
The field of economics and teaching have been the mainstays of the professional career of economist Noelia Vico Román for more than 20 years. 

Her interest in the field of Finance, Business and Teaching has led her to become a teacher with high communicative skills to transmit to students and executives the Optimization of the Resources of an Entity through the different theories and existing accounting and auditing tools.  

  • Specialist in Economics and Business 
  • Teacher of intermediate and advanced training cycles in Business Administration in the Community of Madrid
  • Associate Professor of the Economics Department of the CEU San Pablo University
  • Degree in Business Administration, specializing in Accounting and Auditing, Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration, specializing in Accounting and Financial Analysis, Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy
  • Master's Degree in Secondary School Teacher Training from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Master's Degree in Emotional Intelligence in the different educational stages
  • Technical Specialist in Administration  
Programmes in collaboration with

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