
Get a complete update on Biology and Geology and improve your skills as a teacher of these disciplines" 



Biology and Geology professionals have advanced knowledge of these disciplines and bringing it to the classroom at High School Education levels is a challenge, given the complexity of some concepts. 

However, the numerous current teaching resources and new methodological approaches favor this teaching-learning process. Therefore, in order to encourage future teachers in this task, TECH has developed this 100% online university program that provides the essential content that must be transferred to their students in High School Education.

 In order to achieve this objective, this educational institution offers an advanced syllabus with a theoretical-practical perspective on the Disciplinary Training of Biology and Geology. In this way, throughout 150 teaching hours, students will learn what and how to teach science, how to carry out experiments with low-cost resources or the STS methodology.

All this, in addition, complemented by multimedia teaching tools, specialized readings and case studies, developed by a teaching team with a great professional experience in the teaching sector.

 Future teachers therefore have an exceptional opportunity to improve their teaching work in Biology and Geology through a 100% online Postgraduate Certificate, which can be taken wherever and whenever they wish. You only need an electronic device (cell phone, tablet or computer) with an Internet connection to be able to view, at any time, the syllabus of this program. A unique opportunity to balance daily responsibilities with a first level university program.  

Build a scientific knowledge that will increase your students' competences thanks to this university program"

This postgraduate certificate in Disciplinary Training in Biology and Geology contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • El desarrollo de casos prácticos presentados por expertos en enseñanza en Educación Secundaria 
  • Los contenidos gráficos, esquemáticos y eminentemente prácticos con los que está concebido recogen una información científica y práctica sobre aquellas disciplinas indispensables para el ejercicio profesional 
  • Los ejercicios prácticos donde realizar el proceso de autoevaluación para mejorar el aprendizaje 
  • Su especial hincapié en metodologías innovadoras  
  • Las lecciones teóricas, preguntas al experto, foros de discusión de temas controvertidos y trabajos de reflexión individual 
  • La disponibilidad de acceso a los contenidos desde cualquier dispositivo fijo o portátil con conexión a internet 

Reduce study hours thanks to the Relearning system that will focus on acquiring a solid learning of the new concepts of this program"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

Approach the new Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach in a practical way and bring it into your daily sessions"


Get an update in Biology and Geology and bring your extensive knowledge to teenage students in a didactic way"


This postgraduate certificate has been designed to offer the teaching professional of Biology and Geology an update on this subject and its orientation to High School students. A challenge that will be much easier thanks to the syllabus and the numerous teaching resources provided by TECH in this program. Therefore, at the end of the 150 teaching hours, the future teachers will have broadened their teaching skills in these disciplines. 


TECH puts at your disposal pedagogical material in which it has used the latest technology applied to educational teaching" 

General Objectives

  • Introduce students to the world of teaching, from a broad perspective that provides them with the necessary skills for the performance of their work
  • Get to know the new tools and technologies applied to teaching
  • Learn about the different options and ways the teacher can work in their workplace
  • Foster the acquisition of communication and knowledge transmission skills and abilities
  • Encourage continuing education for students

Specific Objectives 

  • Get to know the different distorted visions of science and its characteristics, therefore understanding the different misconceptions about it
  • Discuss the main characteristics of science teaching, as well as the problems it addresses
  • Mention the relationship between research activity and the scientific method, and its teaching in Biology and Geology
  • Get to know what inquiry learning is and its characteristics
  • Gain knowledge about the scientific method and its characteristics
  • Learn about proposals for teaching biology and geology based on the scientific method and inquiry-based learning

This program will give you the tools you need to foster scientific inquiry among your biology students"

Postgraduate Certificate in Disciplinary Training in Biology and Geology

Get ready to expand your knowledge in these fundamental disciplines for understanding the natural world! With TECH Global University you can understand the diversity and processes occurring on our planet. The Postgraduate Certificate in Disciplinary Training in Biology and Geology gives you the opportunity to delve deeper into these disciplines and acquire specialized training that will allow you to teach classes in an effective and stimulating way, will allow you a broad and updated vision of these fields of knowledge. You will learn about the fundamental principles of biology, such as cell structure, genetics, evolution and the diversity of living things. In addition, you will explore the geological processes that have shaped our planet, such as plate tectonics, rock and mineral formation, and ecosystem dynamics.

develop your knowledge of biology and geology to teach effectively

One of the advantages of this Postgraduate Certificate is that it will enable you to develop didactic skills to teach biology and geology effectively. You will learn how to adapt the contents to the needs and characteristics of your students, using active methodologies and innovative didactic resources.But this is not all! During the Postgraduate Certificate, you will have the opportunity to carry out practical work in laboratories and go on field trips to apply theoretical knowledge in real situations. In addition, you will have access to up-to-date digital and bibliographic resources that will help you keep up to date with scientific and technological advances in the field of biology and geology. At the end of the Postgraduate Certificate in Disciplinary Training in Biology and Geology, you will be prepared to teach in an effective and stimulating way, transmitting to your students the fascinating world of biology and geology. Don't miss the opportunity to enroll! Contribute with TECH to specialized training in these fundamental disciplines and be able to train future generations of scientists who promote interest and curiosity in the natural world.