
María Teresa Oserín Pérez is a nurse with extensive specialization in Health Emergency Services. To achieve this extensive knowledge, she has developed numerous courses and postgraduate programs. These include topics such as disaster care, management of chronic pathologies, Life Support in Severe Trauma, Advanced Pediatric and Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Basic Life Support Monitoring, and many others.  

In addition, she regularly participates in congresses and scientific conferences where she has presented several communications, analyzing results and procedures of her daily practice. At the same time, she is a member of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES).  

  • Nurse of the 061 Service for Health Emergencies of the Community of La Rioja
  • Nurse at the Polyclinic of La Rioja Nuestra Señora de Valvanera
  • Nurse at La Rioja Hospital 
  • University Diploma in Nursing from the University of La Rioja
  • Member of:  
    • Professional College of Nursing 
    • Spanish Society of Emergencies and Emergencies (SEMES)
Programmes in collaboration with

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