University certificate
The world's largest faculty of education”
Why study at TECH?
Effectively manage international orientation environments with a broader vision"

Making decisions on an individualized basis requires an approach focused on the capabilities and aptitudes of the person being targeted. Nowadays, young people are less and less familiar with the world of work, so it is important to have professionals capable of showing them and guiding them through all the options that may be presented to them. This is critical in developing skills that will prepare them for the future.
Likewise, it is of vital importance to evaluate socioeconomic differences, disabilities or differences in learning, in order to address with special interest a unique model to help in this pre-university stage. It is best that this process be done in a simple manner so as not to overwhelm adolescents who do not know what decision to make.
This program is intended to show teachers how to apply their knowledge and understanding through problem-solving skills in new, unfamiliar environments within broader (multidisciplinary) concepts, to the practice of teaching in different secondary schools and related environments. Likewise, different knowledge will be sought in order to face the complexity of the teaching profession in secondary education; to reflect and make judgments in school and family environments on the social and ethical responsibility of this profession as a basis for correct decision making.
As the program progresses, teaching professionals will be able to understand the different approaches to guidance and apply them to all developmental stages. It is also expected to develop the tools for organizing ideas and motivational arguments, obtain results in students, lay the foundations for leadership and creativity, foster collaborative work and improve their communication results.
All the content is available in a 100% online modality that provides the student with the ease of being able to study it comfortably, wherever and whenever they want. All you need is a device with internet access to take your career one step further. A modality according to the current times with all the guarantees to position the professional in a highly demanded sector.
Establish an effective methodology for individual and group detection of personality variables, abilities, values and talents as a basis for choice"
This Advanced master’s degree in Educational and Vocational Guidance contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date course on the university scene. The most important features include:
- Development of case studies presented by expert teachers in professional and vocational guidance
- The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
- Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
- Special emphasis on innovative methodologies for management in audiovisual industry
- Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of models in other countries to adapt them to your professional reality"
Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of journalism, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.
The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real-life situations.
This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.
Effectively manage international orientation environments with a broader vision"

Detect the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of the new orientation models that may arise in the future"
This program has been designed with the purpose of developing tools for the organization of ideas and motivational arguments, obtaining results in students, laying the foundations for leadership and creativity, encouraging collaborative work and improving their communication results. All this will be developed in each learning module in a didactic and practical way, for the sake of its application at international level, incorporating all the fields of work involved in the development of the professional in this type of work environment.

Teach your students to make decisions based on self-knowledge by following a program focused on teacher development"
Module 1. Learning and Personality Development
1.1. Introduction: Relationship between Learning and Development, Education and Culture
1.1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. The Common Concept of Psychological Development
1.1.3. An Alternative to the Common Concept of Psychological Development: The Social and Cultural Nature of Development
1.1.4. The Role of Education in Psychological Development
1.1.5. Schooling as an Essential Context for Psychological Development
1.1.6. Essential Social Factors in Learning
1.1.7. Stages of Development
1.1.8. Key Development Processes
1.2. Conceptions of Learning and Learner Development
1.2.1. Concept of Learning
1.2.2. Main Theories of Learning and Development Theories of Psychoanalysis Freud's Theory Erikson's Psychosocial Theory Behavioral Theories Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory Skinner's Operating Conditioning Theory Cognitive Theories Information Processing Theory Robert Gagné Instructional Theory Constructivism D. Ausubel's Theory of Verbal-meaningful Learning Genetic Epistemology of Jean Piagetl Lev Vygotsky Cognitive's Sociocultural Theory Jerome Bruner Discovery Learning Socio-Cognitive Theories Bandura’s Cognitive-Social Theory
1.3. Characterization of the Adolescent Stage: Physical and Sexual Development
1.3.1. Puberty and Adolescence Puberty Adolescence
1.3.2. Psychological Effects of Puberty
1.3.3. Early Developing Adolescents and Late Developing Adolescents Precocious Puberty Delayed Puberty
1.3.4. Changing Patterns of Sexual Behavior
1.3.5. The Context and Timing of Adolescent Sexual Behavior
1.3.6. Love Affair and Intimacy
1.4. Psychological Dimensions Related to School Learning: Social and Moral Development
1.4.1. Main Socializing Agents The Family Concept of Family The Adolescent and their Family Peer Group The Educational Center The Media
1.4.2. The Risks of Social Networks
1.4.3. Development of Moral Concepts Various Theoretical Models Piaget Kohlberg
1.4.4. Factors Influencing Adolescent Moral Development Differences Between Genders Intelligence Home Friendships
1.5. Psychological Dimensions Related to School Learning: Intelligence
1.5.1. The Advent of Formal Thinking The Characteristics of Formal Thinking Hypothetico-Deductive Thinking and Propositional Reasoning
1.5.2. Criticism of Piaget's View
1.5.3. Cognitive Changes Memory Development Sensory Storage Short-Term Memory (STM) Long-Term Memory (LTM) The Development of Memory Strategies The Development of Metacognition Knowledge and Metacognitive Control The Changes in Metacognitive Processes
1.5.4. Intelligence Cattell’sFluent and Crystallized Intelligence Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Wechsler Scales
1.6. Psychological Dimensions Related to School Learning: Identity, Self-Concept and Motivation
1.6.1. Self-Concept Definition of Self-Concept Factors Associated with Self-Concept Development
1.6.2. Self-esteem
1.6.3. Theoretical Approaches for the Development of Identity Different Ways of Elaborating Identity
1.6.4. Motivation and Learning
1.7. The Teaching-Learning Process in Adolescence: General Principles
1.7.1. Ausubel's Theory of Significant Verbal Learning Types of Learning in the School Context What is Already Known and the Desire to Learn: Conditions for the Construction of Meaning The Processes of Assimilation of New Contents A Review of the Theory Thirty Years Later
1.7.2. Knowledge Construction Processes: The Constructivist Theory of Teaching and Learning School Education: A Social and Socializing Practice The Construction of Knowledge in the School Context: The Interactive Triangle The Processes of Knowledge Construction and the Mechanisms of Educational Influence
1.7.3. Why Do Only Humans Have Teaching?
1.8. The Teaching-Learning Process in Adolescence: Knowledge Construction in the Classroom and Teacher/Student Interaction
1.8.1. Teacher Effectiveness
1.8.2. Teaching Styles
1.8.3. Teaching Models
1.8.4. The Teacher's Role
1.8.5. Teacher's Expectations of the Student
1.9. The Teaching-Learning Process in Adolescence Processes of Knowledge Construction and Peer-to-Peer Interaction
1.9.1. Peer Interaction and Cognitive Development
1.9.2. Cooperative Learning The Use of Cooperative Learning as a Teaching Method
1.10. Attention to Diversity and Educational Needs in the Adolescence Stage
1.10.1. Historical Notes
1.10.2. The Warnock Report
1.10.3. The Concept of Special Educational Needs
1.10.4. The Causes of Special Educational Needs
1.10.5. Classification of Special Educational Needs
1.10.6. Learning Difficulties Derived from Motor, Visual and Hearing Impairment Educational Intervention
1.10.7. Learning Difficulties Derived from Autism (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Intellectual Disability and High Abilities Educational Intervention
1.10.8. Behavioral Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence Epidemiology and Risk Factors in Behavioral Disorders Clinic and Forms of Presentation
1.10.9. Main Manifestations of Behavioral Disorders Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Dissocial Disorder (DD) Negativistic Defiant Disorder (NDD)
1.10.10. An Example of an Instrument to Detect Behavioral Disorders in the Classroom
1.10.11. Proposals for Therapeutic Intervention in the Classroom Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Negative Defiant Disorder (NDD) and Dissocial Disorder (TD)
1.11. Relationships in Adolescence and Conflict Management in the Classroom
1.11.1. What is Mediation? Types of Mediation School Mediation Family Mediation Insight Theory The Enneagram
1.11.2. Strengths and Weaknesses in the Implementation of a Mediation Program
1.12. Principle of Personalized Education and Forms of Action
1.12.1. Historic Evolution of Special Education The Organization of the United Nations (UN) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
1.12.2. The Localization Dilemma
1.12.3. Educational Inclusion
1.12.4. The Differences Dilemma
1.12.5. Personalized Education
1.12.6. Personal Learning Design
1.12.7. Conclusions Learning by Doing
Module 2. Society, Family and Education
2.1. The Guidance Function of the Education Center
2.1.1. Educational Guidance Introduction Concept of Educational Guidance Guidance Functions in the Educational Center Origin of Educational Guidance Areas of Intervention Professional Guidance Development Guidance School Guidance Guidance in the Attention to Diversity Intervention Models Counseling Model Service Model Program Model Consultation Model Technological Model
2.1.2. Principles of Guidance Action
2.2. The Tutor-Teacher and Tutorial Action
2.2.1. The Tutor's Profile and Competencies
2.2.2. The Tutorial Action
2.2.3. The Guidance Department Organization of the Guidance Department Composition of the Guidance Department Functions of the Guidance Department Functions of the Members of the Guidance Department From the Head of the Guidance Department Supporting Teachers Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Speech Teachers From the Training and Vocational Guidance Teacher
2.2.4. Guidance and Tutorial Action in Vocational Training
2.2.5. Holland's Typological Model
2.3. Tutorial Action Tools
2.3.1. Introduction
2.3.2. The Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) Modalities of Autonomy Pedagogical Autonomy Management Autonomy Organized Autonomy
2.3.3. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Tutorial Action Social Changes Educational Changes ICT Used in Tutorial Action Webquest Blogs Webinars Wikis E-mail Discussion Forums Advantages of Using ICT in Tutorial Action Disadvantages of Using ICT in Tutorial Action
2.4. The Relationship between the Tutor and the Student
2.4.1. The Individualized Interview as the Main Tool Importance of Communication Interview between the Tutor and the Student The Interview in the Helping Relationship Interviewer Skills Types of Interviews According to the Number of Participants According to Format Depending on the Mode or Channel
2.4.2. Group Dynamics Group Dynamics: Some Examples of Techniques Discussion Groups Role Playing Dialogical Pedagogical Tertulia Film Forum Benefits of Applying Group Dynamics
2.4.3. Techniques for the Management of Coexistence Learning Values and Norms Social-Emotional Education and Classroom Climate Strategies to Facilitate School Coexistence Programs to Educate in Coexistence
2.5. School and Family
2.5.1. Introduction
2.5.2. The Evolution of Family and Society
2.5.3. Demands Made by the Family to the School and Vice Versa Demand Made by the School to the Family Demands Made by Family to the School
2.5.4. Family-Educational Center communication Channels: the Parents' School Parents’ School
2.6. The Family Interview
2.6.1. Introduction The Ecological Theory of Bronfenbrenner
2.6.2. The Family Interview Keys to an Effective Interview Emotional Education Classification of the Interview
2.6.3. Structure of the Interview
2.6.4. Factors Involved in the Family Interview
2.6.5. Steps in the Family Interview
2.6.6. Interview Techniques Educational Coaching Context Origins of Coaching Principles of Coaching Models of Coaching Agents Involved in the Coaching Process Benefits of Coaching
Module 3. The Fields of Educational Guidance and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling
3.1. General Conceptualization of Educational Guidance
3.1.1. What is Educational Guidance?
3.1.2. Review of the Main Milestones of Educational Guidance in Legislation
3.2. Vocational and Professional Guidance within the Functions of School Guidance
3.2.1. Academic and Vocational Fields: A Continuum Throughout Schooling
3.2.2. Fundamental Principles of Academic and Career Guidance
3.2.3. Roles of the School Counselor Related to Vocational and Professional Guidance
3.2.4. Academic and Career Guidance Planning
3.2.5. Intervention Strategies in Academic and Professional Guidance
3.2.6. Can the Schooling Report and the Psycho-Pedagogical Evaluation Be Measures of Academic and Vocational Guidance?
3.2.7. Support in the Choice of Academic and Vocational Pathways in Compulsory Schooling
3.2.8. Guidance Counseling as a Vocational Counseling Report
3.2.9. Other Functions of the School Counselor
3.2.10. The Place of Vocational and Professional Guidance within the Functions of School Guidance
3.3. Organizational Structures of Guidance in Schools
3.3.1. Main Organizational Structures of School Guidance
3.3.2. Organization of School Guidance in Early Childhood Education
3.3.3. Organization of School Guidance in Primary Education
3.3.4. Organization of School Guidance in Secondary Education
3.3.5. Organization of School Guidance in Professional Training
3.3.6. Organization of Educational Guidance in University Education
3.3.7. Organization of Educational Guidance in Educational Centers for Adults
3.3.8. Organization of Educational Guidance in Special Education
3.3.9. Organization of School Guidance in Special Education Centers and Occupational Training Centers
3.3.10. Organization of the Guidance
3.4. Tutorial Action
3.4.1. Work of the Tutor
3.4.2. Difficulties of the Tutor
3.5. Show the Main Social and Personal Situations that Have an Impact on School Coexistence
3.5.1. Socio-Educationally Disadvantaged Students
3.5.2. Cultural Diversity in the Education Center
3.5.3. Situations of Bullying in Schools
3.6. Resources and Strategies for the Management of Coexistence in Schools
3.6.1. Regulation of Coexistence in the Educational Center
3.6.2. School Mediation Programs
3.7. Educational Guidance for the Promotion and Transition of School Stages
3.7.1. Orientation for Students Who Pass From Kindergarten to Primary School
3.7.2. Orientation for Students Who Pass From Primary to Secondary School
3.8. Vocational guidance Prevention and Intervention Measures for School Failure or School Dropout
3.8.1. Vocational Guidance for Students Who Finish Secondary School and Go on to Post-Compulsory Studies
3.8.2. Prevention and Intervention Measures for School Failure or School Dropout
3.9. Career Guidance and Job Placement
3.9.1. Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
3.9.2. Vocational Assessment and Counseling of Students
3.10. Some Guidance and ICT Projects and Experiences
3.10.1. HOLA Project (Tool for Labor Orientation in Asturias)
3.10.2. “My Vocational e-Portfolio” (myvip)
3.10.3. Mywaypass. Free Online Platform for Decision-Making
3.10.4. Uveni Guidance Platform for Secondary and High Schools
3.10.5. At the Ringing of a Bell
3.10.6. Social School
3.10.7. Orientaline
3.10.8. Virtual Student Lounge
Module 4. The Processes of Educational Guidance and Psycho-pedagogical Counseling
4.1. processes of Educational Guidance and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling in the Educational System Areas and Strategies of Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling
4.1.1. Educational Guidance Services: Organization and Operation
4.1.2. The Teams of Educational Guidance
4.1.3. The Guidance Departments
4.1.4. Intervention Plans
4.1.5. Institutional Analysis of Educational Centers and Related Systems
4.2. Advice on the Design and Development of Intervention Plans
4.2.1. Counseling in Educational Guidance: Models and Strategies
4.2.2. Types of Demands
4.2.3. Design, Development and Evaluation of Intervention Plans/Programs
4.3. Coordination with External Structures and Agents
4.3.1. Coordination of Guidance Services
4.3.2. Coordination Programs
4.3.3. The Counselor as Facilitator and Coordinator
4.4. The Intersectoral and Community Approach to Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling
4.4.1. Coordination and Collaboration Actions of the Guidance Department
4.4.2. Resources, Tools and Materials in the Guidance and Counseling Processes
4.5. Techniques and Instruments for Psycho-Pedagogical Evaluation
4.5.1. Techniques and Instruments of Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation
4.5.2. Qualitative Assessment Techniques and Instruments
4.5.3. Quantitative Evaluation Techniques and Instruments
4.6. Collaborative Work in the Educational Community Guidance and Counseling in Preventive and Socio-Community Programs
4.6.1. The Guidance Counselor: Collaborative Work with Teachers and Members of the School Community
4.6.2. Communication and Group Management Skills
4.6.3. Group Intervention
4.6.4. Prevention in Guidance
4.6.5. Comprehensive and Community-Based Preventive Programs
4.7. Models of Psycho-Pedagogical Intervention in Guidance Behavioral-Cognitive Model and Systemic Model of Educational Guidance
4.7.1. Counseling Model
4.7.2. Program Model
4.7.3. Constructivist Educational Model
4.7.4. Approach to the Concept of Behavior Modification
4.7.5. Behavior Modification Program
4.7.6. Behavioral Techniques
4.7.7. Cognitive Techniques
4.7.8. Conceptualization of the Systemic Model
4.7.9. Intervention Plan
4.7.10. Techniques and Strategies
4.8. Psycho-Pedagogical Evaluation: Function and Nature of the Assessment
4.8.1. Concept, Purpose, and Context
4.8.2. Concept of Psychopedagogical Assessment
4.8.3. Purpose of the Psychopedagogical Assessment
4.8.4. Context of the Evaluation
4.9. Counseling Process: Academic and Professional Orientation Counseling for the Improvement of Coexistence and Center Climate
4.9.1. Academic and Professional Guidance as a Concept
4.9.2. Intervention Strategies in Academic Professional Guidance
4.9.3. The Orientation Council
4.9.4. Guidance in Relation to the Improvement of Coexistence
4.9.5. Family-School Collaboration through Guidance and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling
4.9.6. Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Schools
Module 5. Inclusive Education Attention to Diversity
5.1. Principles of Prevention: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention
5.1.1. Conceptualization of Prevention: Types of Prevention
5.1.2. Current Situation of Prevention
5.2. Models of Educational Intervention
5.2.1. Direct Intervention
5.2.2. Indirect Intervention
5.3. Quantitative and Qualitative Techniques
5.3.1. Use of Surveys and Observation
5.3.2. Use of Questionnaires and Tests
5.4. Attention to Specific Educational Support Needs Associated with Disability, Mathematics and Learning Difficulties: Reading and Writing
5.4.1. From Educational Needs to Barriers in Activity and Participation
5.4.2. Educational Guidance in the Face of Intervention Demands
5.4.3. Conceptualization (Learning Difficulties: Reading and Writing)
5.4.4. Assessment and Intervention in the Reading and Writing Modules
5.4.5. Tasks for Educational Care
5.4.6. Conceptualization (Learning Difficulties: Maths)
5.4.7. Resolution of Problematic Situations
5.4.8. The Role of the Counselor in Identifying Difficulties
5.5. Giftedness and High Abilities
5.5.1. Symptomatology and Consequences of Giftedness and High Ability
5.5.2. Curricular Adaptation to Giftedness and High Abilities
5.6. Attention to Diversity and Multiculturalism
5.6.1. Reality of Diversity
5.6.2. The Reality of Multiculturalism
5.7. Strategies of Psycho-Pedagogical Assessment
5.7.1. Process of Psycho-Pedagogical Assessment
5.7.2. Psycho-Pedagogical Evaluation and Counseling in the Educational Response
5.8. Guidance and Tutorial Action Plan
5.8.1. The Content of the Guidance and Tutorial Action Plan
5.8.2. Guideline Model of the Guidance and Tutorial Action Plan
5.9. Teacher Training for Inclusive Education
5.9.1. Previous Aspects to Consider
5.9.2. Fundamentals and Purposes
5.9.3. Essential Elements of the Initial Training
5.9.4. Main Models and Theories
5.9.5. Criteria for the Design and Development of Teacher Education
5.9.6. Permanent Training
5.9.7. Teacher Profile
5.9.8. Teaching Competencies in Inclusive Education
5.9.9. Supporting Teacher Functions
5.9.10. Emotional Competencies
Module 6. Educational Research and Innovation and Change Management
6.1. School Improvement as a Goal of Educational Guidance
6.1.1. Educational Guidance in the New Scenarios of the Current Context
6.1.2. Key Concepts: Educational Innovation, Change, Reform and Improvement in Education
6.1.3. Epistemological Referents for Innovation and Research: Educational Paradigms
6.1.4. The Change in the Educational Paradigm as a Challenge for Rethinking the Contribution of Educational Guidance
6.2. Areas of Innovation and Challenges for Educational Intervention
6.2.1. Areas of Innovation in the Educational Context
6.2.2. The Obstacles and Challenges of Innovation in the Educational Context
6.2.3. The Binomial for Educational Improvement: Research and Innovation
6.2.4. Current Possibilities and Challenges for Innovative Educational Intervention
6.3. Change Management for Educational Improvement
6.3.1. Educational Innovation: Change Management for Improvement
6.3.2. Process Models to Generate Educational Innovation
6.3.3. The Educational Center as a Learning Organization
6.3.4. The Specific Contribution of the OE in the Definition of Innovation and Educational Intervention Strategies
6.4. Design, Planning, Development and Evaluation of Intervention Projects for Innovation and Improvement in Education
6.4.1. Counseling: An Instrument of Guidance for Educational Improvement
6.4.2. Components for the Design of an Intervention Project for Educational Improvement
6.4.3. Planning of an Intervention Project for Educational Improvement (Phases)
6.4.4. Development of an Intervention Project for Educational Improvement (Agents,Roles and Resources)
6.4.5. Strategies and Resources for the Assessment of Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects
6.4.6. The Search for Best Practices
6.4.7. Monitoring and Evaluation of "Best Practices" for Educational Improvement
6.4.8. Case Study: Analysis of a Model for Evaluating Educational Innovation
6.5. Digital Literacy and Social-Community Educational Innovation
6.5.1. Paradigm Shift: from Solid Knowledge to Liquid Information
6.5.2. Web 2.0 Metaphors and Their Implications for Educational Guidance
6.5.3. Best Practices in the Innovative Use of Technological Resources
6.5.4. The Possibilities and Challenges of Educational Guidance in the Digital Society
6.5.5. The Socio-Educational Context as an Area of Innovation for Educational Guidance
6.5.6. Networking and the Construction of a Common Vision
6.5.7. From the Educational Center to the Educating Community: Educating Cities
6.5.8. From the Classroom to the Community: The Richness of Service-Learning
6.6. Pedagogical Innovation and Guidance in the Classroom: Improving Learning and Assessment as a Shared Challenge
6.6.1. Shared Teaching as a Strategy for Learning Improvement
6.6.2. Resources to Promote Shared Teaching Development
6.6.3. Types of Shared Teaching
6.6.4. Advising, Accompanying and Evaluating Shared Teaching Processes
6.6.5. Evaluation as a Learning Opportunity
6.6.6. Characteristics of Innovative Evaluation
6.6.7. The Dimensions of Evaluation: The Ethical and the Technical-Methodological Question
6.7. Pedagogical Innovation and Guidance in the Classroom: Strategies to Orient Assessment for Learning
6.7.1. Collaboration with Faculty to Develop Learning-Oriented Evaluation
6.7.2. Quality Criteria for Developing a Learning-Oriented Evaluation Process
6.7.3. How Can Evaluation Results Be Oriented to Promote Learning?
6.8. From Educational Research in the Digital Society to Research in the Classroom: Opportunities for the Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process
6.8.1. The Specific Nature of Educational Research
6.8.2. The Research Process and the Counselor's View as an Educational Researcher
6.8.3. Educational Research in the Current Context
6.8.4. Technological Tools to Develop Educational Research
6.8.5. Educational Research Functions
6.8.6. From Educational Research to Classroom Research
6.8.7. Research in the Classroom and Professional Development
6.8.8. Ethical Considerations to Develop Educational Research
6.9. The Internal Evaluation of Educational Guidance Teams The Current Challenges of Educational Guidance and the Deontological Framework for the Practice of the Profession
6.9.1. Educational Improvement Makes it Essential to Evaluate Teachers and Educational Guidance Teams
6.9.2. Self-Evaluation of Teaching Practice as a Process of Reflection and Formative Accompaniment
6.9.3. The Internal Evaluation of Educational Guidance Teams and Guidance Departments
6.9.4. Educational Guidance Challenges for the 21st Century
6.9.5. Ethical Framework for Teaching Practice
6.10. Learning and Professional Development of Agents of Educational Change
6.10.1. From the Transmitting School to the Creative, Collaborative and Critical School: Being an Agent for the Change of Model
6.10.2. Opportunities for the Professional Development of All Educational Agents
6.10.3. From Collective Learning to Teachers' Professional Development: The Contribution of the Educational Counselor
6.10.4. Meeting and Learning Spaces for Guidance Professionals: Congresses, Innovation Days, Professional Networks, Communities of Practice, MOOCS
Module 7. Roles in Conflict Resolution
7.1. The Group
7.1.1. What is a Group? Groups in Social Networks
7.1.2. Dynamic Aspects of Groups Ways of Participating Characteristics of Groups Interrelation in the School Group
7.1.3. When are Students Considered a Group? Parts of a Group
7.1.4. The Functioning of a Group How Do We Know the Group is Working? Group-Class Roles
7.1.5. Conclusions
7.2. Group Dynamics, What Are They?
7.2.1. Etymological Definition
7.2.2. Objectives
7.2.3. Law of Group Dynamics
7.2.4. Factors
7.2.5. Differences between Game and Dynamic
7.2.6. Techniques of Group Dynamics Objectives of the Techniques Type of Techniques General and Specific Dynamics Role Playing Flash and Pause Technique Theater Radio-Theater Children's Literature and/or Dramatized Reading Film Forum Clown- Empathy Theater of the Oppressed Work in Groups
7.2.7. Piaget’sContributions to Teamwork
7.2.8. Phases of Application of Group Dynamics Techniques
7.2.9. Our Conclusions
7.3. Types of Roles in Conflicts
7.3.1. Role Classification
7.3.2. Where Does Each Role Fit in? Where Do We Fit Mediation in?
7.3.3. Classification of Roles According to the Willingness of those Involved
7.3.4. Classification by End of Conflict
7.3.5. Possible Roles of Teachers
7.3.6. Role Playing Technique Introduction and Definition of the Technique The 4 Phases of the Classical Model
7.3.7. Our Conclusions
7.4. The Importance of Context Changing Roles
7.4.1. Johari Window
7.4.2. Johari Window Modalities
7.4.3. Positive Self-Concept, a Fundamental Objective in Education
7.4.4. Childhood Self-concept
7.4.5. Humor and Laughter as Tools for Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
7.4.6. The Poetics of Clown
7.4.7. Our Conclusions
7.5. The Role of the Teacher According to Their Participation
7.5.1. Activities with Predominance of the Educator's Role
7.5.2. Activities in Which Teacher and Student Participate
7.5.3. Activities in a Collaborative and Cooperative Process
7.5.4. A New Roles for Teachers and Students
7.5.5. The Teacher in the Digital Era Digital Competence Role of Teachers
7.5.6. Our Conclusions
7.6. Dramatic Play as Conflict Resolution Training
7.6.1. Approach to Dramatic Play
7.6.2. Dramatic Expression and Young People Aspects Involved in Dramatization
7.6.3. Stages of Dramatic Aptitude
7.6.4. Dramatic Techniques According to the Age of the Students
7.6.5. Symbolic Play as a Preamble to Dramatic Play in Infancy From Spontaneous Symbolic Play to Dramatic Play in Schools
7.6.6. Our Conclusions
7.7. Theater: Integrating Life Skills
7.7.1. Introduction
7.7.2. Play or Therapy?
7.7.3. Theater as a Pedagogical Space Theater Practices and Dramatic Expression in an Educational Environment Creativity and Autonomy Versus Dependence
7.7.4. Formulation of Criteria, Statements and Organizing Principles of a Theater Experience
7.7.5. Role Play or Dramatic Play
7.7.6. Didactic Foundations of Inclusive Theater
7.7.7. Inclusive Principles: Adapt, Help, Support
7.7.8. The Body and Movement as a Source of Expression and Communication for Persons with SEN
7.7.9. Artistic Collectives as Mediators for Life
7.7.10. Our Conclusions
7.8. Sense of Humor in Role Management
7.8.1. Laughter, Our First Teacher Approaches to the Concept of Humor
7.8.2. The Pedagogical Value of Humor (and Laughter)
7.8.3. Positive Mood Functions Social and Educational Roles
7.8.4. The Profile of the Cheerful, Positive and Fun Educator
7.8.5. Barriers, Obstacles and Myths About the Use of Humor in Education
7.8.6. Fundamental Skills as a Social Educator
7.9. The Theater of the Oppressed as a Tool of Rediffusion in the Face of Conflict
7.9.1. Relevant Theories: Origin and Evolution Augusto Boal and Jacobo Levy Moreno
7.9.2. Theoretical Bases of Psychodrama and Sociodrama
7.9.3. Analogies and Differences: Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Theatre of the Oppressed Theater of the People and for the People Theater as a Language Theater as a Speech
7.9.4. Theater, for What? Areas of Non-Conventional Theater
7.9.5. Map of Applied Theater
7.9.6. Express Representation Process
Module 8. Creativity and Emotional Education in the Classroom
8.1. Emotional Intelligence and the Education of Emotions According to the Mayer and Salovey Model
8.2. Other Models of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Transformation
8.2.1. Emotional Competency Models
8.2.2. Social Competency Models
8.2.3. Multiple Models
8.3. Socio-Emotional Skills and Creativity According to Level of Intelligence
8.4. Concept of Emotional Quotient, Intelligence and Adaptation Desynchronies in High Intellectual Abilities
8.5. Concept of Hyperemotivity
8.6. Current Scientific Studies on Creativity, Emotions, Self-Awareness and Intelligence
8.6.1. Neuroscientific Studies
8.6.2. Applied Studies
8.7. Practical Classroom Resources to Prevent Demotivation and Hyperemotionality
8.8. Standardized Tests to Assess Emotions and Creativity
8.8.1. Creativity Tests and Quizzes
8.8.2. Emotion Assessment
8.8.3. Laboratories and Valuation Experiences
8.9. The Inclusive School: Interrelation of the Humanistic Model and Emotional Education
Module 9. Neuroeducation
9.1. Introduction to Neuroeducation
9.2. Main Neuromyths.
9.3. Attention
9.4. Emotion
9.5. Motivation
9.6. The Learning Process.
9.7. Memory
9.8. Stimulation and Early Interventions.
9.9. Importance of Creativity in Neuroeducation
9.10. Methodologies that Allow the Transformation of Education in Neuroeducation
Module 10. Communication in the Classroom
10.1. Learning to Teach
10.1.1. Communication Processes
10.1.2. Teaching Transmission Processes
10.2. Oral Communication
10.2.1. Voice in the Classroom
10.2.2. Care of Voice in the Classroom
10.3. Communication Support Systems
10.3.1. Using the Board
10.3.2. Using Projectors
10.4. Using Images in Teaching
10.4.1. Images and Licenses
10.4.2. Author's Images
10.5. Using Videos in Teaching
10.5.1. Video as Supporting Material
10.5.2. Teaching Through Videos
10.6. Written Communication
10.6.1. Reports and Written Work
10.6.2. Blog and Forums
10.7. Communication Difficulties
10.7.1. Teaching Difficulties
10.7.2. Difficulties in the Classroom
10.8. Collaborative Processes Vs. Competition
10.8.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Collaborative Learning
10.8.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Competency Learning
10.9. Elaborating Support Material
10.9.1. Material for the Classroom
10.9.2. Reference Material
10.10. Development of Networked Teaching
10.10.1. Teaching Resources on the Internet
10.10.2. Wikisand Reference Material on the Internet
Module 11. Professional and Vocational Guidance: Theoretical Framework
11.1. Historical Development of Professional and Vocational Guidance
11.1.1. Ideological Period
11.1.2. Empiricist Stage
11.1.3. Observational Period
11.1.4. Empirical Stage Orientation as a Fit
11.1.5. Empirical Stage Orientation as Education
11.1.6. Theoretical Stage
11.1.7. Technological Stage
11.1.8. Psychopedagogical Stage
11.1.9. From a Psychometric Model to a Humanistic Approach
11.1.10. Expansion of Guidance
11.2. Theory, Approaches and Models of Vocational Guidance
11.2.1. Non-psychological Approaches: Chance Theory
11.2.2. Economic Factors
11.2.3. Sociological Factors
11.2.4. Psychological Approaches: Trait and Factor Approach
11.2.5. Psychodynamic Model
11.2.6. Needs-Based Approaches
11.2.7. Approach to Self-Concept
11.2.8. Socio-Psychological Model of PM, Blan
11.2.9. J.L Holland Model
11.2.10. Phenomenological Approach by Dowald E. . Super
11.2.11. Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory
11.2.12. Dennis Pelletier Activation Model
11.3. Career Guidance: Concept and Fields of Action
11.3.1. What is Professional Guidance?
11.3.2. Differences with Educational Guidance
11.3.3. Institutional Framework
11.3.4. Training Centers
11.3.5. The Family
11.3.6. The Guidance Team
11.3.7. The Individual
11.3.8. The Group
11.3.9. The Business
11.3.10. Special Collectives
11.4. Levels of Intervention in Professional Guidance
11.4.1. Professional Guidance Vs. Occupational
11.4.2. Intervention and its Justification
11.4.3. Program Model
11.4.4. Collaborative Model
11.4.5. Clinical Model
11.4.6. Didactic Model
11.4.7. Consulting Model
11.4.8. Resource Model
11.4.9. Reactive/Proactive Intervention
11.4.10. Group/Individual Intervention
11.5. Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers in Middle School (High School)
11.5.1. Brief Legislative Review
11.5.2. Current Situation
11.5.3. Professional and Vocational Guidance in Secondary School from the Perspective of Parents and Guidance Counsellors
11.5.4. Secondary School Itineraries
11.5.5. Gender and Secondary School Guidance
11.5.6. Equity and Secondary School Guidance
11.5.7. Self-Guidance
11.5.8. The Role of the Counselor in Secondary School
11.5.9. The Role of Parents in Secondary School
11.5.10. Future Perspectives
11.6. Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers in High School
11.6.1. Brief Legislative Review
11.6.2. Current Situation
11.6.3. Social High School Itinerary
11.6.4. Humanities Itinerary
11.6.5. Artistic Itinerary
11.6.6. Scientific Itinerary
11.6.7. Role of the Guidance and Family Department
11.6.8. Influence of the Media
11.6.9. Vocational Maturity
11.6.10. Transit to University
11.7. Labor Integration in Young People Intervention Models
11.7.1. Labor Integration of Young People from a Historical Perspective
11.7.2. Current Situation
11.7.3. Integral Nature of Employment Guidance
11.7.4. Coordination of Institutions
11.7.5. Intervention Program for University Students
11.7.6. Intervention Program for Young People with Training not Adapted to the Labor Market
11.7.7. Intervention Program for Young People with Integration Difficulties
11.7.8. Gender and Socioeconomic Variables in First Employment.
11.7.9. Employability Strategies
11.7.10. Future Perspectives
11.8. The Current Labor Market and its New Requirements
11.8.1. Historical Evolution of the Labor Market
11.8.2. Evolution of Knowledge
11.8.3. Importance of Social-Emotional Competencies
11.8.4. Importance of Collaborative Learning
11.8.5. Importance of Continuous Learning
11.8.6. The New Role of Young People in Employment
11.8.7. Promotion in Employment
11.8.8. Labor Precariousness
11.8.9. Education-Labor Market Mismatches
11.8.10. Mismatches between University Skills and the Labor Market
11.9. An Evolutionary Approach to Career Guidance
11.9.1. Theoretical Framework: Ginzberg Model
11.9.2. Childhood Stage
11.9.3. Tentative Period
11.9.4. Realistic Period
11.9.5. Transit Models to Working Life
11.9.6. Career Development in the Business Environment
11.9.7. Career Self-Development
11.9.8. Professional Maturity and Outplacement
11.9.9. Retirement and Professional Guidance
Module 12. Organizational Development of Guidance in Educational Centers
12.1. The Educational Center as an Area for Guidance Intervention
12.1.1. The School as an Educational Organization: The Theory of School Organization
12.1.2. Main Theories and Authors on School Organization (I): Classical Authors
12.1.3. Main Theories and Authors on School Organization (II): Current Outlook
12.1.4. Culture and Organization of Educational Centers
12.1.5. Decision-Making Bodies in Educational Centers
12.1.6. The Center and the Classroom as Systems of Relationships
12.1.7. The School as a Community and as a Common Project
12.1.8. Organizational Documents of the Educational Center
12.1.9. Guidance in the Center's Educational Project
12.1.10. Relevance of the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.2. Organizational Structures of Guidance in Schools
12.2.1. Main Organizational Structures of School Guidance
12.2.2. Organization of School Guidance in Early Childhood Education
12.2.3. Organization of School Guidance in Primary Education
12.2.4. Organization of School Guidance in Secondary Education
12.2.5. Organization of School Guidance in Professional Training
12.2.6. Organization of Educational Guidance in University Education
12.2.7. Organization of Educational Guidance in Educational Centers for Adults
12.2.8. Organization of Educational Guidance in Special Education
12.2.9. Organization of School Guidance in Special Education Centers and Occupational Training Centers
12.2.10. Organization of the Guidance
12.3. Role and Position of Guidance Professionals in Schools
12.3.1. The Systemic Approach in the Educational Field: The Center as a System
12.3.2. Role and Position: The Counselor's Place within the School
12.3.3. The Paradoxical Situation of the Guidance Counselor in the Educational Center
12.3.4. The Magician without Magic (I): Towards an Operational Strategy for the School Counselor
12.3.5. The Magician without Magic (II): Casuistic Exemplification of Selvini Palazzoli's Working Group
12.3.6. The Magician without Magic (III): Current Case Exemplification
12.3.7. The Educational Model of Guidance and the Collaborative Relationship
12.3.8. Collaborative Strategies in School Counseling: Joint Problem Solving
12.3.9. From My Position (I): Why a Systemic Approach in Educational Counseling is Important
12.3.10. From My Position (II): I Like Being a Counselor
12.4. Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers within the Functions of School Guidance
12.4.1. Academic and Vocational Fields: A Continuum Throughout Schooling
12.4.2. Fundamental Principles of Academic and Career Guidance
12.4.3. Roles of the School Counselor Related to Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers
12.4.4. Academic and Career Guidance Planning
12.4.5. Intervention Strategies in Academic and Professional Guidance
12.4.6. Can the Schooling Report and the Psycho-Pedagogical Evaluation Be Measures of Academic and Vocational Guidance?
12.4.7. Support in the Choice of Academic and Vocational Pathways in Compulsory Schooling
12.4.8. Guidance Counseling as a Vocational Counseling Report
12.4.9. Other Functions of the School Counselor
12.4.10. The Place of Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers within the Functions of School Guidance
12.5. Towards a Vocational and Professional Guidance Curriculum for Teachers in the School Environment
12.5.1. Let's Build Vocations from the School Environment
12.5.2. The Educational Counselor as a Curator of Relevant Content in Career and Vocational Guidance for Teachers
12.5.3. Tools for the Curation of Vocational and Professional Guidance-Related Content for Teachers
12.5.4. Student Concerns and Interests in Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers
12.5.5. Towards a School Curriculum on Vocational Guidance (I): Objectives
12.5.6. Towards a School Curriculum on Vocational Guidance (II): Contents
12.5.7. Towards a School Curriculum on Vocational Guidance (III): Key Competencies
12.5.8. Towards a School Curriculum on Vocational Guidance (IV): Standards and Evaluation Criteria
12.5.9. The Curriculum of Vocational Guidance within the Tutorial Actions
12.5.10. Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers as Cross-Cutting Content
12.5.11. Spaces and Times for Guidance in the School Day
12.6. From Academic Pathways to Career Pathways: Developing a Career Life Project
12.6.1. Accompanying Our Students to Find Their ‘Ikigai’
12.6.2. Accompaniment in Self-Knowledge (I): Self-Concept
12.6.3. Accompaniment in Self-Knowledge (II): Self-Competence and Self-Esteem
12.6.4. Accompaniment in the Search for and Knowledge of the Academic Offering (I): Itineraries and Modalities
12.6.5. Accompaniment in the Search for and Knowledge of the Academic Offering (II): Certificate
12.6.6. Accompaniment in the Search for and Knowledge of the Academic Offering (III): Syllabus
12.6.7. Accompaniment in the Search for and Knowledge of the Professional Offering (I): Qualifications
12.6.8. Accompaniment in the Search for and Knowledge of the Professional Offering (I): Professional Competences
12.6.9. Accompaniment in Making Vocational Decisions
12.6.10. Vocational PLE: Development of the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Related to the Learner's Vocation or Future Profession
12.7. Relevance of the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.7.1. Introduction to the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.7.2. Basic Principles of Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.3. Objectives of the Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.4. Activities and Timing of the Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.5. Bibliographic Resources to Carry out the Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.6. Digital Resources to Carry out the Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.7. Audiovisual Resources to Carry out the Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.8. Human Resources to Carry out the Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.7.9. Examples of Academic and Vocational Guidance Plans That Can Be Improved
12.7.10. Examples of Best Practices in Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan
12.8. Vocational and Professional Guidance Activities for Teachers from the Educational Center
12.8.1. Classroom Activities (I): Research and Presentation of Information
12.8.2. Classroom Activities (II): Involvement of Extracurricular Experts in the Classroom
12.8.3. Classroom Activities (III): Thematic Units within a Subject
12.8.4. Extracurricular Activities (I): Vocational Choice Portfolio
12.8.5. Extracurricular Activities (II): Orientation Days
12.8.6. Extracurricular Activities (III): Projects and Companies
12.8.7. Extracurricular Activities (IV): Simulation Games
12.8.8. Extracurricular Activities (V): Service-Learning
12.8.9. Coordinated Activities: Sponsors of Vocational Choice
12.8.10. Others Vocational and Professional Guidance Activities for Teachers from the Educational Center
12.9. Complementary Actions outside the School to Work on Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers
12.9.1. Exploration of Family Members' Jobs
12.9.2. Visit to Companies
12.9.3. Shadowing: a Professional for a Day
12.9.4. Internships in Companies
12.9.5. Fairs or Job Fairs
12.9.6. Educational Cooperation Programs
12.9.7. Visit to the Employment Office or Municipal Employment Services
12.9.8. Visit to Professional Schools
12.9.9. Visits to Universities and Other Educational Institutions
12.9.10. Visit to Museums and Expositions
12.9.11. Others Complementary Actions outside the School to Work on Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers
12.10. Evaluate and Improve the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.10.1. Change, Innovation and Improvement in Guidance
12.10.2. Who Evaluates the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan? Hetero-evaluation, Co-evaluation and Self-evaluation
12.10.3. Formative or Summative Evaluation of the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan?
12.10.4. What Indices Can Assess the Effectiveness of the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan?
12.10.5. Control Lists for the Rubrics to Evaluate the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.10.6. Rubrics to Evaluate the Rubrics to Evaluate the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.10.7. Targets for Evaluating the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.10.8. Surveys and Written Forms for Evaluating the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.10.9. Surveys and Digital Forms for Evaluating the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
12.10.10. The Vocational Portfolio as an Assessment of the Academic and Professional Guidance Plan
Module 13. Professional and Vocational Guidance in the World
13.1. Towards a Comparative View of Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers in the World: Relevant Variables
13.1.1. What Does a Comparative View of Career and Vocational Guidance Give Us?
13.1.2. Location and Name of the Guidance Service
13.1.3. User of the Orientation Service
13.1.4. Administrative Unit and Legislative Support
13.1.5. Areas of Intervention of the Guidance Professional
13.1.6. Functions, Objectives and Tasks
13.1.7. Professional Profiles and Previous Training
13.1.8. Ratios
13.1.9. Relationship with Other Services
13.1.10. Other Relevant Variables
13.2. Countries with a Model of Guidance Services External to the Schools(Italy, Belgium, etc.)
13.2.1. Which Countries Maintain a Model of External Counseling Services?
13.2.2. Location and Name of the Guidance Service
13.2.3. User of the Orientation Service
13.2.4. Administrative Unit and Legislative Support
13.2.5. Areas of Intervention of the Guidance Professional
13.2.6. Functions, Objectives and Tasks
13.2.7. Professional Profiles and Previous Training
13.2.8. Ratios
13.2.9. Relationship with Other Services
13.2.10. Other Relevant Variables
13.3. Countries with a Model of Guidance Services in Educational Institutions (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, etc.)
13.3.1. Which Countries Maintain a Model of Guidance Services within Educational Institutions?
13.3.2. Location and Name of the Guidance Service
13.3.3. User of the Orientation Service
13.3.4. Administrative Unit and Legislative Support
13.3.5. Areas of Intervention of the Guidance Professional
13.3.6. Functions, Objectives and Tasks
13.3.7. Professional Profiles and Previous Training
13.3.8. Ratios
13.3.9. Relationship with Other Services
13.3.10. Other Relevant Variables
13.4. Countries with a Mixed Model of Guidance Services, inside and outside Educational Institutions (France, UK, Netherlands, Spain, etc.)
13.4.1. Which Countries Maintain a Mixed Model of Counseling Services?
13.4.2. Location and Name of the Guidance Service
13.4.3. User of the Orientation Service
13.4.4. Administrative Unit and Legislative Support
13.4.5. Areas of Intervention of the Guidance Professional
13.4.6. Functions, Objectives and Tasks
13.4.7. Professional Profiles and Previous Training
13.4.8. Ratios
13.4.9. Relationship with Other Services
13.4.10. Other Relevant Variables
13.5. The IAEVG (International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance) Model
13.5.1. The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance: Origin, Purpose and Mission
13.5.2. International Competencies for Guidance Practitioners
13.5.3. Core Competencies of Guidance Professionals in the IAEVG Model
13.5.4. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (I): Diagnosis
13.5.5. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (II): Educational Guidance
13.5.6. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (III): Career Development
13.5.7. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (IV): Counseling
13.5.8. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (V): Information
13.5.9. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (VI): Consultancy
13.5.10. Specialized Competencies IAEVG(VII): Research
13.5.11. Specialized Competencies IAEVG(VIII): Program and Service Management
13.5.12. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (IX): Community Development
13.5.13. Specialized Competencies IAEVG (X): Employment
13.5.14. IAEVGEA Ethical Standards
13.6. The ASCA Model (American Association for School Counseling) in the U.S. School Setting
13.6.1. The ASCA National Model
13.6.2. School Orientation Programs in theASCA National Model
13.6.3. School Orientation Pillars in theASCA National Model
13.6.4. Application of the ASCA National Model in School Orientation
13.6.5. School Orientation Management from theASCA National Model
13.6.6. Accountability in theASCA National Model
13.6.7. Some Templates of the ASCA National Model
13.6.8. Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP)
13.6.9. Ethical Standards of ASCA
13.6.10. ASCA Empirical Studies on the Effectiveness of School Guidance
13.7. The Competency Model of the Counselor from Chile
13.7.1. Towards a Model of Competencies and Standards for Guidance Counselors in Chile (MINEDUC 2010)
13.7.2. Generic Competencies of Guidance Counselors (I): Communication
13.7.3. Generic Competencies of Guidance Counselors (II): Teamwork
13.7.4. Generic Competencies of Guidance Counselors (III): Capacity to Plan and Organize
13.7.5. Generic Competencies of Guidance Counselors (IV): Innovation and Creativity
13.7.6. Generic Competencies of Guidance Counselors (V): Commitment to Continuous Learning
13.7.7. A Map of ICT Competencies for Counselors in Chile (I): Pedagogical Dimension
13.7.8. A Map of ICT Competencies for Guidance Counselors in Chile (II): Technical Dimension
13.7.9. A Map of ICT Competencies for Counselors in Chile (III): Management Dimension
13.7.10. A Map of ICT Competencies for Counselors in Chile (IV): Social Dimension, Ethical and Legal
13.7.11. A Map of ICT Competencies for Guidance Counselors in Chile (V): Development Dimension and Professional Responsibility
13.8. The Bertelsmann Foundation's Model for Coordinated Career Guidance
13.8.1. Leitfaden Berufsorientierung: Guidelines for Career Guidance of the Bertelsmann Foundation
13.8.2. Objectives and Principles of Coordinated Career Guidance: For Youth Employment
13.8.3. Quality Management System for Career Guidance Coordinated from the School Setting
13.8.4. Career Guidance Planning in the School Setting
13.8.5. Application of Career Guidance in the School Setting
13.8.6. Main Dimensions of Quality for Organizing Career Guidance Actions
13.8.7. How to Give Professional Guidance to Children?
13.8.8. The Teacher as an Ally in Career Guidance
13.8.9. Support for Dual Vocational Training
13.8.10. For Youth Employment: Present and Future
13.8.11. Recognition and Impact of BertelsmannFoundation's Coordinated Career Guidance Model
13.9. Ratios of Users per Professional in the World: The Demand of 1:250
13.9.1. Is the Ratio of Users Served by a Counselor so Relevant?
13.9.2. Some International Data on the Ratio of Users per Counselor
13.9.3. 1:250: the Demand for 1 Counselor for Every 250 Students
13.9.4. Some Initiatives to Reclaim the Ratio 1:250
13.9.5. Relationship of the Ratio to Other Relevant Variables in Guidance
13.9.6. Organizational Models of Guidance and Recommended Ratios
13.9.7. When the Ratio is Excessive: The Case of the Elastic Orientator
13.9.8. Responses of the Elastic Counselor (I): Priority Lines of Action
13.9.9. Answers from the Elastic Coach (II): Task and Project Management
13.10. SWOT Analysis: Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities of Each Guidance Model
13.10.1. What Is and Why Perform a SWOT Analysis of Different Organizational Models of Guidance?
13.10.2. SWOT Analysis of External Guidance Services
13.10.3. SWOT Analysis of Guidance Services in Schools
13.10.4. SWOT Analysis of Mixed Guidance Services
13.10.5. SWOT Analysis of the IAEVGEA Model
13.10.6. SWOT Analysis of the ASCA Model
13.10.7. SWOT Analysis of Chile's Competency Model
13.10.8. SWOT Analysis of Bertelsmann Foundation's Coordinated Career Guidance Model
13.10.9. What Conclusions Can We Draw From These SWOT Analyses?
13.10.10. How Do I Define the Organizational Model Best Suited to My Situation and Context?
Module 14. Development of Emotional Intelligence in Career Guidance
14.1. Theoretical Basis: Why is Emotional Intelligence Necessary?
14.1.1. Definition of the Concept of Emotional Intelligence
14.1.2. Elements of Emotional Intelligence
14.1.3. Emotional Intelligence and Education
14.1.4. Emotional Education and Basic Competencies
14.1.5. Delors Report (UNESCO 1996)
14.1.6. Family and Education Emotional
14.1.7. Emotional Competencies
14.1.8. Ideal Environments
14.1.9. Principles, Values and Virtues
14.1.10. Roadmap in Emotional Intelligence
14.2. Self-Knowledge and Management of Emotions
14.2.1. Human Dimension, Self-Knowledge
14.2.2. What Are Feelings?
14.2.3. Expression in the Body
14.2.4. Rational Expression
14.2.5. What Are Emotions?
14.2.6. Basic Emotions
14.2.7. Expressing Emotions
14.2.8. Self-Confidence
14.2.9. Self-Concept Application Models
14.2.10. Self-Care
14.3. Emotional Intelligence in Adolescence
14.3.1. Stages of Development, the Child Grows Emotionally Life Cycle
14.3.2. Virginia Satir, Family Model
14.3.3. From Family to the Individual
14.3.4. Emotional Characteristics of the Adolescent
14.3.5. Emotional Perception
14.3.6. Emotional Areas of the Adolescent
14.3.7. Skills Development
14.3.8. Social Stress
14.3.9. Visualization of Goals
14.3.10. Application Models
14.4. Empathy, Leadership and Emotional Regulation
14.4.1. Our Brain, Cerebral Hemispheres
14.4.2. Rational Versus Emotional Intelligence
14.4.3. The Self and the Other
14.4.4. Assertiveness as a Way of Life, Emotional Regulation
14.4.5. Basic Beliefs, Our Map of Viewing Life
14.4.6. Know My Personal Goals
14.4.7. Recognize Personal Skills
14.4.8. True Success
14.4.9. Skills to Be Developed
14.4.10. Real Knowledge of Limiting Beliefs
14.4.11. Application Models
14.5. Development of Social Skills
14.5.1. Educating for Social Relationships
14.5.2. Direct Experience
14.5.3. Imitation
14.5.4. Reinforcements
14.5.5. Raise the Level of Social Competence
14.5.6. Conflict Resolution
14.5.7. Stress Management
14.5.8. Disruptive Behavior
14.5.9. Communication.
14.5.10. Application Models
14.6. Implications for Employment
14.6.1. Period of Individuation
14.6.2. Intellectual Development
14.6.3. Physical Development
14.6.4. Development of a Way of Life
14.6.5. Personality Development
14.6.6. Vocational Guidance
14.6.7. Potential and Challenge
14.6.8. Education and Training
14.6.9. Application Models
14.7. Enthusiasm and Motivation
14.7.1. Initial Enthusiasm and Sustained Motivation
14.7.2. Definition of Neurological Levels
14.7.3. Generate Self-Esteem
14.7.4. On the Way to Your Goal
14.7.5. Problem Solver
14.7.6. Self-Motivation: Strengths
14.7.7. Motivation in the Classroom: Cultivating Curiosity
14.7.8. Professional Interests
14.7.9. Tolerance to Failure
14.7.10. Application Models
14.8. Emotional Management
14.8.1. Perception, the Map of Seeing Life, Analysis of the Emotional Situation
14.8.2. Observation of the Ambioma
14.8.3. Detection of Limiting Beliefs
14.8.4. Emotions for Life
14.8.5. Stress, Concept, Symptoms and Types
14.8.6. Managing Stress
14.8.7. Sustaining Emotion
14.8.8. Resilience
14.8.9. Expression Channels
14.8.10. Application Models
14.9. The Development of Attitudes and Competencies for the Work Environment
14.9.1. What are Work Competencies?
14.9.2. Competency Standards
14.9.3. Occupational Profiles
14.9.4. Employability Skills
14.9.5. Attitudes Towards Employability: Social and Work Attitudes
14.9.6. Affective, Cognitive and Behavioral Components of Attitudes
14.9.7. Change in Attitudes: Congruent and Incongruent
14.9.8. Most Valued Social Skills with Respect to Employability
14.9.9. Personal Map of Attitudes and Competencies
14.9.10. Application Models
14.10. Resources in Primary Education: An Evolutionary Approach
14.10.1. Emotion Identification
14.10.2. Me and the Other
14.10.3. Emotional Environment
14.10.4. Description of the Child's Environment: Channels of Expression
14.10.5. Self-concept
14.10.6. Development of Self-Esteem
14.10.7. Enhancing the Expression of Emotions, Assertiveness
14.10.8. Intervention Strategies in Emotional Education
14.10.9. Development of Emotional Competencies
14.10.10. Application Models
Module 15. Development of Professional Competencies in Career Guidance
15.1. Employability Model
15.1.1. Current Economi Context
15.1.2. Employment in the 21st Century
15.1.3. Self-knowledge
15.1.4. The Vision
15.1.5. The Mission
15.1.6. Definition of Objectives
15.1.7. New Work Models
15.1.8. Roadmap
15.1.9. Personal Branding
15.2. Development of Competencies
15.2.1. Characteristics of Competencies
15.2.2. Capabilities, Skills and Competencies
15.2.3. Competencies that Will Be in Demand in the 21st Century
15.2.4. Personal Competencies
15.2.5. Professional Competencies
15.2.6. Competency Training
15.2.7. Competency Maturity Levels
15.2.8. Evaluation of Competencies (Indicators)
15.3. Collaborative Work
15.3.1. Teamwork
15.3.2. Characteristics of Collaborative Work
15.3.3. The Power of Group Work
15.3.4. Structure and Models for Collaborative Work
15.3.5. Communities of Practice
15.3.6. Tools for Collaborative Work
15.3.7. Empathy
15.3.8. Assertiveness
15.3.9. Trust
15.3.10. Self-Organized Teams
15.4. Project Work
15.4.1. Work Models
15.4.2. Results Oriented
15.4.3. Organization of Work
15.4.4. Project Definition
15.4.5. Life Cycle of a Project
15.4.6. Project Management
15.4.7. The Figure of the Project Manager
15.4.8. Methodologies for Managing Projects
15.4.9. Difference between Project Development and Product Development
15.4.10. Design and Creation of Products
15.5. Communication
15.5.1. Basic Features of Communication
15.5.2. Effective Communication
15.5.3. Active Listening
15.5.4. Intrapersonal Communication
15.5.5. Interpersonal Communication
15.5.6. Online Interpersonal Communication (Email, Social Media)
15.5.7. Effective Presentations
15.5.8. Visual Communication
15.5.9. Body Communication (Non-verbal Language)
15.5.10. Talking in Public
15.6. Adaptation to change
15.6.1. Context and Basic Concepts
15.6.2. Main Characteristics of Adaptation to Change
15.6.3. Unlearning to Relearn
15.6.4. Flexibility and Versatility
15.6.5. Process of Change Management
15.6.6. Factors that Favor Adaptation to Change
15.6.7. Negative Factors or Factors that Do Not Help Adaptation to Change
15.6.8. The Comfort Zone
15.6.9. The Everett Rogers Curve
15.6.10. Moore’s Law
15.7. Business Models
15.7.1. Definition and Fundamental Concepts
15.7.2. Business Canvas I
15.7.3. Business Canvas II
15.7.4. Examples of Business Model
15.7.5. Innovation
15.7.6. Innovative Business Models
15.7.7. Basic Organisational Models
15.8. Entrepreneurship
15.8.1. Personal Business Models
15.8.2. Start-ups
15.8.3. Strategic Business Planning
15.8.4. Lean Canvas
15.8.5. The Lean Start-up Method
15.8.6. Internet Strategy (Digital Business, Digital Marketing)
15.8.7. Entrepreneurship Skills
15.8.8. Social Entrepreneurship
15.8.9. Corporate Entrepreneurship
15.8.10. The Contribution of Value Concept
15.9. Leadership
15.9.1. What is Leadership?
15.9.2. What Is Required to Be a Leader?
15.9.3. Types of Leadership
15.9.4. Self-Leadership
15.9.5. Mindfulness
15.9.6. Tribes
15.9.8. Feedback
15.9.9. Coaching
15.9.10. Emotional Intelligence
15.10. Development of Creativity
15.10.1. Fundamental Concepts
15.10.2. Factors that Favor the Development of Creativity
15.10.3. Factors that Don’t Favor Creativity
15.10.4. Lateral Thinking
15.10.5. Exploration and Management of Ideas
15.10.6. Development and Monitoring Ideas
15.10.7. Divergent Thinking
15.10.8. Convergent Thinking
Module 16. Decision-Making I Who You Are to Know What You Want
16.1. Theories in Decision-Making The Non-decision
16.1.1. Introduction
16.1.2. Concept of Decision Making
16.1.3. Focuses in Decision-Making
16.1.4. Explanatory Models of How Decisions Are Made
16.1.5. Individual Variables in Decision Making
16.1.6. How Do You Learn to Make Decisions?
16.1.7. How Is Decision Making Taught?
16.1.8. Programs to Teach Decision Making
16.1.9. Decision-Making in Groups
16.1.10. The Non-Decision
16.2. A Practical Model for Professional Decisions: Heart, Head and Feet
16.2.1. Introduction
16.2.2. Theoretical Basis of the Model
16.2.3. Heart: What Is it?
16.2.4. Head: What Does the World Have to Offer and What Does It Want?
16.2.5. Feet: Planning for the Future
16.2.6. Individual Development Plan
16.2.7. Individual Implementation
16.2.8. Group Implementation
16.2.9. Integration in Educational Centers
16.2.10. Conclusions
16.3. Motivation and Vocational Decision Vital Moment
16.3.1. Introduction
16.3.2. Behavioral Approach
16.3.3. Social Approach
16.3.4. Cognitive Approach
16.3.5. Humanistic Approach
16.3.6. The Psychoanalytic Point of View in Vocational Choice
16.3.7. Motivation in Adolescents
16.3.8. Current Social and Family Variables
16.3.9. Role of the Counselor and Tutor
16.3.10. Resources to Motivate
16.4. Skills: Diagnosis and Integration in the Model
16.4.1. What Are Skills?
16.4.2. Verbal Aptitude
16.4.3. Numeric Aptitude
16.4.4. Spatial Aptitude
16.4.5. Mechanical Aptitude
16.4.6. Memory
16.4.7. Concentration
16.4.8. Other Aptitudes
16.4.9. Evaluation by Test
16.4.10. Self-Diagnosis of Skills
16.4.11. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
16.5. What Are Multiple Intelligences and Their Correlation with Professions?
16.5.1. Introduction
16.5.2. What Are Multiple Intelligences?
16.5.3. Visuospatial Intelligence
16.5.4. Linguistic Intelligence
16.5.5. Logical Mathematical Intelligence
16.5.6. Naturopathic Intelligence
16.5.7. Musical Intelligence
16.5.8. Body-Kinesthetic Intelligence
16.5.9. Interpersonal Intelligence
16.5.10. Intrapersonal Intelligence
16.5.11. Assessment of Multiple Intelligences
16.5.12. Integration in the C.C.C.P. Model
16.6. Personality Associated with Professional Profiles
16.6.1. Personality Models
16.6.2. Personality in Adolescents
16.6.3. Self-Concept and Vocational Maturity
16.6.4. Personality Variables Relevant to Vocational Choice
16.6.5. Holland's Model
16.6.6. Personality Associated with Baccalaureate Modalities
16.6.7. Personality Associated with Professions
16.6.8. Personality Assessment Resources
16.6.9. A Case Study
16.6.10. Integration in the C.C.C.P. Model
16.7. Talent as Differentiation and Opportunity
16.7.1. Introduction
16.7.2. Concept of Talent
16.7.3. Development of Talent
16.7.4. Talent and Academic Performance
16.7.5. Talent and High Abilities
16.7.6. Talent and Professional Competencies
16.7.7. Resources for Them to Discover Their Talents
16.7.8. Talent Detection
16.7.9. Cases of Talented Teenagers
16.7.10. Integration in the C.C.C.P. Model
16.8. Vocational Values What Do You Want to Work for?
16.8.1. Introduction
16.8.2. Concept of Vocational Values
16.8.3. Values and the Current Work Environment
16.8.4. Importance for the Election
16.8.5. Values and Family
16.8.6. Values and Gender
16.8.7. Ceres Classification
16.8.8. Values Associated with Professions
16.8.9. Values as a Basis for a Life Path
16.8.10. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
16.9. Level of Effort and Study Habits
16.9.1. Introduction
16.9.2. Importance of the Academic Record
16.9.3. Information Collection Models
16.9.4. Study Habits
16.9.5. Assessment and Corrective Measures of Study Habits
16.9.6. Study Techniques; Classroom Teaching
16.9.7. Academic Effort and Performance
16.9.8. School Failure: Relevant Variables
16.9.9. Family and School Performance
16.9.10. Integration in the Model C.C.P
16.10. Specific Resources for Self-Knowledge
16.10.1. Comillas University Orion Program
16.10.2. Incomplete Question Techniques
16.10.3. Group and Individual Personality Dynamics
16.10.4. Mentor Dynamics: Limiting Beliefs
16.10.5. Systematic Relaxation and Talent
16.10.6. Dynamics to Discover Professional Values
16.10.7. Vocational Orientation Test on the Web
16.10.8. Integration with the CCP Model
Module 17. Decision Making II the Search for Information and How to Get What You Want
17.1. Development of Active Information Seeking Competence
17.1.1. The Digital Era and Internet
17.1.2. Young People and New Technologies
17.1.3. Critical Thinking
17.1.4. Active Learning
17.1.5. 9 Skills to Develop this Competency
17.1.6. Classroom Resources
17.1.7. Technical Resources
17.1.8. The Importance of Information in Vocational Choice
17.1.9. Integration with the C.C.P. Model
17.2. Professional Families First Approach to Vocational Decisions
17.2.1. Introduction
17.2.2. Concept of Professional Family
17.2.3. Different Classifications
17.2.4. A Concrete Classification Model: Theoretical Rationale
17.2.5. Experimental Science Family
17.2.6. Family of Applied Technique
17.2.7. Healthcare Family
17.2.8. Business and Economy Family
17.2.9. Family of Administrative Activities
17.2.10. Family of Law and Counseling
17.2.11. Protection and Security Family
17.2.12. Humanistic-Social Family
17.2.13. Communication Family
17.2.14. Teaching and Counseling Family
17.2.15. Languages Family
17.2.16. Film and Theater Family
17.2.17. Music Family
17.2.18. Plastic Arts Family
17.2.19. Family of Aesthetics
17.2.20. Farming Family
17.2.21. Sports Family
17.2.22. Family of Religious Activities
17.2.23. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.3. Academic Options: Degrees, Vocational Training and Special Education
17.3.1. What Are University Degrees?
17.3.2. Vocational Training: Past, Present and Future
17.3.3. Special Teaching: An Option
17.3.4. Access to Different Options
17.3.5. The University Access System
17.3.6. Weighting of Subjects in the Ebau
17.3.7. Access to Vocational Training
17.3.8. Variables to Be Considered by the Student When Faced with Different Academic Options
17.3.9. Interviews with People Studying the Academic Option to Be Evaluated
17.3.10. Integration with the C.C.P. Model
17.4. Career Opportunities of the Academic Options
17.4.1. Introduction
17.4.2. The New Professional Opportunities of the 21st Century
17.4.3. Importance of the Socioeconomic Context
17.4.4. The Study of Career Opportunities Based on Academic Options
17.4.5. New Market Trends in Traditional Careers
17.4.6. Employability of the Academic Options
17.4.7. Employability of Professional Opportunities
17.4.8. Access to the Different Professional Opportunities
17.4.9. Classroom Resources for Researching Career Opportunities
17.4.10. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.5. The Individual Context Reality Itself
17.5.1. Family Socioeconomic Context
17.5.2. Level of Autonomy
17.5.3. Level of Motivation and Effort
17.5.4. Capabilities and Skills
17.5.5. Level of Vocational Maturity
17.5.6. Personality
17.5.7. Personal Variables: Diversity
17.5.8. Information Gathering and the Role of the Counselor
17.5.9. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.6. Investigation of the Factors that Define the Labor Reality
17.6.1. Introduction
17.6.2. Study of the Functions and Tasks in a Specific Occupation
17.6.3. Remuneration of Professions
17.6.4. Promotion and Professional Development
17.6.5. Associated Work Climate
17.6.6. Lifestyle Associated with the Professions: Schedules, Availability, Mobility
17.6.7. Professions and Gender
17.6.8. Structured Interview to Collect Information
17.6.9. Networked Resources for Research
17.6.10. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.7. Individual Vocational Choice Fitting thePuzzle
17.7.1. SWOT Methodology for Individual Decision Making
17.7.2. Student Strengths
17.7.3. Students Weaknesses
17.7.4. Threats of Valued Professions
17.7.5. Career Options Opportunities
17.7.6. Individual Reflexion
17.7.7. Assessment of the Degree of Certainty in Vocational Decision Making
17.7.8. Interview with the Student and Role of the Guidance Counselor
17.7.9. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.8. Family Interview, Model and Advantages
17.8.1. Introduction
17.8.2. Focus of the Family Interview
17.8.3. Group Workshops for Parents on Vocational Choice
17.8.4. Family Influence on Final Decision Making
17.8.5. Communication of the Interview
17.8.6. Structured Interview Format
17.8.7. Development of the Family Interview
17.8.8. Diversity in Student and/or Family
17.8.9. Advantages of the Family Interview
17.8.10. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.9. An Individual Development Plan: Creating a Career-Focused CV During Academic Training
17.9.1. Concept of Individual Development Plan
17.9.2. Extracurricular Knowledge
17.9.3. Digital and Computer Skills
17.9.4. Languages
17.9.5. Volunteers
17.9.6. Previous Work Experience
17.9.7. Generic Competencies for First Job Focused on Occupation
17.9.8. Specific Competencies of Professional Areas
17.9.9. Emotional Intelligence and Profession
17.9.10. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
17.10. Specific Resources for Searching for Information
17.10.1. Introduction
17.10.2. Academic Investigation
17.10.3. Universities, Vocational Training Centers and Special Education Institutions
17.10.4. Study Abroad
17.10.5. Labor Market Trends
17.10.6. Career Opportunities
17.10.7. Employability
17.10.8. Remuneration
17.10.9. Testimonials and Online Forums
17.10.10. Integration in the C.C.P. Model
Module 18. Orient to Include. Vocational and Professional Guidance for Teachers for Inclusion
18.1. Theoretical Framework: Concept of Diversity, Inclusion and Inclusive Orientation
18.1.1. From Special Education to Diversity Care
18.1.2. From Attention to Diversity to Inclusive Education
18.1.3. Attention to Diversity within the Framework of the European Union
18.1.4. Concept of Diversity from an Employability Perspective
18.1.5. Concept of Educational and Labor Inclusion
18.1.6. Inclusive Guidance, a Lifelong Process
18.1.7. Inclusive Guidance, School, Work and the Environment
18.1.8. Inclusive Guidance, Differentiated Needs
18.1.9. Keys to Inclusive Guidance
18.2. Knowledge of the Different Profiles of Diversity for Orientation
18.2.1. The Educational Answer to Diversity
18.2.2. Curricular Adaptations for Obtaining the Diploma of Compulsory Secondary Education
18.2.3. Understand the Diversity of Cognitive, Emotional and Affective Processes that Underlie Learning
18.2.4. Diversity and Educational Inclusion Plan
18.2.5. Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
18.2.6. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
18.2.7. Students with Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysorthography, etc.)
18.2.8. Students with Intellectual Disabilities
18.2.9. Students with Mental Disorders
18.2.10. Students with Sensory Disabilities
18.3. Functional Diversity as Seen from its Potentialities
18.3.1. Definition Functional Diversity
18.3.2. Types of Functional Diversity
18.3.3. Identity and Intellectual Functional Diversity
18.3.4. Inclusive Education and Higher Education from the Point of View of Students with Functional Diversity
18.3.5. Socio-Occupational Training of Students with Functional Diversity
18.3.6. The Role of Vocational Training in the Social and Labor Inclusion of Young People with Intellectual Functional Diversity
18.3.7. Indicators to Identify the Potential of People with Functional Diversity
18.3.8. Socio-Occupational Training of Students with Functional Diversity
18.3.9. Career Guidance for Students with Functional Diversity in the High School
18.3.10. Career Guidance for Students with Functional Diversity in the University
18.4. General Actions in Vocational Guidance for Students with Different Difficulties: ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia
18.4.1. Pre-vocational Initiation
18.4.2. Vocational Decision and Involvement
18.4.3. Process of Vocational Decision
18.4.4. Difficulty and Pressure
18.4.5. Professional Advice
18.4.6. Knowledge of the Market
18.4.7. Strategies of Decision Making
18.4.8. Facilitating Self-Awareness and the Ability to Make Choices
18.4.9. Provide Information to Trainee and Families
18.4.10. Encourage Personal Interests
18.5. Tools for Inclusive Guidance
18.5.1. How to Guide People with Learning Difficulties?
18.5.2. Professional Orientation for Persons with Specific Educational Support Needs (ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc.)
18.5.3. Career Guidance for People with Intelectual Functional Diversity
18.5.4. Career Guidance for Students with Sensory Functional Diversity
18.5.5. Professional Guidance for Socially Vulnerable Individuals
18.5.6. Career Counseling for People with Mental Disorders
18.5.7. Curriculum Development Responding to Diversity
18.5.8. Socio-Occupational Training of People with Functional Diversity
18.5.9. Professional Fields
18.5.10. Vocational Groups
18.6. Educational Offerings and Educational and Vocational Pathways to Cater to Diversity
18.6.1. Educational and Vocational Itineraries to Guidance for People with Difficulties
18.6.2. Programs for Learning and Performance Enhancement
18.6.3. Reinforcement Programs in 4th ESO
18.6.4. Basic Professional Training
18.6.5. Basic Vocational Training in Special Education
18.6.6. Professional Qualification Programs
18.6.7. Youth Guarantee Programs
18.6.8. Occupational Training for People with Functional Diversity
18.6.9. Special Employment Center
18.6.10. Occupational Center
18.7. Diversity Career Guidance Program in Secondary Education
18.7.1. Needs Assessment
18.7.2. Program Rationale
18.7.3. Program Objectives
18.7.4. Content of the Program
18.7.5. Methodology of the Program
18.7.6. Program Resources
18.7.7. Timing of the Program
18.7.8. Program Evaluation
18.7.9. Application of the Program
18.7.10. Program Summary
18.8. Job Search Program: Customized Employment for People with Functional Diversity
18.8.1. Concept of Customized Employment
18.8.2. Customized Employment, the Evolution of Supported Employment
18.8.3. Job Market
18.8.4. Guidance and Job Search Resources
18.8.5. Employment on the Internet
18.8.6. Work Skills
18.8.7. Social Skills
18.8.8. Planning Skills
18.8.9. Special Employment Centers
18.8.10. The Role of Company
18.9. Occupational Training Pathways for Diversity Care
18.9.1. Unemployment of Persons with Disabilities
18.9.2. Vocational Training for Employment
18.9.3. Employment Workshops
18.9.4. Labor Market Insertion of People with Disabilities
18.9.5. Labor Market of People with Disabilities
18.9.6. Occupational Insertion Services
18.9.7. Pre-job Training
18.9.8. Ongoing Training
18.9.9. Occupational Distance Training
18.9.10. Public Employment Services that Cater to Diversity
18.10. Case Studies Case Study: Career Guidance Program for a Student with ADHD and/or ASD
18.10.1. Student with ASD
18.10.2. Educational Experience
18.10.3. Academic Guidance
18.10.4. Professional Guidance
18.10.5. Job Placement
18.10.6. Occupational and Continuing Training
18.10.7. Student with ADHD
18.10.8. Educational Experience
18.10.9. Academic Guidance
18.10.10. Professional Guidance
18.10.11. Job Placement
18.10.12. Occupational and Continuing Training
Module 19. ICT in Academic/Vocational and Professional Guidance
19.1. ICT for in the Information Society
19.1.1. Introduction
19.1.2. The Information Society
19.1.3. Definition
19.1.4. Causes of Its Expansion
19.1.5. Characteristics of the Information Society and Requirements for Educational Institutions
19.1.6. Myths of the Information Society
19.1.7. ICT
19.1.8. Definition
19.1.9. Evolution and Development
19.1.10. Characteristics and Possibilities for Teaching
19.2. The Inclusion of ICT in the School Environment
19.2.1. Introduction
19.2.2. Functions of ICT in Education
19.2.3. General Variables to Be Considered in the Incorporation of ICTs
19.2.4. Evolutional Variables
19.2.5. Physiological Variables
19.2.6. Cultural Variables
19.2.7. Economic Variables
19.2.8. The Didactic Model as a Reference
19.2.9. Selection Criteria
19.2.10. Other Aspects to Be Considered
19.3. Education and Guidance in Globalization
19.3.1. Introduction
19.3.2. The Phenomenon of Globalization
19.3.3. Origins and Characteristics
19.3.4. How Does Globalization Affect Education?
19.3.5. Positive and Negative Consequences of Globalization
19.3.6. Quality, Equity and Relevance
19.3.7. Learning to Draw Boundaries as an Educational Responsibility
19.3.8. Keys for a Sustainable Future
19.3.9. Other Perspectives; Dimensions of a "Global" Education
19.3.10. New Social Spaces for Education
19.4. Training in the Digital Competence of Counseling Professionals
19.4.1. Introduction
19.4.2. The Education and Guidance Professional in the 21st Century
19.4.3. Digital Literacy; from a Necessity to an Emerging Reality
19.4.4. Definition of Digital Competence
19.4.5. Common Framework for Digital Competence
19.4.6. Areas and Competences
19.4.7. Contextualization of the Framework for Digital Competence in Education
19.4.8. Digital Competence Portfolio for Teachers
19.4.9. Some Resources to Achieve Digital Competence in Teaching
19.4.10. Other Frameworks on Digital Competence
19.5. The Role of the Counselor and the Student in the New ICT Spaces
19.5.1. New Learning Scenarios
19.5.2. The Impact on the Students Environment
19.5.3. The Role of the Counselor in the Face of New Information and Communication Technologies
19.5.4. The Role of the Student; From Invisible to Protagonist
19.5.5. Technological Skills and Competencies of the Teacher/Guidance Counselor
19.5.6. Technological Skills and Competencies of the Student
19.5.7. Risks and Proposals
19.6. Design and Development of Multimedia Materials for Training and Orientation
19.6.1. Introduction
19.6.2. Multimedia Technology
19.6.3. Definition of the Concept of multimedia
19.6.4. Qualities of Multimedia Resources and Materials
19.6.5. Classification
19.6.6. Contributions and Limitations
19.6.7. Material Development
19.6.8. Some Quality Criteria
19.6.9. Video as a Resource for Orientation and Training
19.6.10. Social Network as a Resource for Orientation and Training
19.7. Internet Applied to Orientation: Webquest, Wikis and Blogs
19.7.1. WebQuest
19.7.2. Concept, Origin and Characteristics
19.7.3. Webquest Structure
19.7.4. Wikis
19.7.5. Concept, Origin and Characteristics
19.7.6. Wiki Structure
19.7.7. Weblogs
19.7.8. Concept, Origin and Characteristics
19.7.9. Webquest Structure
19.8. ICT as a Support for Students with Educational Needs
19.8.1. Introduction
19.8.2. Software for Students with Special Educational Needs
19.8.3. Software that Allows Access to the Computer
19.8.4. Supporting Technologies
19.8.5. The Need for Vocational Guidance Support Resources
19.9. Some Guidance and ICT Projects and Experiences
19.9.1. Introduction
19.9.2. HOLA Project (Tool for Labor Orientation in Asturias)
19.9.3. “My Vocational e-Portfolio” (MYVIP)
19.9.4. Mywaypass. Free Online Platform for Decision-Making
19.9.5. Uveni Guidance Platform for Secondary and High Schools
19.9.6. At the Ringing of a Bell
19.9.7. Social School
19.9.8. Orientaline
19.9.9. Virtual Student Lounge
19.10. Some Digital Resources for Educational Guidance
19.10.1. Introduction
19.10.2. Associations and Portals of Interest in the Guidance Field
19.10.3. Blogs
19.10.4. Wikis
19.10.5. Social Networks of Professionals or Institutions of Academic and Career Guidance
19.10.6. Facebook Groups
19.10.7. Apps Associated with the Field of Orientation
19.10.8. Interesting Hashtags
19.10.9. Other ICT Resources
19.10.10. Personal Learning Environments in Guidance; the orientationPLE

Detect the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of the new orientation model that may arise in the future"
Advanced Master's Degree in Educational Career Counseling
Choosing a professional career, or a job to dedicate one's whole life to, is not a simple decision. Therefore, the guidance and accompaniment of teachers represents a fundamental factor in assessing socioeconomic differences, disabilities or learning differences, in order to guide pre-university students to achieve professional success. At TECH, the largest digital university in the world, we designed the Advanced Master's Degree in Professional Educational Guidance which, in addition to addressing in its curriculum the most updated content, includes a unique online methodology in the market. Through this postgraduate course, designed by the best specialists in the sector, you will address the models of vocational intervention, theories and approaches applied to career guidance, as well as student guidance for each individual to detect future weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities. In turn, you will explore psycho-pedagogical intervention models, change management and diverse and inclusive education. Because of this, you will be empowered to guide a student in making decisions based on assertive responsibility.
Specialize in educational career guidance
Would you like to support students in making decisions about their vocational orientation? In this TECH program you will find what you need to achieve this and more. All the pedagogical content will be available on an online teaching platform, 24 hours a day, allowing you to take the Postgraduate Certificate at the times that best suit you. During the two years of training, you will cover the theoretical framework of professional-vocational orientation, psycho-pedagogical counseling, the principles of neuro-education and resume inclusion techniques. From this, you will be an expert in encouraging the personal maturity of pre-university students to induce them to make decisions in a responsible manner. In addition, you will foster self-knowledge, the organization of ideas, the management of feelings and the development of emotional intelligence, in order to lay the foundations for leadership, creativity and assertive communication. Do you want to know more? Make up your mind and enroll now.