
Creativity does not mean improvisation. Learn Bruno Munari's methodology to create your next collection"


Creating a Fashion Collection is a thoughtful and organized process, with a series of steps that help guide all the work. It involves research to define the target audience, a survey on the latest trends, putting together a concept, creating several sketches, choosing textiles, along with other steps that each designer must understand and execute to ensure that the season's deadlines are met.

In this sense, this postgraduate diploma will help students to learn the basics and fundamentals of design, starting with a review of the history of the sector to understand the different styles and movements that were created from the Industrial Revolution and the Chicago School. Then, different design methodologies can be analyzed, such as the one proposed by Gui Bonsiepe, who establishes the basis of the organization in the planning of activities divided into hierarchical subproblems.

Although for many the creative process should be free and spontaneous, in the fashion world it is ideal to maintain a structure that helps the designer to focus on the collection. Therefore, students must know how to create Moodboards and graphic research, taking into account commercial, creative, scenic and corporate fashion. This will help you identify the type of textile you want to use for sketching and pattern making to begin the process of creating a great fashion collection.

This is why, by completing this program, students will be able to plan and create their own projects, understanding the different methodologies applied to the sector. Then students will become versatile, organized, creative and, above all, capable of creating unique pieces for different female audiences.

If fashion is your passion, with this program you will be one step closer to creating your own collection”

This postgraduate diploma in Creating a Fashion Collection contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in the Creation of Fashion Collections
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents with which they are created, gather theoretical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis is placed on innovative methodologies in fashion collection creation
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Get to know the beauty ideology used in different periods and get inspired to set a new trend"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Discover how Carolina Herrera managed to make femininity and women's empowerment her trademark"


A non-fashion collection cannot be completed without runway planning"


A respected fashion designer is one who knows how to follow an organized plan that facilitates the creative process of their art. Therefore, this program seeks to provide students with a series of methodologies to help them plan and create a successful collection. Knowing all the phases of the creative process, the available communication tools and the different markets available to you. This way, you will be able to create your own work or be the collaborator of a recognized brand.


Discover the opportunity to learn about the planning and organization of the fashion collection in this postgraduate diploma"

General Objectives

  • Obtain a detailed knowledge of fashion design and its evolution, which will be relevant to the work of professionals who wish to develop in this sector
  • Create designs on paper and digital techniques that reflect that design
  • Use pattern making techniques when creating garments and accessories
  • Obtain a detailed knowledge of fashion design, which will be relevant to the work of professionals who wish to develop in this current field
  • Design successful fashion projects
  • Learn about fashion photography in order to make the best possible use of the collections created

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Fundamentals of Design

  • Know the basics of design, as well as the references, styles and movements that have shaped it from its beginnings to the present day
  • Connect and correlate the different areas of design, fields of application and professional branches
  • Choose appropriate project methodologies for each case
  • Know the processes of ideation, creativity and experimentation and know how to apply them to projects
  • Integrate language and semantics in the ideation processes of a project, relating them to its objectives and use values

Module 2. Fashion Design

  • Understand the different working methodologies applied to fashion design
  • Develop creative procedures that assist in fashion design work
  • Introduce students to the necessary technical procedures to create a fashion project
  • Know the different means of diffusion and communication of fashion products
  • Understand the process of fashion projects in all its phases
  • Acquire resources for visual presentation and communication of fashion projects

Module 3. History of Fashion

  • Bring together methodological and aesthetic strategies that help to support and develop creative processes
  • Associate formal and symbolic language with functionality in the field of fashion
  • Justify the contradictions between luxury fashion and ethical values
  • Reflect on the impact of innovation and quality in fashion production, ready-to-wear and low-cost fashion on the quality of life and the environment
  • Know and value the historical uses and ways in which fashion has been resorting to the construction of imaginaries
  • Know how to make correct denotative and connotative readings of fashion images

Get to know Art Deco heritage in the world of fashion"

Postgraduate Diploma in Fashion Collection Creation

Developing efficiently in the fashion industry is a real challenge for designers, because nowadays the industry and consumers have a degree of demand never seen before; for this reason, it is essential that professionals are qualified with specialized programs that provide the necessary knowledge to excel in daily practice. In this context, at TECH Global University we have designed the most complete and updated Postgraduate Diploma in Fashion Collection Creation in the educational market. Our postgraduate course has an innovative study plan that will enable applicants to make designs on paper and digital programs, which will help in the preparation and creation of garments that meet the ideals thought.

Study a Postgraduate Certificate in creating a fashion collection 100% online.

The TECH program has a state-of-the-art multimedia teaching system. Through this system, students will develop different simulated case studies, which will be of utmost importance to improve technical skills and prepare them for the different environments of high difficulty that they will face during their professional practice. In addition, they will learn to apply pattern making and tailoring techniques for the creation of garments and accessories. On the other hand, thanks to our 100% online modality, we offer time and space benefits, which are impossible to acquire from any other academic modality.