
Thanks to this professional master’s degree you will obtain all the knowledge required to develop a solid scientific base that provides solutions to the sports discipline”


Graduates of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and other professionals in the sector interested in qualitative and quantitative studies can dedicate themselves to the investigation of the scientific factors that influence this field. However, in order to carry them out, specialists must have a perfect command of biomechanics, physiology and psychology and, in addition, understand the value of structuring the research project correctly. This will offer advantages not only to experts, but also to athletes, as scientists in this field promote their recovery, among other things, through psychological preparation and diets.

Given the limited academic options available in this field, TECH has developed a complete and rigorous program in research project generation, financing, statistics and R in health research, as well as result distribution through reports, memoirs and scientific articles. It is a program that has the quality endorsement of expert teachers who, in addition to being involved in the development of the contents, will be the ones to impart the knowledge to students.

In addition, TECH has incorporated 1,500 hours of audiovisual and dynamic materials that make the program an enriching experience through a digital medium with video summaries, activities and the simulation of real cases. All this, with the objective of updating specialists' skills so that they are prepared to face real practice. At the same time, TECH has integrated the innovative Relearning methodology, which exempts professionals from long hours of study, which, in addition to the 100% modality, allows them to be trained in a gradual, constant and simple way with all the guarantees.

Learn all the key elements to promote clinical trials on the performance of athletes and study their biological and psychological capabilities”

This professional master’s degree in Sports Medical Research contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Health Sciences Research
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • The availability of access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Update your skills to stay at the forefront of the group of professionals involved in collaborative research projects in the sports sector”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Stand out in your sector by mastering statistics and R in health research thanks to the theoretical and practical contents offered by TECH”


Grow in a discipline that requires highly qualified professionals, so that you can be one of them”


The professional master’s degree in Medical Research in Sport has as its main objective to update the knowledge of health professionals and other specialists interested in scientific study. This program only lasts 12 months, so that students have the opportunity to benefit from the dynamism of a learning process based on audiovisual materials and practical exercises. This way, professionals will delve into collaborative research, clinical trials in health, statistics and R in health research, as well as the dissemination of results and their graphic representations, among many other issues. In addition, TECH has incorporated modern pedagogical tools to facilitate monitoring and to allow students to adapt the pace of study to their needs.


Still not familiar with the advantages of Big Data in sports competition research? Investigate results to draw conclusions in this field”

General Objectives

  • Posing adequately the question or problem to be solved
  • Asses the state of the art of the problem through literature search
  • Assess the feasibility of the potential project
  • Draft projects in accordance with the different calls for proposals
  • Search for financing
  • Master the necessary data analysis tools
  • Write scientific articles (Papers) according to the target journals
  • Generate posters
  • Look for dissemination tools to the non-specialized public
  • Protect data
  • Transfer knowledge generated to industry or the clinic
  • Mapping the use of artificial intelligence and massive data analytics
  • Interact with examples of successful projects

Specific objectives

Module 1. The Scientific Method Applied to Health Research. Bibliographic positioning of the research

  • Become familiar with the scientific method to be followed to carry out a health research
  • Learn the correct way to ask a question and the methodology to follow to achieve the best possible answer
  • Delve into learning how to search for bibliographic methods
  • Master all the concepts of scientific activity

Module 2. Generation of Working Groups: Collaborative Research

  • Learn how to create working groups
  • Create new biomedical research spaces

Module 3. Generation of Research Projects

  • Learn how to assess the feasibility of the potential project
  • Know in depth the essential milestones for writing a research project
  • Delve into the criteria for exclusion/inclusion in projects
  • Learn how to set up the specific team for each project

Module 4. The Clinical Trial in Health Research

  • Recognize the main figures involved in clinical trials
  • Learn how to generate protocols
  • Documentation management

Module 5. Project Financing

  • Have an in-depth knowledge of the sources of funding
  • In-depth knowledge of the different calls for proposals

Module 6. Statistics and R in Health Research

  • Describe the main concepts of biostatistics
  • Learn how to use the R program
  • Define and understand the regression method and multivariate analysis with R
  • Recognize the concepts of statistics applied to research
  • Describe the statistical techniques of Data Mining
  • Provide knowledge of the most commonly used statistical techniques in biomedical research

Module 7. Graphic Data Representations in Health Research and Other Advanced Analyses

  • Obtain in-depth knowledge of dimensionality reduction methods
  • Delve into the comparison of methods

Module 8. Dissemination of Results I: Reports, Memos and Scientific Articles

  • Learn the various ways of disseminating results
  • Internalize how to write reports
  • Learn how to write for a specialized journal

Module 9. Dissemination of Results II, Symposiums, Congresses, Dissemination to the Society

  • Learn how to generate a poster at a congress
  • Learn how to prepare different communications of different times
  • Learning how to turn a scientific paper into dissemination material

Module 10. Protection and Transfer of Results

  • Introduction to the world of results protection
  • Know in depth about patents and similar
  • Know in depth the possibilities for the creation of new enterprises

Achieve your objectives thanks to efficient pedagogical tools and base your medical performance on the most up-to-date health knowledge”

Professional Master's Degree in Sports Medical Research

Sport is an activity that has acquired great relevance in today's society, not only as a healthy practice, but also as a spectacle that generates large amounts of money. In this context, medical research has become a fundamental tool to improve sports performance and prevent injuries. At TECH Global University we are committed to the preparation of professionals trained to face the challenges of medical research in sports. Our Professional Master's Degree in Sports Medical Research is an online postgraduate course designed to provide students with the necessary tools to conduct quality research in the field of sports. In our online classes, students will be able to learn in a flexible manner tailored to their schedules. In addition, online training allows them to save time and money on travel and accommodation, allowing them to focus on their training without distractions.

Study a postgraduate degree in sports medical research

Our Professional Master's Degree in Sports Medical Research focuses on graduating highly trained professionals to conduct sports medical research, with advanced knowledge in the field of exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports nutrition, and injury prevention and treatment. During the postgraduate program, students will learn about the latest trends in sports research, acquire skills in data analysis and processing, and will be able to apply their knowledge in real projects in collaboration with renowned professionals in the sports field. At TECH Global University, we are committed to quality higher education in the field of sports medical research, offering a master's program with high academic standards, flexible and tailored to students' needs. Join us and become an expert in sports medical research!