
The technical architect Antonio Aguilar Aguilera has focused his efforts on scientific research, teaching and the performance of his profession in public administration. A triple axis that has made him an expert in the analysis and evaluation of indoor environmental quality factors in buildings and the development of frameworks in the methodology (BIM) for the design and management of buildings. 

In this sense, his research work has led him to be part of groups with national projects and to make stays in different countries to complete his specialization and maintain a constant updating. As a result, Aguilar Aguilera has 15 publications in prestigious journals (indexed in Journal Citation Report, all of them in the Q1 and Q2 quartile) and 7 book chapters (indexed in Scholarly Publishers Indicators, all of them in the Q1 quartile). This work is reflected in the h-index 7 in Google Scholar and h-index 6 in Scopus. 

Likewise, his study work has allowed him to obtain recognition, being awarded in 2019 with the Andrés Lara Prize, granted by the Spanish Society of Acoustics (SEA), to the best work of a young researcher in acoustic engineering.

  • Technical Architect. Department of Works and Urban Planning at the Villanueva del Trabuco Town Hall.
  • Teaching and Research Staff at the University of Granada. 
  • Researcher of the group TEP-968 Technologies for the Circular Economy (TEC). 
  • Constructions of the University of Granada in the subjects of Organization and Programming in Building and Prevention and Safety. 
  • Professor in the Degree in Physics in the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Granada in the subject of Physics of the Environment. 
  • Andrés Lara Prize, awarded by the Spanish Society of Acoustics (SEA), to the best work of a young researcher in acoustic engineering. 
  • PhD in the PhD program in Civil Engineering from the University of Granada. 
  • Degree in Technical Architecture from the University of Granada. 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Building Management and Safety from the University of Granada. 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Acoustic Engineering from the University of Granada. 
  • Professor in the Degree in Engineering of Telecommunication Technologies in the Department of Applied Physics in the subject Applied Physics to Telecommunications. 
Programmes in collaboration with

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