
Accumulating decades of experience in the world of Marketing and Business Management, Javier Regueira is an eminence in Branded Content, being the first PhD in this specialty in a Spanish university. As for his most prominent positions, he has served as Senior Brand Manager and Head of online activity at Nivea or as Group Brand Manager at Imperial Tobacco.

His ambition to constantly progress in this sector has led him to initiate a large number of projects, among which stands out the foundation, together with other professionals, of the Spanish Association of Branded Content or Pop Up Brand Content, the first agency dedicated to this field in Spain. Likewise, he has enjoyed the experience as a Speaker at TED Talks and has written several books on corporate management and Marketing.

  • Branded Content Expert
  • Senior Brand Manager and Head of Online for Nivea 
  • Group Brand Manager of Imperial Tobacco 
  • Co-founder of the Spanish Association of Branded Content
  • Co-founder of Pop Up Brand Content 
  • Author of several books on Marketing and Business Management
  • Client Services Director at Grey Publicidad
  • Speaker at TED Talks
  • PhD in Branded Content from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy
  • Graduate in European CCEE ICADE E4 
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