
This program will allow you to enhance your skills and become a successful journalist in the radio world" 


Radio is one of the sectors with more followers, given that it has been one of the most popular since its beginnings. Its immediacy and the possibility of enjoying it from anywhere have made the success of this format possible.

Likewise, being an immediate channel of communication, radio is used by many journalists worldwide. Being a sound format allows them to be effective and punctual with the different models of journalism offered. Throughout history, the most striking models within radio have been: newscasts, interviews, radio soap operas and informative talk shows, many of them starting from social, cultural, economic, sports and international events.

It must be taken into account that the transmission of information can be carried out through different media and, specifically, this professional master’s degree aims to specialize students in Radio Journalism.

The syllabus covers everything from the theory of journalism to the writing process, a basic element in any journalistic format, or advertising. But it also covers two fundamental sectors in the world of radio: sports and cultural journalism. In addition, as it could not be any other way, a fundamental part of this professional master’s degree is aimed at learning about the particularities of Radio Journalism and communication.

This program is the most complete qualification directed towards the professional in the field of journalism and communication to reach a higher level of performance, based on the fundamentals and the latest trends in radio. Take advantage of the opportunity and become a professional with solid fundamentals through this educational program and the latest educational technology 100% online.

Work with the best teaching professionals in this professional master’s degree with excellent curricular value" 

This professional master’s degree in Radio Journalism contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Radio Journalism
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest developments in Radio Journalism
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • A special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the field of Radio Journalism
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student in radio
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree is perfect for you to know how to tell the story you want to tell and do it in a professional way" 

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the world of journalism, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. To this end, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned and experienced experts in Radio Journalism.

Don't miss the opportunity to increase your skills in Radio Journalism”


Know the latest trends in Radio Journalism and be the best in this sector”


This professional master’s degree is aimed at professional journalists, so that they can acquire the necessary tools to develop in the field, learning about the latest trends and delving into the issues that are at the forefront of this branch of knowledge. Only with the right preparation, the journalist will be able to express what they want through the radio. 


The professional master’s degree in Radio Journalism will allow you to specialize in this sector of communication"

General Objective

  • Achieve the necessary knowledge to write, broadcast and transmit information, through the different journalistic genres for radio and television

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Journalism Theory

  • Mastering the journalistic tradition from its origins to the present day, with a focus on the main media, journalists and important news coverage
  • Analyze the different types of newspapers and their contents
  • Know the main journalistic tools and their selection criteria
  • Know and analyze the elements of the newspaper

Module 2. Audiovisual Narrative

  • Understand the importance of audiovisual narrative in today's communication environment
  • Master the basic guidelines that govern audiovisual communication for the elaboration of different radio genres
  • Know the particularities of audiovisual discourse
  • Know the fundamental concepts of visual narrative

Module 3. Informative Documentation

  • Identify the professional profiles of journalists, as well as the main skills required of them in their professional practice
  • Locating, retrieving and using information, as well as providing a vision of the current situation of documentation in its different facets
  • Documenting information processes and handling new technologies related to document processing
  • Provide a practical vision of the work of a documentalist in the media
  • Master the elements of the information and knowledge society

Module 4. Advertising Theory

  • Understand the theories of advertising, marketing, public relations and corporate communication
  • Know the origin, evolution and economic and social impact of advertising
  • Know how to describe the structure of advertising agencies
  • Know the basic notions about advertising and marketing
  • Delimit each one of the functions for the management of the information enterprise highlighting their main applications

Module 5. Radio Communication

  • Use informative and communicative technologies and techniques in the different media or combined and interactive media systems
  • Bring knowledge, ideas and debates of informative content to society through the different journalistic modalities and the different media
  • Know the history of broadcasting at the national and international level, as well as its impact on society
  • Know and understand the structure of the radio landscape and its particularities in today's environment
  • Master the basic guidelines that govern radio communication for the elaboration of the different radio genres
  • Know the main milestones in the history of radio broadcasting

Module 6. Broadcast Journalism

  • Understand the structure of the media and their main formats as expressions of the lifestyles and cultures of the societies in which they play their public role
  • Know the historical evolution of contemporary Spanish, European and international journalistic modes and traditions based on the analysis and research of the messages they
  • transmit and their social impact
  • Act as a communication professional in accordance with the legal and deontological rules of the profession
  • Distinguish the elements involved in the elaboration of the radio message
  • Distinguish the types of radio programs and their composition
  • Know the evolution of radio information

Module 7. Sports Journalism

  • Write journalistic pieces in the sports field according to the specifications of the different informative genres (news), interpretative (chronicle, interview and report) and opinion (editorial, column, article, etc.)
  • Know the ins and outs of the sports press
  • Analyze sports programming on the radio 
  • Analyze trends in sports programming on radio

Module 8. Cultural Journalism

  • Understand the importance of culture in the field of journalism 
  • Analyze journalistic texts related to the cultural and artistic field
  • Analyze cultural contents in different communication channels
  • Write texts according to the different journalistic genres of information, interpretation and opinion, closely related to the dissemination of culture

Module 9. Information Company

  • Identify the functions and strategies deployed by organizations to be present in the media or to promote better communication with customers, suppliers and employees
  • Understand the necessary mechanisms, at the organizational level, to develop the different aspects of a communication company and its performance in a globalized context
  • Know the types of information companies that exist
  • Understand how an information company is structured

Module 10. Public Opinion

  • Situate the public function of the journalist as a guide of public opinion and in relation to the role of the newspaper as a political actor and social mediator
  • Know and identify the multiple expressions, phenomena and processes of public opinion
  • Reflect with theoretical soundness and empirical rigor on the processes by which the journalistic profession helps to build and express public opinion
  • Express and act on public opinion, using all the methods, languages and technological supports available to journalism today
  • Know the concept of public opinion

Develop your skills to become a versatile journalist at the forefront of the latest trends” 

Professional Master's Degree in Radio Journalism


It was on October 30, 1938 when broadcaster and screenwriter Orson Welles (later a film director) aired a radio episode of ""The War of the Worlds"" based on the work of the same name by writer H.G. Wells. The narrative form that Welles used to tell the story was so innovative and convincing that an entire population believed that an extraterrestrial invasion was actually taking place, which led to mass panic and chaos. The curious misunderstanding went down in history as one of the most unforgettable lessons: the tremendous power of the media, including radio. The Professional Master's Degree in Radio Journalism offered by TECH Global University brings you closer to one of the informative and entertainment tools that continues to have a great boom despite the diversification of technological media. We will train you to reinforce and update some of the basic fundamentals of journalism in its broadest dimension, as well as audiovisual narrative and advertising theory. Once you have the solid foundations for the full development of the profession, we will teach you about radio communication in its most varied aspects, including cultural and sports journalism, which are in great demand in the market. Do you want to be a milestone through a microphone as Orson Welles did? With TECH you are about to achieve it.

Study and be part of the new radio revolution


Contrary to what most would think, digital media did not manage to undermine the power of radio, on the contrary, they renewed it. In countries like Spain, more than 25.5 million people listen to the radio every day according to a report by the Association for Media Research (AIMC). In other countries such as Peru, the number of daily radio listeners is 79.5% of the total population. The birth of podcasts also meant a reinvention of the radio model in the face of the expansion of the Internet: it increased by 40% in 2 years according to a study by the EncuestaPod portal carried out in 2021 and will continue to grow by 30% as a highly profitable market for the next five years, according to the consulting firm Deloitte. Through our Professional Master's Degree you will have the highest curricular competencies to be part of this new radio wave. An innovative platform and a team of experts in the field are waiting for you to become the professional you dream of.