
With special interest in care and research activities, Dr. Inmaculada Rodríguez Ulecia has had a remarkable career in the Specialty of Clinical Neurophysiology.

She has worked in renowned hospitals such as the Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra where she obtained several awards for her work, including the prize obtained at the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, thanks to the presentation of a paper on Electroencephalography presented and developed in collaboration. 

Thus, he has been able to reach the Head of the Clinical Neurophysiology Service at the University Hospital San Roque in Maspalomas in the Canary Islands and as a Specialist of the Sleep Unit in the same hospital group in Las Palmas. There he stands out for Intraoperative Monitoring, Electromyography, Sleep Pathology Studies, among other advanced procedures.

  • Specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Head of the Clinical Neurophysiology Service at the University Hospital San Roque. Maspalomas, Canary Islands 
  • Medical Specialist in the Sleep Disorder Unit at the University Hospital San Roque. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 
  • Specialist in the Clinical Neurophysiology Service at the Hospital Complex of Navarra.
  • Master's Degree in Emergency Medicine, Emergencies and Catastrophes at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University.
  • Member:
    • Spanish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
Programmes in collaboration with

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