
Would you like to get up to date on strategies for implementation of Professional Services in Community Pharmacy? With this program you will be able to do so in only 6 months and 100% online”

The pharmaceutical service performs a series of activities which enable patients to access specialized care not only focused on dispensing products, but also on technical guidance for the use of medical tools (blood pressure monitors, glucometers, breast pumps, etc.), health promotion and disease prevention (for example, in times of flu). All of this is delivered by the community pharmacy, an area in continuous growth involving direct contact with the person. Based on this, a series of guidelines have been established that professionals must follow in order to effectively implement Professional Pharmaceutical Services, from socio-health care to information processes. 

If students are looking to get up to date with the most effective strategies in this field, TECH has the perfect program for them. The postgraduate diploma in Professional Pharmaceutical Services Aimed at Improving the Use of Medications, is a new, multidisciplinary and intensive program that will allow them to delve into the most innovative guidelines to provide first-rate pharmaceutical care. In addition, it includes a specific module focused on the use of the main modern tools for the development of the best marketing strategies for PPCS and use of the main IT, technical and organizational resources for an unparalleled praxis. 

In this way, they will not only be able to update their knowledge, but will also be able to work effectively on improving their communication and leadership skills, contributing to better and more targeted care. To this end, they will have 400 hours of the best theoretical, practical and additional content, which has been condensed into a convenient and flexible 100% online format. Thus, they will have the opportunity to update their knowledge from wherever and whenever they want, using any device with internet connection, thanks to the universal compatibility of TECH Virtual Campus.  

An innovative program based on the latest developments in PPCS so that you can update your practice in a reliable way"

This postgraduate diploma in Professional Pharmaceutical Services Aimed at Improving the Use of Medications contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The examination of practical cases presented by experts in Community Pharmacy 
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents which provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be carried out to improve learning 
  • A special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Thanks to this program, you will master the use of the most innovative resources and materials for the organization and sharing of responsibilities in the pharmacy working environment” 

The teaching staff is made up of professionals from the sector who bring their experience to this program, in addition to renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education designed to prepare them for real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This program will enable you to perfect your skills in order to use the main tools for implementation of PPCS in the modern context"

If you are also looking for a program that allows you to update your communication skills, this program is perfect for you"


This postgraduate diploma in Professional Pharmaceutical Services Aimed at Improving the Use of Medications has been designed with the aim of providing specialists in this field with the necessary information and academic resources to update their practice in line with advances in this area. Thus, not only will they have the opportunity to keep up to date with the latest developments in their profession, but they will also be able to work for 6 months on perfecting their level of care in order to be able to offer the highest level of service based on the most innovative and effective strategies. 

This program will enable you to develop an up-to-date view of community pharmacy practice in various countries"

General Objectives

  • Review different clinical situations that require an adjustment of medication dosage for patients
  • Differentiate between the checks to be carried out in a dispensing process for different types of medicines
  • Identify treatment outcomes from direct observations of patient treatment
  • Recognize the role of drug repackaging as a strategy for improving the adherence of certain patients to pharmacological treatments

Specific Objectives

Module 1. PPCS Aimed at Improving the Use of Medicines and Medical Devices I

  • Acquire knowledge for the provision of each of the different services aimed at improving the use of medicines and medical devices 
  • Analyze the implications of drug development and preparation on adherence and use of pharmacological treatments 
  • Highlight the advantages of customized drug formulation over industrially manufactured drugs 
  • Define procedures used in the adaptation of medications to the patient’s needs 
  • Describe the involvement of the community pharmacist in relation to dose adjustment of certain medications 
  • Identify the different stages of the pharmaceutical indication service 
  • Identify unsuitable self-care drug requests in order to redirect them to pharmaceutical indications 
  • Understand the concept of complementary prescription and its implementation in other countries 
  • Identify the different types of pharmacist interventions for the indication and prescription of medicines 
  • Perform the necessary verifications to dispense a drug 
  • Assess the dispensing procedure and consider its different additional processes 
  • Incorporate modifications to the dispensing process in drug initiation treatments 
  • Identify the needs generated by innovative drugs and how dispensing in community pharmacies is affected 
  • Review different clinical situations that require an adjustment of medication dosage for patients 
  • Differentiate between the checks to be carried out in a dispensing process for different types of medicines 

Module 2. PPCS Aimed at Improving the Use of Medicines and Medical Devices II

  • Identify the different clinical situations and services in which a medication review is necessary 
  • Differentiate between the different types of drug reviews
  • Show how to perform a review of the patient's medication use
  • Handle the different inhalation and insulin delivery devices used in pharmacological treatment 
  • Examine the situations faced by patients that justify the need for assistance in administering the medication they use 
  • Describe the different types of complex medicines, as well as how to explain their management to the patient or caregiver 
  • Assess the withdrawal and maintenance of prescribed medications to be taken by the patient in transitions between different levels of care 
  • Reflect on the use of unit doses when dispensing to institutionalized patients 
  • Detect and resolve patients' issues with the medications they have in their medicine cabinets 
  • Identify the different services that can be used in patient care to improve adherence to treatment 
  • Identify treatment outcomes from direct observations of patient treatment 
  • Recognize the role of drug repackaging as a strategy for improving the adherence of certain patients to pharmacological treatments 
  • Differentiate between customized reconditioning systems and dose adaptation and adjustment systems (dosing, etc.) 
  • Differentiate between advice and consultation as forms of providing drug information 
  • Define the different types of pharmacotherapeutic drug information requests and how they are resolved 
  • Convey knowledge about medicines 
  • Design health education services for different therapeutic groups 

cursos servicios profesionales farmacéuticos orientados a mejorar el uso de los medicamentos

TECH has recruited a faculty of the highest level for this program who will accompany you throughout the course, providing you with a variety of resources and answering any questions you may have along the way"

Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Professional Services oriented to Improve the Use of Medications

Would you like to become a Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Professional Services oriented to Improve the Use of Medications? Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your career in the field of pharmacy! TECH Global University presents you with a cutting-edge online program that will give you all the tools you need to excel in this constantly evolving area. Imagine the possibility of acquiring specialized skills that will allow you to transform the use of medicines and contribute to the health of the community. With our program, you will become an expert capable of optimizing pharmaceutical processes, ensuring patient safety and promoting quality pharmaceutical care. At the end of the Postgraduate Certificate, you will obtain an internationally recognized certificate, endorsed by the prestigious TECH School of Pharmacy. This document will not only accredit your knowledge and dedication, but will open doors to countless job opportunities in the pharmaceutical field. Our faculty is composed of highly qualified and experienced professionals in the pharmaceutical field. You will learn from experts who share their knowledge and experience, providing you with a specialization of excellence.

Get Certified in Professional Pharmaceutical Services

During the program, you'll explore several key topics, such as rational use of medications, pharmaceutical services management, pharmacovigilance and effective patient communication. In addition, you will immerse yourself in case study analysis and the development of problem-solving skills, ensuring a comprehensive specialization. Studying at TECH Global University is an incredible opportunity to broaden your horizons and achieve your career goals. Our institution is characterized by its academic excellence, its innovative approach and its commitment to the success of its students. Don't miss this unique opportunity to specialize as a Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Professional Services oriented to Improve the Use of Medications. Discover a world of possibilities in the field of pharmacy and get ready to make a difference in people's lives.