
Maitena Servajean is a renowned Coaching, who throughout her career has deepened in the aspects of Art and Women, founding an Art laboratory for the development of creativity and the execution of different therapies through it.

Likewise, she has worked in multiple projects that seek, through leadership, to position women as empowered in the Professional Sector, so that from her management she contributes to the loss of fear and the execution of independent projects.

  • Chief People Officer (CPO) at Doofinder
  • President and Co-Founder at Art In Company Lab
  • Speaker at Speakers Academy
  • General Manager and Representative of Bedor Excem. Spain
  • Executive Coaching and Human Resources Mentoring
  • Professional Master's Degree in Hispanic Philology by the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès
  • Certified in Coaching by the International University of Corporate Training
  • Superior Program in Women and Leadership by the Rafael del Pino Foundation
  • Certified in Values Transformation Tools
Programmes in collaboration with

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