
Dr. Claudia M. Christ is an eminent international expert with a distinguished track record in the field of Emotional Health and Wellness. Throughout her career, she has been a key figure in the promotion of innovative Psychotherapies, specializing in personal management, coaching and the development of interpersonal projects to improve the quality of life of her patients.

In addition, she founded and has directed the Akademie an den Quellen, from where she implements her own methods for the control of Burnout, promoting respectful work environments, where resilience and organizational development prevail. At the same time, she is accredited as an Executive Coach by the International Coach Federation and has been trained in Individual Crisis Assistance and Group Crisis Intervention at the University of Maryland.

On the other hand, Dr. Christ is noted for her continuous collaboration with the academic environment. For example, she is a permanent professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and the Steinbeis University in Berlin. She is also a supervisor and member of the advisory board of the Wiesbaden (WIAP) and Cologne-Bonn (KBAP) Academies of Psychotherapies. She has also served as head of the Asklepios Kliniken Central Services, where she has implemented integrated care areas throughout the Asklepios Group.

In this way, her dedication and professional excellence have been recognized through numerous awards, including the prestigious prize awarded by the Landesärztekammer Hessen (Hessen State Medical Association) for her outstanding commitment in the field of Psychosomatic Primary Care. Likewise, her involvement in associations and her contribution to the medical literature have consolidated her position as a leader in her field, as well as an advocate for the psychological and physical well-being of her patients.

  • Chief Physician, Virchow Campus of Charité Berlin University Hospital, Berlin, Germany
  • Director and Founder of the Akademie an den Quellen  
  • Former Medical Director of Central Services at Asklepios Kliniken GmbH, Königstein, Germany
  • Psychotherapist  
  • Professional Coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)  
  • Doctor of Clinical Pharmacology at the Benjamin Franklin University Hospital 
  • Master's Degree in Public Health at the Technical University of Berlin
  • Medical Degree from the Free University of Berlin 
  • Award of the Landesärztekammer Hessen (Hessian State Medical Association) for "Outstanding Commitment" in the field of Psychosomatic Primary Care 
  • Member of: 
    • German Society of Pain Medicine  
    • German Society of Cardiology 
    • German Society for Psychotherapy based on Depth Psychology
    • World Association of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy Associations  
    • German Society for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy
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