
Get started in the knowledge of Latin as a philosopher's tool with this high-level postgraduate certificate"


This postgraduate certificate will allow the student to learn about the history of law, the different periods and the developments that took place in them. Throughout the learning process, students will be able to analyze the meaning of the legal activity and review in a deep and systematic way, the problems it deals with.

In addition, with this postgraduate certificate you will learn with the most effective systems for the study of this subject.
If the goal is to improve oneself, achieve a positive change on a personal level, interact with the best and belong to the new generation of professionals capable of developing their work anywhere in the world, this may be the way to go.

A postgraduate certificate fully compatible with other work, personal, teaching or study commitments. From the start, in its teaching approaches, to the end, in its assessments, the system will be flexible to the student's needs. Consequently, the results are much more efficient, since the study will not become an unbearable burden, but rather, a stimulating and easy challenge to undertake and bring to fruition.

Study with the greatest university of the technological era and live a new experience of professional growth taking in the Philosophy of Law”

This postgraduate certificate in Philosophy of Law contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases to apply the theoretical content to real life situations
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Special emphasis on practical learning
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable electronic device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate will allow you to grow as a philosophy professional and as a humanist, significantly expanding your capacity for philosophical analysis and understanding"

At TECH Global University we offer you the most innovative, creative and different proposal, in a dynamic institution with talent and international recognition. With a space to exchange ideas, experience and reflections. The professional will be able to share the experience in the study, through forums and other collaborative tools 100% online.

TECH Global University accompanies the student at all times thanks to an involved and committed faculty. The university's teaching staff transmits what they do in their professional performance, working from a real, lively and dynamic context. But, above all, the critical side of the student is explored, their ability to question things, their competence in problem solving, their interpersonal skills.

This postgraduate certificate is created to ensure you can study in a simple, efficient and flexible way, with the superior quality of an advanced academic program"



A complete review of the evolution that the Philosophy of Law has undergone throughout history"


With this postgraduate certificate, the professionals will learn everything necessary about the fundamentals and developments of the Philosophy of Law and its bases in a precise manner, giving them a solid foundation for their growth in this field. A postgraduate certificate with which you will learn while enjoying the benefits of a program designed to optimize your work time to the maximum.


The objective of this program is to make the professional competent in the understanding and use of the Philosophy of Law with the broadest spectrum of knowledge in this field”

General Objectives

  • Break down the constitutive dimensions of humans, applying the main contributions of philosophical anthropology to the knowledge and understanding of oneself and one's fellow humans
  • Explain the constitutive dimensions of humans, applying the main contributions of philosophical anthropology to the knowledge and understanding of oneself and one's fellow human beings
  • Know the origin and meaning of the anthropological notion of the concept of person
  • Raise human problems and discuss their implications in everyday life
  • Identify anthropological conceptions diffused in cultural expressions

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the meaning of legal activity
  • Review the main problems addressed by legal philosophy
  • Know the periods in the historical development of the Philosophy of Law

Increase your ability to understand contemporary legal activity backed by knowledge of its historical evolution”

Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy of Law

Nowadays, there is a growing need for professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge to comprehensively address the challenges posed by the modern world. In this sense, the philosophy of law and religion is becoming increasingly important, as it constitutes a space for critical and rigorous reflection on the ethical, political and social foundations that govern our societies. At TECH Global University we have developed a Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy of Law and Religion; with the objective of instructing professionals who are capable of rigorously analyzing the philosophical and theological implications that underlie human decisions or actions in the legal and religious areas. Our students will be supported by a highly qualified teaching staff with extensive experience in the field. In addition, they will receive the best educational tools of the moment, in order to turn them into highly prestigious experts.

Delve in the philosophy of law and religion


To achieve our goal of being the best online university in the world, we employ innovative methodologies, classes supported by multimedia material and effective teaching models such as relearning that will boost your continuous development. During the course of the education, you will be continuously accompanied by experts in the area, who will guide you to obtain a progressive and efficient learning. Through our theoretical and practical approach, you will specialize in handling the fundamental concepts underlying these disciplines, analyzing their historical evolution, their relationship with other disciplines and their impact on contemporary society. From this, you will develop critical and analytical skills that will allow you to approach with rigor and depth any ethical, political or social problem that arises in the legal and religious fields. For all this and more, we are your best educational option. Make up your mind and enroll now!