
The A1 Portugese Language Course is an intensive program that prepares students for Level A1 Portuguese of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The main objective is to help the student acquire the skills they need to be able to certify their level and to promote their personal and professional growth by helping them learn Portuguese. This will ease the way for them to obtain the change they are looking for in their professional life. 

With this program you will not only lay the foundations for learning Brazilian Portuguese, but you will also be prepared to pass the Level A1 test" 

Portuguese is one of the most important languages in the world. Hundreds of millions of people speak it around the world, and it has become one of the most sought-after options for those who wish to learn new languages. In addition, it has become a language conducive to doing business, as Brazil is being seen as a new economic powerhouse. For this reason, this language course prepares the student to acquire skills in this language that will help them reach new professional and personal opportunities. 

Start mastering Brazilian Portuguese with this comprehensive language training program.
TECH offers you more than 200 different activities and prepares you intensively to obtain the CEFR Portuguese certificate.

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks” 

José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

A unique and stimulating experience 

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 Flexible and Tailored 

Take the best language course from home, at your own pace and according to your availability and schedule. 

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Acquire Skills and Abilities

With our method, you will practice and consolidate the skills required for this level. 

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Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world. 


The A1 Portuguese Language Course is entirely designed for the student to acquire the skills required to take the exam that certifies their level and to pass it not only through practice, training, repetition and personalized monitoring, but also through the personalized monitoring and pedagogical excellence of the TECH method. At the end of the program, the student will be able to certify their A1 Level and continue to advance in the study of the language. 

curso conversacion objetivos

Practice the skills and abilities required by the A1 CEFR: more than 240 different practice exercises" 

General Objectives

  • Solve simple communicative tasks and perform the basic functions of these tasks, both in an educational environment and in everyday situations
  • Interact and express yourself in these situations in an elementary but adequate way in a standard register of spoken and written language 
  • Define the most relevant social aspects of everyday life situations and recognize the most common forms of social relationships
  • Use the linguistic resources necessary to get by in basic communication situations
  • Develop resources and tools that enable them to assess and improve their own learning and use of the language

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Objetivos Específicos

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Oral Comprehension 

  • Understand speech that is very slow, carefully articulated and with enough pauses to assimilate the meaning
  • Understand instructions that are explained slowly and carefully, and is able to follow directions if they are simple and short 
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Reading Comprehension 

  • Understand very short and simple texts, reading sentence by sentence, picking up basic and common names, words and phrases, and rereading as needed
  • Understand short and simple messages on postcards 
  • Recognize names, words and very basic phrases that appear on signs and in the most common situations 
  • Understand the meaning of simple informative material and short and simple descriptions, especially if there is visual support 
  • Understand written directions if they are short and simple (e.g., how to get from one place to another) 
En el curso de preparación de la prueba del nivel A1 del MCER de TECH vas a encontrar más de 300 actividades de pronunciación y fonética.
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 Written Expression 

  • Ask for and provide information about personal details in writing 
  • Write short and simple postcards 
  • Write numbers and dates, their name, nationality, address, age, date of birth or date of arrival in a country, as is done, for example, in a hotel registration book
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Oral Expression

  • Engage in conversations in a straightforward manner, but communication is totally dependent on slower-paced repetitions, rephrasing and rectifications 
  • Ask and answer simple questions, make simple statements, and respond to statements made to them in areas of immediate need or on very everyday topics 
  • Understand common expressions aimed at satisfying simple, everyday needs as , long as the interlocutor collaborates by addressing them in clear, slow speech and repeats what they do not understand 
  • Understands questions and instructions addressed to them clearly and slowly, understanding simple and brief directions 
  • Introduce oneself and use basic greetings and farewell expressions. Ask how people are doing and express their reactions to the news 
    Understand everyday expressions aimed at satisfying simple concrete needs provided that the speaker collaborates by addressing them in clear, slow speech and repeats what they do not understand 
  • Understand questions and instructions if spoken slowly and carefully, and understand short, simple directions on how to get to a place. Ask someone for something, and vice versa 
  • Ask someone for something, and vice versa. Good command of numbers, quantities, prices and schedules 
  • Make time indications by means of sentences such as, for example, "next week, last Friday, in November, at three o'clock" 
  • Respond in an interview to simple and direct questions about personal data, if spoken very slowly and clearly without idioms or set phrases 


Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic Competence 

  • Become familiar with the most relevant social aspects of everyday life situations, as well as with those related to their own field, which will result in the basic adaptation of their behavior to these situations and in the understanding or adequate use of the lexicon and functional exponents
  • Recognize and use the most common forms of social relations and treatment, within a standard register. In regular social situations, recognize and use the usual forms of address used to greet, say goodbye, address someone, give thanks, apologize, ask permission, take an interest in people and respond to an offer
  • Understand the behaviors and values that are different from one's own and that underlie the most evident and everyday socio-cultural aspects
preparacion clase idiomas objetivos


Linguistic Competence 

  • Manage a basic repertoire of vocabulary and expressions related to the most common situations and functions foreseen in the curriculum
  • Develop a very limited control of linguistic resources, with systematic errors that usually occur at this level

To consolidate all these skills, you will have access to more than 400 lexical, vocabulary and sociocultural activities” 



Did you know?

Communicative competence is not merely limited to the knowledge and ability to use the linguistic code, but has other broader dimensions, which place it in direct relation with other competences such as information processing and digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competence, or cultural and artistic competence.

This implies a cultural immersion that is only possible to recreate in the online format through simulated scenarios, storytelling, videos and real situations. 

Only TECH offers videos with the 130 specific situations required to master the CEFR A1.

A1 Portuguese Language Course

Portuguese is a language that evokes passion and joy; the poet Olavo Bilac called it ""the last flower of Lazio"", while certain jovial rhythms such as samba and lambada use it to compose their songs. It is also a key language in international communication, as it is the third most spoken language using the Latin alphabet and the first in the southern hemisphere, including some African nations such as Mozambique, Angola and Cape Verde. If you are interested in this language and would like to speak it or get certified in it, TECH Global University offers you the A1 Portuguese Language Course, a 100% online program structured with the latest digital interaction and multilingual teaching methods, which guarantees an immersive, dynamic, highly efficient and flexible experience, with self-regulated classes that you can freely adapt to your routine. We include practical exercises and unique audiovisual material that will help you develop new language skills.

Learn Portuguese online with TECH

If you are looking for an educational alternative that will give greater visibility to your resume and make it highly competitive in today's job market, having Portuguese basics is the perfect option, as it is a language that has great value abroad. According to a study by the British Council, it has been considered a vital language in the United Kingdom. In countries such as Spain, the regional governments of Extremadura and Andalusia have promoted its use as an optional foreign language, while in Uruguay and Argentina it is taught as a compulsory language in schools, as well as in several African populations. By accessing this course you have, therefore, an infallible academic and work advantage. TECH offers you autonomous learning, based on the knowledge of a multilingual team with extensive experience and the requirements of the CEFR. Here, you will find innovative multimedia content that breaks down various modules (personal presentation, family, tastes, routine, city, etc.) in which you will obtain useful grammatical, linguistic and phonetic skills. Take advantage of this course and enroll now!