
If you want to succeed in fashion, don't miss the opportunity to specialize in the History of Fashion and Clothing. Knowing traditional styles will help you stand out among professionals in the field” 

experto universitario historia moda indumentaria

Fashion has evolved alongside society, and it can even be studied to understand certain historical and artistic movements through the garments of the time. That is why it is considered essential for any professional in the fashion world today to possess knowledge of all the trends that came before their time. 

TECH has compiled in this postgraduate diploma in History of Fashion and Clothing everything students need to gain in-depth knowledge of the different stages and periods that have transformed the industry. Through three different modules, students will review the main artistic movements, such as the Belle Époque or the New Look, as well as the historical contexts and designers who have been a driving force in fashion over the years. 

With this knowledge, students will be able to distinguish different historical styles, understand the context in which they were produced and recover the keys to their success to apply them in the most modern styles and garments. 

The postgraduate diploma also has the advantage of being taught 100% online. This allows students to adapt the course load to their own pace and needs, without the obligation to attend a physical center or adjust to arbitrary schedules. Further, all the material will be available from the beginning of the postgraduate diploma, and can be downloaded to any device with an Internet connection. 

Many successful designers have preceded you, and by knowing their styles and understanding their history, you will be the one to start setting trends” 

This postgraduate diploma in History of Fashion and Clothing contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in fashion 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on the History of Fashion and Clothing 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

TECH puts at your disposal a large number of practical activities that will be very useful to develop your full potential in this field”  

The program's teaching staff includes professionals from the fashion industry, who contribute with their work experience, as well as renowned specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This fully online postgraduate diploma will allow you to catch up on the most relevant historical concepts in fashion" 

especializacion historia moda indumentaria

Make a contextual study on the  History of Fashion and Clothing thanks to the innovative teaching methodology offered by TECH"


The postgraduate diploma in History of Fashion and Clothing is aimed at facilitating professional performance so students acquire and know the main developments in the field, which will allow them to practice their daily work with the highest quality and professionalism. In this way, they will be better able to develop successfully in a booming industry, which demands designers with extensive knowledge of the origins of the field. 

experto historia moda indumentaria

TECH's goal is to help you succeed in the world of fashion. To achieve this goal, TECH provides you with the best educational resources available” 

General Objectives

  • Analyze the global context of fashion and how it affects society 
  • Understand how fashion has evolved over the years 
  • Become familiar with the great male and female figures in fashion, who remain influential today 
  • Contextualize communication in the fashion world and the most common media outlets: from magazines to modern social networks 
  • Understand the main journalistic values in the world of fashion 
  • Study communicative psychology in depth and know how to apply it in daily practice 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. History of Clothing

  • Identify language and expressive resources in relation to the apparel industry 
  • Choose research and innovation resources to solve issues raised within the functions, needs and materials of clothing 
  • Distinguish the psychological processes in the evolution of the pieces in the History of Clothing 
  • Associate formal and symbolic language with functionality in the field of clothing
  • Demonstrate the interrelation between the elements of clothing and humanistic fields 
  • Justify the contradictions between luxury clothing and ethical values
  • Reflect on the impact of innovation and quality of clothing production on the quality of life and the environment 

Module 2. History of Fashion

  • Associate formal and symbolic language with functionality in the field of fashion 
  • Justify the contradictions between fashion luxury and ethical values 
  • Reflect on the impact of innovation and quality of fashion production, Ready-to-wear and Low Cost fashion on quality of life and of the environment 
  • Know and value the historical uses and ways in which fashion has been resorting to the construction of imaginaries 
  • Know how to make correct denotative and connotative readings from fashion images 

Module 3. The Relation between Fashion and Art 

  • Know the language and expressive resources of the subject matter 
  • Learn to choose the most appropriate research and innovation resources based on the design project to be executed 
  • Gather methodological and aesthetic strategies that help to support and develop creative processes 
  • Distinguish the psychological and sociological processes in the evolution of pieces of clothing 
  • Associate formal and symbolic language with functionality in suit making 
  • Understand the relevance of dress processes throughout history  
cursos historia moda indumentaria

You will more than meet all possible expectations in the field of historical knowledge of fashion design” 

Postgraduate Diploma in History of Fashion and Clothing

Knowing the events of the past is a necessity for all professionals in the field of fashion, since having this conceptual background is a great tool for the development of new trends in which the emotional anchor is used as sales axes. At TECH Global University we understand perfectly the relevance of this area of knowledge, for this reason we designed the most complete and up-to-date Postgraduate Diploma in History of Fashion and Clothing in the educational market. Our program provides an avant-garde syllabus, which focuses on promoting the different skills of applicants, consolidating them as professionals with an innovative aesthetic development. In addition, they will be able to design fashion projects successfully, taking as a reference the different historical concepts obtained during the course.

Study a Postgraduate Certificate in History of Fashion and Clothing 100% online

TECH's program has an audiovisual system of the latest generation in teaching, thanks to this, students will be qualified by the hand of interactive activities, which will facilitate the acquisition of knowledge in relation to clothing, role of art, postmodernism and great figures of fashion, as well as other topics of utmost importance to consolidate a multidisciplinary way in this branch of knowledge. On the other hand, in our higher education center we use a pedagogical modality that breaks with traditional models, the application of this allows learning through the reiteration of concepts, improving the conceptual application in real situations.