
Passionate about animals in general, Veterinarian Juan Sánchez Góngora has dedicated his life to the service of exotic animals, performing treatments and surgical interventions in cases of extreme urgency. He has specialized in wild animals, more specifically in birds.  

His management has been characterized by a more than outstanding praxis, where with each treatment, intervention or consultation he foresees future complications, so he seeks a priori to provide a solution to each problem, no matter how minimal it may be.  

  • Small Animal and Exotic Animal Veterinarian at Centro Veterinario Aguadulce 
  • Exotic Animal Veterinarian at Los Sauces Veterinary Center  
  • Exotic Animal Veterinarian at Campos de Níjar Veterinary Center.  
  • Graduate in Veterinary Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid. 
  • Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery of Exotic Animals by Forvetex  
  • Master's Degree in Poultry Medicine and Surgery by TECH School of Veterinary Medicine.  
  • Oral presentation at the XVII Congress of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences in relation to "Bacterial Stomatitis in Chameleons Calumma parsonii in Cautivida".  
  • External stays at the Aquarium of the Zoo Aquarium of Madrid.  
Programmes in collaboration with

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