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility
11.7.3. The Impact and Measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility

11.8. Responsible Management Systems and Tools

11.8.1. CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
11.8.2. Essential Aspects for Implementing a Responsible Management Strategy
11.8.3. Steps for the Implementation of a Corporate Social Responsibility Management System
11.8.4. Tools and Standards of CSR

11.9. Multinationals and Human Rights

11.9.1. Globalization, Multinational Corporations and Human Rights
11.9.2. Multinational Corporations and International Law
11.9.3. Legal Instruments for Multinationals in the Field of Human Rights

11.10. Legal Environment and Corporate Governance

11.10.1. International Rules on Importation and Exportation
11.10.2. Intellectual and Industrial Property
11.10.3. International Labor Law

Module 12. People and Talent Management

12.1. Strategic People Management

12.1.1. Strategic Human Resources Management
12.1.2. Strategic People Management

12.2. Human Resources Management by Competencies

12.2.1. Analysis of the Potential
12.2.2. Remuneration Policy
12.2.3. Career/Succession Planning

12.3. Performance Evaluation and Performance Management

12.3.1. Performance Management
12.3.2. Performance Management: Objectives and Process

12.4. Innovation in Talent and People Management

12.4.1. Strategic Talent Management Models
12.4.2. Talent Identification, Training and Development
12.4.3. Loyalty and Retention
12.4.4. Proactivity and Innovation

12.5. Motivation

12.5.1. The Nature of Motivation
12.5.2. Expectations Theory
12.5.3. Needs Theory
12.5.4. Motivation and Financial Compensation

12.6. Developing High Performance Teams

12.6.1. High-Performance Teams: Self-Managing Teams
12.6.2. Methodologies for Managing High Performance Self-Managed Teams

12.7. Change Management

12.7.1. Change Management
12.7.2. Types of Change Management Processes
12.7.3. Stages or Phases in Change Management

12.8. Negotiation and Conflict Management

12.8.1. Negotiation
12.8.2 Conflict Management
12.8.3 Crisis Management

12.9. Executive Communication

12.9.1. Internal and External Communication in the Business Environment
12.9.2. Communication Departments
12.9.3. The Head of Communication of the Company. The Profile of the Dircom

12.10. Productivity, Attraction, Retention and Activation of Talent

12.10.1. Productivity
12.10.2. Talent Attraction and Retention Levers

Module 13. Economic and Financial Management

13.1. Economic Environment

13.1.1. Macroeconomic Environment and the National Financial System
13.1.2. Financial Institutions
13.1.3. Financial Markets
13.1.4. Financial Assets
13.1.5. Other Financial Sector Entities

13.2. Executive Accounting

13.2.1. Basic Concepts
13.2.2. The Company's Assets
13.2.3. The Company's Liabilities
13.2.4. The Company's Net Worth
13.2.5. The Income Statement

13.3. Information Systems and Business Intelligence

13.3.1. Fundamentals and Classification
13.3.2. Cost Allocation Phases and Methods
13.3.3. Choice of Cost Center and Impact

13.4. Budget and Management Control

13.4.1. The Budgetary Model
13.4.2. The Capital Budget
13.4.3. The Operating Budget
13.4.5. The Cash Budget
13.4.6. Budget Monitoring

13.5. Financial Management

13.5.1. The Company's Financial Decisions
13.5.2. The Financial Department
13.5.3. Cash Surpluses
13.5.4. Risks Associated with Financial Management
13.5.5. Risk Management of the Financial Management

13.6. Financial Planning

13.6.1. Definition of Financial Planning
13.6.2. Actions to Be Taken in Financial Planning
13.6.3. Creation and Establishment of the Business Strategy
13.6.4. The Cash Flow Chart
13.6.5. The Working Capital Chart

13.7. Corporate Financial Strategy

13.7.1. Corporate Strategy and Sources of Financing
13.7.2. Corporate Financing Financial Products

13.8. Strategic Financing

13.8.1. Self-financing
13.8.2. Increase in Shareholder's Equity
13.8.3. Hybrid Resources
13.8.4. Financing through Intermediaries

13.9. Financial Analysis and Planning

13.9.1.  Analysis of the Balance Sheet
13.9.2. Analysis of the Income Statement
13.9.3. Profitability Analysis

13.10. Analyzing and Solving Cases/Problems

13.10.1. Financial Information on Industria de Diseño y Textil, S.A. (INDITEX)

Module 14. Commercial Management and Strategic Marketing

14.1. Commercial Management

14.1.1. Conceptual Framework of Commercial Management
14.1.2. Commercial Strategy and Planning
14.1.3. The Role of Sales Managers

14.2. Marketing

14.2.1. The Concept of Marketing
14.2.2. The Basic Elements of Marketing
14.2.3. Marketing Activities in Companies

14.3. Strategic Marketing Management

14.3.1. The Concept of Strategic Marketing
14.3.2. Concept of Strategic Marketing Planning
14.3.3. Stages in the Process of Strategic Marketing Planning

14.4. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce

14.4.1. Objectives of Digital Marketing and e-Commerce
14.4.2. Digital Marketing and the Media It Uses
14.4.3. E-Commerce. General Context
14.4.4. Categories of e-Commerce
14.4.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of e-Commerce Compared to Traditional Commerce

14.5. Digital Marketing to Reinforce a Brand

14.5.1. Online Strategies to Improve Brand Reputation
14.5.2. Branded Content and Storytelling

14.6. Digital Marketing to Attract and Retain Customers

14.6.1. Loyalty and Engagement Strategies Using the Internet
14.6.2. Visitor Relationship Management
14.6.3. Hypersegmentation

14.7. Digital Campaign Management

14.7.1. What Is a Digital Advertising Campaign?
14.7.2. Steps to Launch an Online Marketing Campaign
14.7.3. Mistakes in Digital Advertising Campaigns

14.8. Sales Strategy

14.8.1. Sales Strategy
14.8.2. Sales Methods

14.9. Corporate Communication

14.9.1. Concept
14.9.2. The Importance of Communication in the Organization
14.9.3. Type of Communication in the Organization
14.9.4.  Functions of Communication in the Organization
14.9.5. Elements of Communication
14.9.6. Problems of Communication
14.9.7. Communication Scenarios

14.10. Digital Communication and Reputation

14.10.1. Online Reputation
14.10.2. How to Measure Digital Reputation?
14.10.3. Online Reputation Tools
14.10.4. Online Reputation Report
14.10.5. Online Branding

Module 15. Executive Management

15.1. General Management

15.1.1. The Concept of General Management
15.1.2. The Role of the CEO
15.1.3. The CEO and their Responsibilities
15.1.4. Transforming the Work of Management

15.2. Manager Functions: Organizational Culture and Approaches

15.2.1. Manager Functions: Organizational Culture and Approaches

15.3. Operations Management

15.3.1. The Importance of Management
15.3.2. Value Chain
15.3.3. Quality Management

15.4. Public Speaking and Spokesperson Education

15.4.1. Interpersonal Communication
15.4.2. Communication Skills and Influence
15.4.3. Communication Barriers

15.5. Personal and Organizational Communication Tools

15.5.1. Interpersonal Communication
15.5.2. Interpersonal Communication Tools
15.5.3.  Communication in the Organization
15.5.4. Tools in the Organization

15.6. Communication in Crisis Situations

15.6.1. Crisis
15.6.2. Phases of the Crisis
15.6.3. Messages: Contents and Moments

15.7. Preparation of a Crisis Plan

15.7.1. Analysis of Possible Problems
15.7.2. Planning
15.7.3. Adequacy of Personnel

15.8. Emotional Intelligence

15.8.1. Emotional Intelligence and Communication
15.8.2. Assertiveness, Empathy, and Active Listening
15.8.3. Self- Esteem and Emotional Communication

15.9. Personal Branding

15.9.1. Strategies for Personal Brand Development
15.9.2. Personal Branding Laws
15.9.3. Tools for Creating Personal Brands

15.10.Leadership and Team Management

15.10.1. Leadership and Leadership Styles
15.10.2. Leadership Skills and Challenges
15.10.3. Managing Change Processes
15.10.4. Managing Multicultural Teams



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Executive Master’s Degree in Management of Large International Projects (EPC) 

The management of Large International Projects is a complex task that requires highly specialized management skills. These projects are subject to different types of contracts and services, which involves the analysis and development of each stage of the project, from planning to cost control and construction supervision. For this reason, TECH has designed the Executive Master’s Degree in Management of Large International Projects (EPC) , with which you can learn to manage the services related to the project design, the necessary supplies and the fundamentals of construction adapted to the business world.

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