
You will delve into the up to indications and contraindications plasmapheresis thanks to this postgraduate diploma that only TECH can offer you”


Thanks to incessant scientific evolution, sophisticated hemodialysis systems have been created that provide greater elimination of toxins and better blood cleansing compared to other traditional methods. In addition, extensive research has been carried out to perfect the biocompatibility of the materials used in this procedure, which has led to the introduction of high-performance synthetic membranes that minimize adverse reactions and side effects in patients. Therefore, knowledge of all these advances is essential for the specialist who wishes to position himself at the nephrological forefront.

Based on this, TECH has developed this postgraduate diploma, which will allow physicians to update their knowledge regarding the application of blood cleansing therapies. Through 6 months of intensive learning, you will delve into the criteria for the use of plasmapheresis in various clinical situations. It will also explore the use of the Prometheus system or PFAD to undertake the blood cleansing process.

Since this qualification is offered in a 100% online format, physicians will be able to combine their daily tasks with their update, since they will not be subject to a predetermined study schedule. In addition, the program integrates Relearning in its educational methodology, which will allow the specialist to assimilate the knowledge more effectively.

Identify the advantages provided by the PFAD system to perform the blood cleansing process”

This postgraduate diploma in Update on Blood Cleansing Techniques in Nephrology  contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by specialists in Nephrology and Internal medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Through this program, you will be up to date regarding the management of infections in renal transplant patients”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

Optimize your knowledge acquisition through a wide variety of multimedia didactic formats"


Complete your medical update with the best specialists in Nephrology"


The aim of this program is to provide the physician with up to date knowledge on the blood cleansing techniques used in Nephrology. In this way, you will be able to position yourself at the forefront of medicine in only 450 hours. In addition, you will enjoy a set of didactic contents that have been designed by the best specialists in the field, guaranteeing the quality of your educational experience.


Study from the place you want and 24 hours a day through the 100% online modality offered by this updating program”

General Objectives

  • Care for patients with chronic kidney disease and its most frequent complications
  • Care for patients with acute renal failure and its complications, as well as to understand the objective of initiating renal replacement therapy, its indications and management
  • Have an overview of Nephrology as a specialty with its different branches of knowledge and a global approach to the patient
  • Understand and learn the branches that are emerging within the specialty such as diagnostic and interventional nephrology, onconephrology, or cardionephrology

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Onconephrology and Kidney-Liver 

  • Gain an in-depth knowledge of Onconephrology as a subspecialty of Nephrology and its usefulness
  • Learn to identify those patients at risk of developing renal failure during oncological treatment, as well as its approach and treatment
  • Learn the close relationship between the kidney and the liver 
  • Know in depth the diagnostic criteria of hepatorenal syndrome and its management

Module 2. Hydroelectrolytic Alterations and Poisonings 

  • Learn the different hydroelectrolytic alterations most frequently consulted in Nephrology
  • Learn the novelties in the treatment and diagnosis of metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis
  • Understand the indication for renal replacement therapy in the management of lithium, metformin and glycolic poisoning
  • Know in depth the diagnosis between distal tubular acidosis and type IV tubular acidosis

Module 3. Renal Transplant and Other Blood Purification Techniques 

  • Know in depth the indications and contraindications for renal transplantation
  • Know in depth the immunosuppression guidelines in the renal transplant patient, as well as its complications
  • Understand the management of infections in the renal transplanted patient, as well as the management of acute rejection 
  • Know and expand the study of the different blood purification techniques such as plasmapheresis, adsorption techniques

You will incorporate the most up-to-date knowledge of molecular adsorption techniques and endotoxin adsorption filters into your medical practice”

Postgraduate Diploma in Update on Blood Cleansing Techniques in Nephrology

Discover the exciting world of nephrology and specialise in the latest blood purification techniques with our exclusive Postgraduate Diploma in Update on Blood Cleansing Techniques in Nephrology. At TECH Global University, we offer you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and excel in the field of renal medicine. Our program, taught through online classes, gives you the flexibility to study from the comfort of your home or office. Forget about commuting and time constraints. With TECH Global University, you will have access to quality education without compromising your lifestyle. By joining our Postgraduate Diploma in Update on Blood Cleansing Techniques in Nephrology, you will enjoy a number of exceptional benefits. Our online classes will allow you to access the study materials anytime, anywhere, tailoring your learning schedule to your needs.

Explore the advances in nephrology

Our program has been designed by experts in nephrology, ensuring the quality and relevance of the content. You will immerse yourself in the latest techniques and advances in blood purification, acquiring up-to-date, practical knowledge that will set you apart as a medical professional. In this program, you will delve into the particularities of blood purification techniques, including haemodialysis, haemofiltration and haemodiafiltration. You will learn how to use the most advanced devices and interpret the results obtained, providing your patients with quality, cutting-edge care. In addition, you will become familiar with the key aspects related to safety and infection control in blood purification procedures, ensuring the best care for your patients and the prevention of complications. Don't miss this opportunity for professional growth. Join TECH Global University's Postgraduate Diploma in Update on Blood Cleansing Techniques in Nephrology and become a reference in the field of renal medicine. Your future is in your hands.