
Join our team of students and become the best in your profession. Your work will help us all" 


This postgraduate diploma in Quality Control in Food Industries will allow the student to learn the most relevant concepts in veterinary food safety, focusing on the production of raw materials of animal origin.

Quality control of processes and products is essential to ensure food safety and guarantee the safety of the processes carried out in the food industry It is therefore important for professionals in the sector to specialize in this area, which covers the entire animal food production chain. This makes it mandatory for all food industries to have a food safety plan.

On the other hand, the food crises that have occurred in recent decades at European and world level have demonstrated the need for systems to identify, locate and withdraw those products that could represent a food safety risk and a danger to the health of the population. Therefore, this is another of the essential points of this training.

The postgraduate diploma in Quality Control in Food Industries from TECH Global University is the most complete postgraduate rogram offered in universities at this time because it is aimed at the comprehensive management of food safety. It covers all the necessary aspects to achieve a specialized, complete training, demanded by professionals in the food sector.

This postgraduate diploma is taught by university professors and professionals from various disciplines in primary production, the use of analytical and instrumental techniques for quality control, the prevention of accidental and intentional contamination and fraud, regulatory schemes for food safety certification (Food Safety/Food Integrity) and traceability (Food Defence and Food Fraud/Food Authenticity). They are experts in food legislation and regulations on quality and safety, validation of methodologies and processes, digitalization of quality management, research and development of new foods and finally, the coordination and execution of R&D&I projects.

This program has been designed to respond to the demand of diverse professional profiles and professional disciplines such as basic sciences, experimental sciences and engineering, social sciences and the field of new technologies. In addition, it is focused on understanding and learning technical, management and project execution competencies, as well as the development of skills required by a competitive, innovative and modern food sector.

It is an educational project committed to training high quality professionals. A program designed by professionals specialized in each specific subject who face new challenges every day.

It's the perfect opportunity to advance your career. Our educational project seeks to train high quality professionals"

This postgraduate diploma in Quality Control in Food Industries contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in veterinary food safety
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • News on Quality Control in Food Industries
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Quality Control in Food Industries
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program to update your knowledge in Quality Control in Food Industries"

It includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of veterinary food safety, who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, where the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned and experienced experts in Quality Control in Food Industries.  

We have the best didactic material and the most current teaching methodology, which will allow you a contextual study that will facilitate your learning"



This 100% online postgraduate diploma will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work. You will be able to study from any device with an internet connection and at the time you choose"


The postgraduate diploma in Quality Control in Food Industries is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional with the latest advances in the sector.    


This is the best option to learn about the main novelties in Quality Control in Food Industries"

General Objectives

  • Develop the basis for good hygiene and traceability practices in the production of raw materials 
  • Specify the applicable regulations concerning primary animal production, as well as the internal audit and certification systems
  • Define sustainable development objectives
  • Examine the regulations and standards for food laboratories and define their role in food safety
  • Analyze food safety regulations and standards applicable to raw materials and products in food laboratories 
  • Determine the requirements to be met by food analysis laboratories (ISO IEC 17025 Standard, applicable to the accreditation and certification of quality systems in laboratories) 
  • Recognize the consumer's right to acquire safe, healthy and innocuous food from the agrifood chain, both nationally and internationally 
  • Analyze the fundamentals, requirements, regulations and main tools used in the traceability of the different points of the food chain 
  • Analyze the system for establishing a relationship between the food product and the origin of its components, the manufacturing process and distribution
  • Evaluate food industry processes to identify those items that do not meet specific requirements to ensure food safety and consumer health
  • Develop the basis for the application of the different phases of the traceability system in food sector companies

Specific Objectives

Module 1. 

  • Establish the basic principles of food safety 
  • Compile the reference databases on applicable food safety regulations
  • Develop relevant aspects in the production of food of animal origin and its derivatives
  • Establish the basis for animal welfare from breeding to slaughter 
  • Specify the mechanisms for internal auditing and certification of primary production  
  • Analyze foods of differentiated quality and the certification system for these products
  • Assess the impact of the agri-food industry on the environment
  • Examine the contribution of this industry to the sustainable development goals 

Module 2

  • Establish the quality characteristics to be met by raw materials, intermediate and finished products according to their origin, prior to their laboratory analysis 
  • Develop the relevant methodology for product conformity, taking into account the applicable requirements considered by the regulations and standards 
  • Define the most appropriate methodology for food quality assessment: integrity analysis and characterization, including the detection of biotic or abiotic food contaminants that may pose a health risk to consumers
  • Describe food sampling depending on source, use and characteristics or specifications
  • Identify and recognize the analytical techniques used in food and manage an adequate quality control
  • Describe the main agri-food contaminants and learn about the application of analytical techniques by observing the sector to which they belong
  • Outline the process for identifying and ensuring the safety of raw materials, processed foods and the suitability of water in the production of safe products for food and feed

Module 3.

  • Define the background of logistics and traceability
  • Examine the different types of traceability and scope of application
  • Analyze the principles, requirements and measures of food legislation in the context of traceability
  • Establishing the scope of application of traceability in its mandatory nature
  • Analyze the different traceability and lot identification systems
  • Identify and define the responsibility of the different actors in the food chain in terms of traceability
  • Describe the structure and implementation of a traceability plan
  • Identify and discover the main tools for the identification of batches
  • Establish procedures for locating, immobilizing and recalling products in case of incidents
  • Identify, analyze and explain the logistics process at each point of the food chain

This program will give you a sense of confidence when practising veterinary medicine, which will help you grow both personally and professionally"

Postgraduate Diploma in Quality Control in Food Industries

If you are interested in the food industry and want to deepen your knowledge in product quality control, the Postgraduate Diploma in Quality Control in Food Industries offered by TECH is the perfect option for you. This course, taught in virtual mode, will allow you to study from anywhere and adapt your schedule to your needs. During the program, you will have access to specialized technical information in the veterinary area, and you will learn about production processes, quality analysis systems, current regulations and the latest trends in the food industry. In addition, you will have the advice of a team of highly trained professionals with extensive experience in the sector, who will be available to answer your questions and guide you on the road to your professionalization.

Specialize in quality control for the food industry

With this Postgraduate Diploma, you will be able to acquire skills in quality management, risk assessment, defect detection and implementation of corrective measures in the different stages of the food production process. You will also learn the different techniques of microbiological and physicochemical analysis, and apply them in the evaluation of food products, from processing to distribution and marketing. This postgraduate program will also allow you to be at the forefront of current trends in the food industry, which will give you a competitive advantage in the labor market. Upon completion of the program, you will have a comprehensive and updated training in food quality control, which will allow you to opt for a wide variety of job opportunities in food companies, specialized consulting firms, government institutions and other related agencies. Don't wait any longer and take advantage of the opportunity to grow in the veterinary field with this Postgraduate Diploma. At TECH, we are committed to providing you with quality, up-to-date training tailored to your needs and expectations. enroll today and start your path to professional success!